{ The solutions proposed so far to this problem have ignored the fact that there was a way to use high intensity back- ground in CGA screens by direct addressing the video port. The following procedure works with EGA/VGA as well as CGA (and possibly MDA?) videos: (I skipped function GetAdapterType that should return the AdapterType as indicated). -Jose- } procedure ToggleBlink(Blink: Boolean); var Adapter : AdapterType; regs : registers; port_ : word; begin Adapter:= GetAdapterType; if Adapter in [CGA,MDA] then begin if Adapter = CGA then port_:= $03D8 else port_:= $03B8; if not Blink then PortW[port_]:= MemW[$0040:$0065] and $00DF else PortW[port_]:= MemW[$0040:$0065] or $0020; end else if (Adapter in [VGAColor,EGAColor,VGAMono,EGAMono]) then begin if not Blink then regs.bl:= $00 else regs.bl:= $01; regs.ah:= $10; regs.al:= $03; intr($10,regs); end; end;