{..$define First} { disable to force loading of file } {use this if you launch the program for the first time (you also may add a code to detect if the file already exiists but... normally, you should use this option once.} program GenSmallCar; {CopyRight Thierry De Leeuw 1994} uses crt, dos, graph; Type TSmallCar = Array [0..8] of Byte; PSmallCar = ^TSmallCar; var SmallCar : Array[32..180] of PSmallCar; Buffer : Array[0..7,0..8] of Char; grDriver : Integer; grMode : Integer; ErrCode : Integer; EnCours : Byte; Procedure ReserveMemoire; var i : byte; begin For i := 32 to 180 do begin New(SmallCar[i]); end; end; procedure ChargeTable; var Fichier : Text; i : byte; j : byte; begin {$Ifndef First} Assign(Fichier, 'Small.FON'); Reset(Fichier); {$Endif} For i := 32 to 180 do begin for j := 0 to 8 do begin {$IFDEF First} SmallCar[i]^[j] := 0; {$Else} readLn(Fichier, SmallCar[i]^[j]); {$Endif} end; {$Ifndef First} Readln(Fichier); {$Endif} end; {$Ifndef First} Close(Fichier); {$endif} end; function Analyse(Valeur: byte) : String; var Tmp : String[19]; begin Tmp := ' '; Analyse := Tmp end; Procedure Update(No : Byte); var i : byte; j : byte; begin ClrScr; LowVideo; GotoXY(22,1); Write('Edition du caractŠre n๘ ',No:3,' - "',Chr(No),'".'); GotoXY(22,2); Write('ออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออ'); gotoXY(30,4); Write('ษอออออออออออออออออป'); gotoXY(30,5); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(30,6); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(30,7); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(30,8); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(30,9); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(30,10); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(30,11); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(30,12); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(30,13); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(30,14); Write('ศอออออออออออออออออผ'); For i := 0 to 8 do begin gotoXY(31,5+i); For j := 0 to 7 do Write(' ' + Buffer[j,i]); end; end; Procedure Bufferize(No : Byte); var i : byte; begin for i := 0 to 8 do begin if SmallCar[No]^[i] and 1 <> 0 then Buffer[0,i] := '*' else Buffer[0,i] := '๚'; if SmallCar[No]^[i] and 2 <> 0 then Buffer[1,i] := '*' else Buffer[1,i] := '๚'; if SmallCar[No]^[i] and 4 <> 0 then Buffer[2,i] := '*' else Buffer[2,i] := '๚'; if SmallCar[No]^[i] and 8 <> 0 then Buffer[3,i] := '*' else Buffer[3,i] := '๚'; if SmallCar[No]^[i] and 16 <> 0 then Buffer[4,i] := '*' else Buffer[4,i] := '๚'; if SmallCar[No]^[i] and 32 <> 0 then Buffer[5,i] := '*' else Buffer[5,i] := '๚'; if SmallCar[No]^[i] and 64 <> 0 then Buffer[6,i] := '*' else Buffer[6,i] := '๚'; if SmallCar[No]^[i] and 128 <> 0 then Buffer[7,i] := '*' else Buffer[7,i] := '๚'; end; end; procedure Encode(No : Byte); var i,j : byte; begin for i := 0 to 8 do begin SmallCar[No]^[i] := 0; if Buffer[0,i] = '*' then SmallCar[No]^[i] := 1; if Buffer[1,i] = '*' then SmallCar[No]^[i] := SmallCar[No]^[i] + 2; if Buffer[2,i] = '*' then SmallCar[No]^[i] := SmallCar[No]^[i] + 4; if Buffer[3,i] = '*' then SmallCar[No]^[i] := SmallCar[No]^[i] + 8; if Buffer[4,i] = '*' then SmallCar[No]^[i] := SmallCar[No]^[i] + 16; if Buffer[5,i] = '*' then SmallCar[No]^[i] := SmallCar[No]^[i] + 32; if Buffer[6,i] = '*' then SmallCar[No]^[i] := SmallCar[No]^[i] + 64; if Buffer[7,i] = '*' then SmallCar[No]^[i] := SmallCar[No]^[i] + 128; end; end; procedure Preview; var i, j : byte; begin initGraph(grDriver,GrMode,'\turbo\tp\'); for i := 0 to 8 do begin for j := 0 to 7 do begin if Buffer[j,i] = '*' then putpixel(j+GetMaxX div 2 ,i+GetMaxY div 2,15); end; end; readkey; closeGraph; end; procedure PreviewAll; var i, j, k : byte; begin initGraph(grDriver,GrMode,'\turbo\tp\'); for k := 32 to 96 do begin Bufferize(k); for i := 0 to 8 do begin for j := 0 to 7 do begin if Buffer[j,i] = '*' then putpixel(j+(k-32) * 9 ,i+GetMaxY div 2-10,15); end; end; end; for k := 97 to 180 do begin Bufferize(k); for i := 0 to 8 do begin for j := 0 to 7 do begin if Buffer[j,i] = '*' then putpixel(j+(k-97) * 9 ,i+GetMaxY div 2+10,15); end; end; end; readkey; closeGraph; end; function Edit(No : byte) : Char; var x, y : byte; car : Char; Sortie : Boolean; Go : byte; begin UpDate(No); x := 0; y := 0; Sortie := false; repeat GotoXY(32 + 2*x,5+y); HighVideo; Write(Buffer[x,y]); GotoXY(32 + 2*x,5+y); repeat until keypressed; car := ReadKey; GotoXY(32 + 2*x,5+y); LowVideo; Write(Buffer[x,y]); if (car = 'q') or (car = 'Q') then car := #13; if car = #0 then car := ReadKey; case car of '2',chr(80) : if y = 8 then y := 0 else inc(y); '8',chr(72) : if y = 0 then y := 8 else dec(y); '4',chr(75) : if x = 0 then x := 7 else dec(x); '6',chr(77) : if x = 7 then x := 0 else inc(x); ' ' : if Buffer[x,y] = '*' then Buffer[x,y] := '๚' else Buffer[x,y] := '*'; #13, #81, #73 : Sortie := true; #27 : Sortie := True; 'G','g' : begin GotoXY(20,24); Write('Aller … quel code ascii ? '); Read(Go); if (Go >= 32) and (go <= 180) then begin Encode(No); EnCours := Go -1; Car := #81; Sortie := true; end; GotoXY(1,24); ClrEol; end; 'v' : begin Preview; update(No); end; 'a' : begin Encode(No); PreviewAll; Bufferize(No); Update(No); end; end; until (sortie); Encode(No); Edit := Car; end; procedure EditeTable; var fin : boolean; Car : char; Car_Retour : char; begin fin := false; Encours := 32; repeat Bufferize(Encours); Car_Retour := Edit(EnCours); case car_Retour of #13 : begin gotoXY(20,24); Write('Quitter ? '); Car := UpCase(readKey); GotoXY(1,24); ClrEol; if Car = 'O' then Fin := true; end; #81 : begin if EnCours = 180 then Encours := 32 else inc(EnCours); end; #73 : begin if EnCours = 32 then Encours := 180 else dec(EnCours); end; #27 : begin gotoXY(20,24); Write('Abandon des modifications ? '); Car := UpCase(readKey); GotoXY(1,24); ClrEol; if Car = 'O' then Halt(0); end; end; until fin; end; procedure SauveTable; var Fichier : Text; i : byte; j : byte; begin Assign(Fichier, 'Small.FON'); Rewrite(Fichier); For i := 32 to 180 do begin for j := 0 to 8 do begin writeLn(Fichier, SmallCar[i]^[j]); end; WriteLn(Fichier); end; Close(Fichier); end; begin DetectGraph(GrDriver, GrMode); InitGraph(grDriver, grMode,'\turbo\tp\'); ErrCode := GraphResult; if ErrCode <> grOk then begin Writeln('Graphics error:', GraphErrorMsg(ErrCode)); Halt(255); end; CloseGraph; NormVideo; ReserveMemoire; ChargeTable; EditeTable; SauveTable; end. {$define} {same remark as above} program GenMidCar; {CopyRight Thierry De Leeuw 1994} uses crt, dos, graph; Type TMidCar = Array [0..18] of Word; PMidCar = ^TMidCar; var MidCar : Array[32..180] of PMidCar; Buffer : Array[0..15,0..18] of Char; grDriver : Integer; grMode : Integer; ErrCode : Integer; EnCours : Byte; Procedure ReserveMemoire; var i : byte; begin For i := 32 to 180 do begin New(MidCar[i]); end; end; procedure ChargeTable; var Fichier : Text; i : byte; j : byte; begin {$Ifndef First} Assign(Fichier, 'Mid.FON'); Reset(Fichier); {$Endif} For i := 32 to 180 do begin for j := 0 to 18 do begin {$IFDEF First} MidCar[i]^[j] := 0; {$Else} readLn(Fichier, MidCar[i]^[j]); {$Endif} end; {$Ifndef First} Readln(Fichier); {$Endif} end; {$Ifndef First} Close(Fichier); {$endif} end; function Analyse(Valeur: byte) : String; var Tmp : String[19]; begin Tmp := ' '; Analyse := Tmp end; Procedure Update(No : Byte); var i : byte; j : byte; begin ClrScr; LowVideo; GotoXY(22,1); Write('Edition du caractŠre n๘ ',No:3,' - "',Chr(No),'".'); GotoXY(22,2); Write('ออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออ'); gotoXY(20,4); Write('ษอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป'); gotoXY(20,5); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,6); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,7); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,8); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,9); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,10); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,11); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,12); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,13); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,14); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,15); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,16); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,17); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,18); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,19); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,20); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,21); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,22); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,23); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(20,24); Write('ศอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ'); For i := 0 to 18 do begin gotoXY(21,5+i); For j := 0 to 15 do Write(' ' + Buffer[j,i]); end; end; Procedure Bufferize(No : Byte); var i : byte; begin for i := 0 to 18 do begin if MidCar[No]^[i] and 1 <> 0 then Buffer[0,i] := '*' else Buffer[0,i] := '๚'; if MidCar[No]^[i] and 2 <> 0 then Buffer[1,i] := '*' else Buffer[1,i] := '๚'; if MidCar[No]^[i] and 4 <> 0 then Buffer[2,i] := '*' else Buffer[2,i] := '๚'; if MidCar[No]^[i] and 8 <> 0 then Buffer[3,i] := '*' else Buffer[3,i] := '๚'; if MidCar[No]^[i] and 16 <> 0 then Buffer[4,i] := '*' else Buffer[4,i] := '๚'; if MidCar[No]^[i] and 32 <> 0 then Buffer[5,i] := '*' else Buffer[5,i] := '๚'; if MidCar[No]^[i] and 64 <> 0 then Buffer[6,i] := '*' else Buffer[6,i] := '๚'; if MidCar[No]^[i] and 128 <> 0 then Buffer[7,i] := '*' else Buffer[7,i] := '๚'; if MidCar[No]^[i] and 256 <> 0 then Buffer[8,i] := '*' else Buffer[8,i] := '๚'; if MidCar[No]^[i] and 512 <> 0 then Buffer[9,i] := '*' else Buffer[9,i] := '๚'; if MidCar[No]^[i] and 1024 <> 0 then Buffer[10,i] := '*' else Buffer[10,i] := '๚'; if MidCar[No]^[i] and 2048 <> 0 then Buffer[11,i] := '*' else Buffer[11,i] := '๚'; if MidCar[No]^[i] and 4096 <> 0 then Buffer[12,i] := '*' else Buffer[12,i] := '๚'; if MidCar[No]^[i] and 8192 <> 0 then Buffer[13,i] := '*' else Buffer[13,i] := '๚'; if MidCar[No]^[i] and 16384 <> 0 then Buffer[14,i] := '*' else Buffer[14,i] := '๚'; if MidCar[No]^[i] and 32768 <> 0 then Buffer[15,i] := '*' else Buffer[15,i] := '๚'; end; end; procedure Encode(No : Byte); var i,j : byte; begin for i := 0 to 18 do begin MidCar[No]^[i] := 0; if Buffer[0,i] = '*' then MidCar[No]^[i] := 1; if Buffer[1,i] = '*' then MidCar[No]^[i] := MidCar[No]^[i] + 2; if Buffer[2,i] = '*' then MidCar[No]^[i] := MidCar[No]^[i] + 4; if Buffer[3,i] = '*' then MidCar[No]^[i] := MidCar[No]^[i] + 8; if Buffer[4,i] = '*' then MidCar[No]^[i] := MidCar[No]^[i] + 16; if Buffer[5,i] = '*' then MidCar[No]^[i] := MidCar[No]^[i] + 32; if Buffer[6,i] = '*' then MidCar[No]^[i] := MidCar[No]^[i] + 64; if Buffer[7,i] = '*' then MidCar[No]^[i] := MidCar[No]^[i] + 128; if Buffer[8,i] = '*' then MidCar[No]^[i] := MidCar[No]^[i] + 256; if Buffer[9,i] = '*' then MidCar[No]^[i] := MidCar[No]^[i] + 512; if Buffer[10,i] = '*' then MidCar[No]^[i] := MidCar[No]^[i] + 1024; if Buffer[11,i] = '*' then MidCar[No]^[i] := MidCar[No]^[i] + 2048; if Buffer[12,i] = '*' then MidCar[No]^[i] := MidCar[No]^[i] + 4096; if Buffer[13,i] = '*' then MidCar[No]^[i] := MidCar[No]^[i] + 8192; if Buffer[14,i] = '*' then MidCar[No]^[i] := MidCar[No]^[i] + 16384; if Buffer[15,i] = '*' then MidCar[No]^[i] := MidCar[No]^[i] + 32768; end; end; procedure Preview; var i, j : byte; begin initGraph(grDriver,GrMode,'\turbo\tp\'); for i := 0 to 18 do begin for j := 0 to 15 do begin if Buffer[j,i] = '*' then putpixel(j+GetMaxX div 2 ,i+GetMaxY div 2,15); end; end; readkey; closeGraph; end; procedure PreviewAll; var i, j, k : byte; begin initGraph(grDriver,GrMode,'\turbo\tp\'); for k := 32 to 64 do begin Bufferize(k); for i := 0 to 18 do begin for j := 0 to 15 do begin if Buffer[j,i] = '*' then putpixel(j+(k-32) * 18 ,i+GetMaxY div 2-20,15); end; end; end; for k := 65 to 96 do begin Bufferize(k); for i := 0 to 18 do begin for j := 0 to 15 do begin if Buffer[j,i] = '*' then putpixel(j+(k-65) * 18 ,i+GetMaxY div 2+10,15); end; end; end; for k := 97 to 127 do begin Bufferize(k); for i := 0 to 18 do begin for j := 0 to 15 do begin if Buffer[j,i] = '*' then putpixel(j+(k-97) * 18 ,i+GetMaxY div 2+30,15); end; end; end; for k := 128 to 155 do begin Bufferize(k); for i := 0 to 18 do begin for j := 0 to 15 do begin if Buffer[j,i] = '*' then putpixel(j+(k-128) * 18 ,i+GetMaxY div 2+50,15); end; end; end; for k := 156 to 180 do begin Bufferize(k); for i := 0 to 18 do begin for j := 0 to 15 do begin if Buffer[j,i] = '*' then putpixel(j+(k-156) * 18 ,i+GetMaxY div 2+70,15); end; end; end; readkey; closeGraph; end; function Edit(No : byte) : Char; var x, y : byte; car : Char; Sortie : Boolean; Go : byte; CaracTempo : char; begin UpDate(No); x := 0; y := 0; Sortie := false; repeat GotoXY(22 + 2*x,5+y); HighVideo; Write(Buffer[x,y]); GotoXY(22 + 2*x,5+y); repeat until keypressed; car := ReadKey; GotoXY(22 + 2*x,5+y); LowVideo; Write(Buffer[x,y]); if (car = 'q') or (car = 'Q') then car := #13; if car = #0 then car := ReadKey; case car of '2',chr(80) : if y = 18 then y := 0 else inc(y); '8',chr(72) : if y = 0 then y := 18 else dec(y); '4',chr(75) : if x = 0 then x := 15 else dec(x); '6',chr(77) : if x = 15 then x := 0 else inc(x); ' ' : if Buffer[x,y] = '*' then Buffer[x,y] := '๚' else Buffer[x,y] := '*'; #13, #81, #73 : Sortie := true; #27 : Sortie := True; 'G','g' : begin GotoXY(20,24); Write('Aller … quel code ascii ? '); Read(Go); if (Go >= 32) and (go <= 180) then begin Encode(No); EnCours := Go -1; Car := #81; Sortie := true; end; GotoXY(1,24); ClrEol; end; 'v', 'V' : begin Preview; update(No); end; 'a', 'A' : begin Encode(No); PreviewAll; Bufferize(No); Update(No); end; 'c', 'C' : begin gotoXY(20,24); Write('Copier quel caractŠre ? '); CaracTempo := ReadKey; if CaracTempo <> #13 then begin Bufferize(ord(CaracTempo)); UpDate(EnCOurs); end; GotoXY(20,24); ClrEol; end; end; until (sortie); Encode(No); Edit := Car; end; procedure EditeTable; var fin : boolean; Car : char; Car_Retour : char; begin fin := false; Encours := 32; repeat Bufferize(Encours); Car_Retour := Edit(EnCours); case car_Retour of #13 : begin gotoXY(20,24); Write('Quitter ? '); Car := UpCase(readKey); GotoXY(1,24); ClrEol; if Car = 'O' then Fin := true; end; #81 : begin if EnCours = 180 then Encours := 32 else inc(EnCours); end; #73 : begin if EnCours = 32 then Encours := 180 else dec(EnCours); end; #27 : begin gotoXY(20,24); Write('Abandon des modifications ? '); Car := UpCase(readKey); GotoXY(1,24); ClrEol; if Car = 'O' then Halt(0); end; end; until fin; end; procedure SauveTable; var Fichier : Text; i : byte; j : byte; begin Assign(Fichier, 'Mid.FON'); Rewrite(Fichier); For i := 32 to 180 do begin for j := 0 to 18 do begin writeLn(Fichier, MidCar[i]^[j]); end; WriteLn(Fichier); end; Close(Fichier); end; begin DetectGraph(GrDriver, GrMode); InitGraph(grDriver, grMode,'\turbo\tp\'); ErrCode := GraphResult; if ErrCode <> grOk then begin Writeln('Graphics error:', GraphErrorMsg(ErrCode)); Halt(255); end; CloseGraph; NormVideo; ReserveMemoire; ChargeTable; EditeTable; SauveTable; end. {$define} {same remark as above} program GenMidCar; {CopyRight Thierry De Leeuw 1994} uses crt, dos, graph; Type TBigCar = Array [0..36] of LongInt; PBigCar = ^TBigCar; TEtat = (Move, delete, trace); var BigCar : Array[32..180] of PBigCar; Buffer : Array[0..31,0..36] of Char; grDriver : Integer; grMode : Integer; ErrCode : Integer; EnCours : Byte; Etat : TEtat; Procedure ReserveMemoire; var i : byte; begin For i := 32 to 180 do begin New(BigCar[i]); end; end; procedure ChargeTable; var Fichier : Text; i : byte; j : byte; begin {$Ifndef First} Assign(Fichier, 'Big.FON'); Reset(Fichier); {$Endif} For i := 32 to 180 do begin for j := 0 to 36 do begin {$IFDEF First} BigCar[i]^[j] := 0; {$Else} readLn(Fichier, BigCar[i]^[j]); {$Endif} end; {$Ifndef First} Readln(Fichier); {$Endif} end; {$Ifndef First} Close(Fichier); {$endif} end; function Analyse(Valeur: byte) : String; var Tmp : String[19]; begin Tmp := ' '; Analyse := Tmp end; Procedure Update(No : Byte); var i : byte; j : byte; begin ClrScr; textMode(258); LowVideo; GotoXY(1,1); if etat = move then write('Move') else if etat = delete then write('Delete') else if etat = trace then write('Trace'); GotoXY(22,1); Write('Edition du caractŠre n๘ ',No:3,' - "',Chr(No),'".'); GotoXY(22,2); Write('ออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออ'); gotoXY(2,4); Write('ษออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป'); gotoXY(2,5); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,6); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,7); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,8); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,9); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,10); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,11); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,12); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,13); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,14); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,15); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,16); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,17); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,18); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,19); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,20); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,21); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,22); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,23); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,24); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,25); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,26); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,27); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,28); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,29); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,30); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,31); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,32); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,33); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,34); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,35); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,36); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,37); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,38); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,39); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,40); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,41); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,42); Write('บ บ'); gotoXY(2,43); Write('ศออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ'); For i := 0 to 36 do begin gotoXY(3,5+i); For j := 0 to 31 do Write(' ' + Buffer[j,i]); end; end; Procedure Bufferize(No : Byte); var i : byte; begin for i := 0 to 36 do begin if BigCar[No]^[i] and 1 <> 0 then Buffer[0,i] := '*' else Buffer[0,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and 2 <> 0 then Buffer[1,i] := '*' else Buffer[1,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and 4 <> 0 then Buffer[2,i] := '*' else Buffer[2,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and 8 <> 0 then Buffer[3,i] := '*' else Buffer[3,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $10 <> 0 then Buffer[4,i] := '*' else Buffer[4,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $20 <> 0 then Buffer[5,i] := '*' else Buffer[5,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $40 <> 0 then Buffer[6,i] := '*' else Buffer[6,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $80 <> 0 then Buffer[7,i] := '*' else Buffer[7,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $100 <> 0 then Buffer[8,i] := '*' else Buffer[8,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $200 <> 0 then Buffer[9,i] := '*' else Buffer[9,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $400 <> 0 then Buffer[10,i] := '*' else Buffer[10,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $800 <> 0 then Buffer[11,i] := '*' else Buffer[11,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $1000 <> 0 then Buffer[12,i] := '*' else Buffer[12,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $2000 <> 0 then Buffer[13,i] := '*' else Buffer[13,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $4000 <> 0 then Buffer[14,i] := '*' else Buffer[14,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $8000 <> 0 then Buffer[15,i] := '*' else Buffer[15,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $10000 <> 0 then Buffer[16,i] := '*' else Buffer[16,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $20000 <> 0 then Buffer[17,i] := '*' else Buffer[17,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $40000 <> 0 then Buffer[18,i] := '*' else Buffer[18,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $80000 <> 0 then Buffer[19,i] := '*' else Buffer[19,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $100000 <> 0 then Buffer[20,i] := '*' else Buffer[20,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $200000 <> 0 then Buffer[21,i] := '*' else Buffer[21,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $400000 <> 0 then Buffer[22,i] := '*' else Buffer[22,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $800000 <> 0 then Buffer[23,i] := '*' else Buffer[23,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $1000000 <> 0 then Buffer[24,i] := '*' else Buffer[24,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $2000000 <> 0 then Buffer[25,i] := '*' else Buffer[25,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $4000000 <> 0 then Buffer[26,i] := '*' else Buffer[26,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $8000000 <> 0 then Buffer[27,i] := '*' else Buffer[27,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $10000000 <> 0 then Buffer[28,i] := '*' else Buffer[28,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $20000000 <> 0 then Buffer[29,i] := '*' else Buffer[29,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $40000000 <> 0 then Buffer[30,i] := '*' else Buffer[30,i] := '๚'; if BigCar[No]^[i] and $80000000 <> 0 then Buffer[31,i] := '*' else Buffer[31,i] := '๚'; end; end; procedure Encode(No : Byte); var i,j : byte; begin for i := 0 to 36 do begin BigCar[No]^[i] := 0; if Buffer[0,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := 1; if Buffer[1,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $2; if Buffer[2,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $4; if Buffer[3,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $8; if Buffer[4,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $10; if Buffer[5,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $20; if Buffer[6,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $40; if Buffer[7,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $80; if Buffer[8,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $100; if Buffer[9,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $200; if Buffer[10,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $400; if Buffer[11,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $800; if Buffer[12,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $1000; if Buffer[13,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $2000; if Buffer[14,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $4000; if Buffer[15,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $8000; if Buffer[16,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $10000; if Buffer[17,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $20000; if Buffer[18,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $40000; if Buffer[19,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $80000; if Buffer[20,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $100000; if Buffer[21,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $200000; if Buffer[22,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $400000; if Buffer[23,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $800000; if Buffer[24,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $1000000; if Buffer[25,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $2000000; if Buffer[26,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $4000000; if Buffer[27,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $8000000; if Buffer[28,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $10000000; if Buffer[29,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $20000000; if Buffer[30,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $40000000; if Buffer[31,i] = '*' then BigCar[No]^[i] := BigCar[No]^[i] + $80000000; end; end; procedure Preview; var i, j : byte; begin initGraph(grDriver,GrMode,'\turbo\tp\'); for i := 0 to 36 do begin for j := 0 to 31 do begin if Buffer[j,i] = '*' then putpixel(j+GetMaxX div 2 ,i+GetMaxY div 2,15); end; end; readkey; closeGraph; end; procedure PreviewAll; var i, j, k : byte; begin initGraph(grDriver,GrMode,'\turbo\tp\'); for k := 32 to 47 do begin Bufferize(k); for i := 0 to 36 do begin for j := 0 to 31 do begin if Buffer[j,i] = '*' then putpixel(j+(k-32) * 36 ,i+20,15); end; end; end; for k := 48 to 96 do begin Bufferize(k); for i := 0 to 36 do begin for j := 0 to 31 do begin if Buffer[j,i] = '*' then putpixel(j+(k-48) * 36 ,i+60,15); end; end; end; for k := 97 to 127 do begin Bufferize(k); for i := 0 to 36 do begin for j := 0 to 31 do begin if Buffer[j,i] = '*' then putpixel(j+(k-97) * 36 ,i+100,15); end; end; end; for k := 128 to 155 do begin Bufferize(k); for i := 0 to 36 do begin for j := 0 to 31 do begin if Buffer[j,i] = '*' then putpixel(j+(k-128) * 36 ,i+140,15); end; end; end; for k := 156 to 180 do begin Bufferize(k); for i := 0 to 36 do begin for j := 0 to 31 do begin if Buffer[j,i] = '*' then putpixel(j+(k-156) * 36 ,i+GetMaxY div 2+70,15); end; end; end; readkey; closeGraph; end; function Edit(No : byte) : Char; var x, y : byte; car : Char; Sortie : Boolean; Go : byte; CaracTempo : char; begin UpDate(No); x := 0; y := 0; Sortie := false; Etat := Move; repeat GotoXY(1,1); Write(' '); gotoxy(1,1); if etat = move then write('Move') else if etat = delete then write('Delete') else if etat = trace then write('Trace'); GotoXY(60,1); write('(',x:2,' , ',y:2,')'); GotoXY(4 + 2*x,5+y); HighVideo; Write(Buffer[x,y]); GotoXY(4 + 2*x,5+y); repeat until keypressed; car := ReadKey; GotoXY(4 + 2*x,5+y); LowVideo; Write(Buffer[x,y]); if (car = 'q') or (car = 'Q') then car := #13; if car = #0 then car := ReadKey; case car of '2',chr(80) : begin if y = 36 then y := 0 else inc(y); if etat = trace then buffer[x,y] := '*' else if etat = delete then buffer[x,y] := '๚'; end; '8',chr(72) : begin if y = 0 then y := 36 else dec(y); if etat = trace then buffer[x,y] := '*' else if etat = delete then buffer[x,y] := '๚'; end; '4',chr(75) : begin if x = 0 then x := 31 else dec(x); if etat = trace then buffer[x,y] := '*' else if etat = delete then buffer[x,y] := '๚'; end; '6',chr(77) : Begin if x = 31 then x := 0 else inc(x); if etat = trace then buffer[x,y] := '*' else if etat = delete then buffer[x,y] := '๚'; end; '1',chr(80) : begin if y = 36 then y := 0 else inc(y); if x = 0 then x := 31 else dec(x); if etat = trace then buffer[x,y] := '*' else if etat = delete then buffer[x,y] := '๚'; end; '7',chr(72) : begin if y = 0 then y := 36 else dec(y); if x = 0 then x := 31 else dec(x); if etat = trace then buffer[x,y] := '*' else if etat = delete then buffer[x,y] := '๚'; end; '9',chr(75) : begin if x = 31 then x := 0 else inc(x); if y = 0 then y := 36 else dec(y); if etat = trace then buffer[x,y] := '*' else if etat = delete then buffer[x,y] := '๚'; end; '3',chr(77) : Begin if x = 31 then x := 0 else inc(x); if y = 36 then x := 0 else inc(y); if etat = trace then buffer[x,y] := '*' else if etat = delete then buffer[x,y] := '๚'; end; ' ' : if etat <> trace then etat := succ(etat) else etat := move; #13, #81, #73 : Sortie := true; #27 : Sortie := True; 'G','g' : begin GotoXY(20,49); Write('Aller … quel code ascii ? '); Read(Go); if (Go >= 32) and (go <= 180) then begin Encode(No); EnCours := Go -1; Car := #81; Sortie := true; end; GotoXY(1,49); ClrEol; end; 'v', 'V' : begin Preview; update(No); end; 'a', 'A' : begin Encode(No); PreviewAll; Bufferize(No); Update(No); end; 'c', 'C' : begin gotoXY(20,49); Write('Copier quel caractŠre ? '); CaracTempo := ReadKey; if CaracTempo <> #13 then begin Bufferize(ord(CaracTempo)); UpDate(EnCOurs); end; GotoXY(20,49); ClrEol; end; end; until (sortie); Encode(No); Edit := Car; end; procedure EditeTable; var fin : boolean; Car : char; Car_Retour : char; begin fin := false; Encours := 32; repeat Bufferize(Encours); Car_Retour := Edit(EnCours); case car_Retour of #13 : begin gotoXY(20,49); Write('Quitter ? '); Car := UpCase(readKey); GotoXY(1,49); ClrEol; if Car = 'O' then Fin := true; end; #81 : begin if EnCours = 180 then Encours := 32 else inc(EnCours); etat := move; end; #73 : begin if EnCours = 32 then Encours := 180 else dec(EnCours); etat := move; end; #27 : begin gotoXY(20,49); Write('Abandon des modifications ? '); Car := UpCase(readKey); GotoXY(1,49); ClrEol; if Car = 'O' then Halt(0); end; end; until fin; end; procedure SauveTable; var Fichier : Text; i : byte; j : byte; begin Assign(Fichier, 'Big.FON'); Rewrite(Fichier); For i := 32 to 180 do begin for j := 0 to 36 do begin writeLn(Fichier, BigCar[i]^[j]); end; WriteLn(Fichier); end; Close(Fichier); end; begin DetectGraph(GrDriver, GrMode); InitGraph(grDriver, grMode,'\turbo\tp\'); ErrCode := GraphResult; if ErrCode <> grOk then begin Writeln('Graphics error:', GraphErrorMsg(ErrCode)); Halt(255); end; CloseGraph; NormVideo; ReserveMemoire; ChargeTable; EditeTable; SauveTable; end. { You'll find here the fonts I had already done. They are not complete. (use A to see all the characters) You must use XX3402 that you'll find on the Swag. If you make others fonts, would you please send them to me ? } { cut this out as save as FON.XX. Use XX3402 : XX3402 d FON.XX to create FON.ZIP containing the FONT files need here } *XX3402-004554-160794--72--90-49467---------FON.ZIP--1-OF--1 I2g1--E++++6+1lIWFn1MZsTikA++8QI+++7++++Iop-H2kiFYxCXJVhggAU0DnTaRv3449h yIzq+c6iWiaP0Ool-70D3NDSfxrpTaJujocOlDRAA5mzXdHptmmlaDi5Z+tylkr6i6vvvSia md8HXZCvtn2z3xPDHKRh2okwHDTQhs6Y2trjmNAOAQAr8lDJFaRi9mlKqsDe9tvWFvTcKw1m a4FSF-k3XAwoJeTeCZCbH5v0aBN91NgaBHPSxRA3ARGLS35gZaxd5V2fvjgmZg8K3zAn9y4X 2lRMmJsFfyfMuAVUXIYet1lwc2b6EzfzeAlw7k8DX6gX0MYYAAKGH7ilpNJ3lAlKno5eJhRp 5D46Km81627lm1m1rTKIa3l99ao9iPEkjzjIURmqxsMkmMYcX8C8Sebqj75bIdS-RvJQVqBc r-UHVaMS-t4YI-AnTz788AFGVVdqh739nt+XG3zG7IS7oAqTpshfjV+PU7nn1eWoHgIbX+aK STqTZR3miIKrueyhyij4M-snAbkAu-Uit4RS3fsRyaQ8wRP7FYBRBZ-vndj+66Lce0MLO6sE 63fIIy0B8CrZa9j3xvCjyutOlbXaEEKFoHrvcAdvJUeHS9F4Znld6-HVX2F-CAv++8HHvRjV hNZarRQZ4vfczzKi-PWVfupVCACKlbkFD60I4a8AxFFAD5wKqu0qIUlE5+j9yHFnQbRsVi+C x1QJdWvHsr6y4DrGdSkEtgn9iV-XiW6KHGe9oeHeeLlEKPi6Fi6PHOtHsJ2tSyR4FEUmZ0tf Ell5fNBnhIg8VCnWQlKD8lPVCYJKcoq9U5ajQjpBKj-Wld8Jcl6orMs1cKFpe1C+pq9q+gxV uLVcjUoIyQuFbxecthQbY10GnfFvXR03wdHnsYdUZMS0UwwDxTcx4Dh5usHPJFIE8a1gt42D 8r1+a+iytmEUrkB+oLxEf5dhANDdgz9P6y6KvqdYRvGqx7j3BcrzWRa03JWntOazAOzIzzGY u278HpnJRMrOAffaWWi4gOOaQE8HBWNVxOn55MIauLj0DBfUrmyK8MQW3h0oHrq6utt7THLl xBDFJM+dOVpRr+7BoL21tI-CBrE7RpvNPB-YppDpLA8YOZYqhRpm6j--MkxJA+mHAWScBD1- jenfvle7TFakv6Aa4zqDfFVsv41EizHCN8aiqgg0ptXcKXCCeOTeIT0IWejm6fDPANOD8CTV DRQXSIVPeq3gwJ6RqNoC3vMY-rHxyX+KHHpEoKQqr5IZLJHW7vybdVOT44RD9TOrSCxtw9wB YETwfIUFujjJD+gbUZBdEChACGCiDp-9+kEI++++0++JUMoQbzQ8qa+5++-FC+++-k+++2p7 F0t4HovJKyhmvGc6zhyNjcire5by7ng-j60L74NZRQyNOP-B6WX07q0eTbySzTnyu1qurlyb T83F-mwdTofjlxobEbnkptsJSzbskxbRpANM0nmAUPSpBaj1hhec8yernKuZySkhcYQ92n78 cqvURyq0Wn+R5sv4vWcF-nAmmc3mh3Ts6f+kPjSW0OMk6Mv25EIVkFZP2o09PhTFEnSj3SfE 59qx-VtK6OQBh-dwH7opu-dvFZExXWEsEspqp4VwNYBGvUTaJ+o1lv0V3XOzm+F5vPJnSJdq kwbUt5G+dwUSGFJNtG8V3uYHAG-al7W256c-RGPxu8EgB2dwXgH-kofe+rkDHFxukXBYZRSg 9C5F9NNJ1Zs-7lJJKKgHT4rc5XqbRpB5sZ8t6a29pXldWDMKC8Paz3qq3jTLfGe6b+FKLNhs lcEAbiWdFOkOcg+b6N0kls+aiM4RyUpOUw43ZKBWO71+F8DpYTpuI9HTUP3rk0DFPMCb-fVv Mz3rJTcG5sM-KJOmtdpQ3zFu94INyGQo2ikXnR9G+1kAoWcQ8UuDR9OYCSCuVOM7gSr07szr OWVWXqInsGsg8TJ3TqKPHuCyaF8H8UZZT4COuyfXjEqvRX6MFnh8cwwFrInKD+SA9AMd45NY IyT026hI9-i9BZOPKkrTxYRHmfO+WuvOrOSpW0aVmQUdQTHXMbd8vxltQuv+dx8S9JQ9H9TE eoD-FFPxDYnyg6W-3C0Nx6XqJxdNaIAadV7n9u5yt32OOhqW9sNl0wPbWpyw+8QVanBBhHhb 2vmFWC82GbKBpHUlNmWY36opV2Q64bhA0WaLhy0fFyCNtb4d8GV5Z9D7YjSdslQqq3l1V3mW GtUdHZ3ccz2V0gK0M8qsaeX6DWrywSgIspMawvGNHoWeDlf2FHtwr16GPON3PogCvr5bZyGO oVcmj-Dpuwp4pYmg1mBttBUuzqoZftfkaI5nfSZw2vivisbpcC0M4fu-9ZAK9St1tF2gMoBV 7gIRSUAcW9+yawcYob9hdYEbFbJQIhCcuwFeFhQBaoq9Yuc3aoDUQqWXqVdAWkvpLI16wffL NnFLFs8GGO4KhA4ci2ULXIKcpnNWcaVhWcQ6nmbv5iDb1B+yVdkNmd4vQmkS-Xpl5FXi-pIL 33Ab5YUpgQmBST+Ns3eaaU0gVAlfKbdrUR03T7qpPOCVohlPZkmc0F9r64cOuyElb9tbOizk dyW36Va8OX1+YRKZRyEZLmOIGNWH2QWm4Ce4qAac8vYNcBqTcN0sZn-trJGOzREEueqZ1FR+ 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