{ From: ldeboer@cougar.multiline.com.au (Leon DeBoer) {------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Catmull_Rom and BSpline Parametric Spline Program } { } { All source written and devised by Leon de Boer, (c)1994 } { E-Mail: ldeboer@cougar.multiline.com.au } { } { After many request and talk about spline techniques on the } { internet I decided to break out my favourite spline programs and } { donate to the discussion. } { } { Each of splines is produced using it's parametric basis matrix } { } { B-Spline: } { -1 3 -3 1 / } { 3 -6 3 0 / } { -3 0 3 0 / 6 } { 1 4 1 0 / } { } { CatMull-Rom: } { -1 3 -3 1 / } { 2 -5 4 -1 / } { -1 0 1 0 / 2 } { 0 2 0 0 / } { } { The basic differences between the splines: } { } { B-Splines only passes through the first and last point in the } { list of control points, the other points merely provide degrees of } { influence over parts of the curve (BSpline in green shows this). } { } { Catmull-Rom splines is one of a few splines that actually pass } { through each and every control point the tangent of the curve as } { it passes P1 is the tangent of the slope between P0 and P2 (The } { curve is shown in red) } { } { There is another spline type that passes through all the } { control points which was developed by Kochanek and Bartels and if } { anybody knows the basis matrix could they E-Mail to me ASAP. } { } { In the example shown the program produces 5 random points and } { displays the 2 spline as well as the control points. You can alter } { the number of points as well as the drawing resolution via the } { appropriate parameters. } {------------------------------------------------------------------------} PROGRAM Spline; USES Graph; TYPE Point3D = Record X, Y, Z: Real; End; VAR CtrlPt: Array [-1..80] Of Point3D; PROCEDURE Spline_Calc (Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp: Point3D; T, D: Real; Var X, Y: Real); VAR T2, T3: Real; BEGIN T2 := T * T; { Square of t } T3 := T2 * T; { Cube of t } X := ((Ap.X*T3) + (Bp.X*T2) + (Cp.X*T) + Dp.X)/D; { Calc x value } Y := ((Ap.Y*T3) + (Bp.Y*T2) + (Cp.Y*T) + Dp.Y)/D; { Calc y value } END; PROCEDURE BSpline_ComputeCoeffs (N: Integer; Var Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp: Point3D); BEGIN Ap.X := -CtrlPt[N-1].X + 3*CtrlPt[N].X - 3*CtrlPt[N+1].X + CtrlPt[N+2].X; Bp.X := 3*CtrlPt[N-1].X - 6*CtrlPt[N].X + 3*CtrlPt[N+1].X; Cp.X := -3*CtrlPt[N-1].X + 3*CtrlPt[N+1].X; Dp.X := CtrlPt[N-1].X + 4*CtrlPt[N].X + CtrlPt[N+1].X; Ap.Y := -CtrlPt[N-1].Y + 3*CtrlPt[N].Y - 3*CtrlPt[N+1].Y + CtrlPt[N+2].Y; Bp.Y := 3*CtrlPt[N-1].Y - 6*CtrlPt[N].Y + 3*CtrlPt[N+1].Y; Cp.Y := -3*CtrlPt[N-1].Y + 3*CtrlPt[N+1].Y; Dp.Y := CtrlPt[N-1].Y + 4*CtrlPt[N].Y + CtrlPt[N+1].Y; END; PROCEDURE Catmull_Rom_ComputeCoeffs (N: Integer; Var Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp: Point3D); BEGIN Ap.X := -CtrlPt[N-1].X + 3*CtrlPt[N].X - 3*CtrlPt[N+1].X + CtrlPt[N+2].X; Bp.X := 2*CtrlPt[N-1].X - 5*CtrlPt[N].X + 4*CtrlPt[N+1].X - CtrlPt[N+2].X; Cp.X := -CtrlPt[N-1].X + CtrlPt[N+1].X; Dp.X := 2*CtrlPt[N].X; Ap.Y := -CtrlPt[N-1].Y + 3*CtrlPt[N].Y - 3*CtrlPt[N+1].Y + CtrlPt[N+2].Y; Bp.Y := 2*CtrlPt[N-1].Y - 5*CtrlPt[N].Y + 4*CtrlPt[N+1].Y - CtrlPt[N+2].Y; Cp.Y := -CtrlPt[N-1].Y + CtrlPt[N+1].Y; Dp.Y := 2*CtrlPt[N].Y; END; PROCEDURE BSpline (N, Resolution, Colour: Integer); VAR I, J: Integer; X, Y, Lx, Ly: Real; Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp: Point3D; BEGIN SetColor(Colour); CtrlPt[-1] := CtrlPt[1]; CtrlPt[0] := CtrlPt[1]; CtrlPt[N+1] := CtrlPt[N]; CtrlPt[N+2] := CtrlPt[N]; For I := 0 To N Do Begin BSpline_ComputeCoeffs(I, Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp); Spline_Calc(Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp, 0, 6, Lx, Ly); For J := 1 To Resolution Do Begin Spline_Calc(Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp, J/Resolution, 6, X, Y); Line(Round(Lx), Round(Ly), Round(X), Round(Y)); Lx := X; Ly := Y; End; End; END; PROCEDURE Catmull_Rom_Spline (N, Resolution, Colour: Integer); VAR I, J: Integer; X, Y, Lx, Ly: Real; Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp: Point3D; BEGIN SetColor(Colour); CtrlPt[0] := CtrlPt[1]; CtrlPt[N+1] := CtrlPt[N]; For I := 1 To N-1 Do Begin Catmull_Rom_ComputeCoeffs(I, Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp); Spline_Calc(Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp, 0, 2, Lx, Ly); For J := 1 To Resolution Do Begin Spline_Calc(Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp, J/Resolution, 2, X, Y); Line(Round(Lx), Round(Ly), Round(X), Round(Y)); Lx := X; Ly := Y; End; End; END; VAR I, J, Res, NumPts: Integer; BEGIN I := Detect; InitGraph(I, J, 'e:\bp\bgi'); I := GetMaxX; J := GetMaxY; Randomize; CtrlPt[1].X := Random(I); CtrlPt[1].Y := Random(J); CtrlPt[2].X := Random(I); CtrlPt[2].Y := Random(J); CtrlPt[3].X := Random(I); CtrlPt[3].Y := Random(J); CtrlPt[4].X := Random(I); CtrlPt[4].Y := Random(J); CtrlPt[5].X := Random(I); CtrlPt[5].Y := Random(J); Res := 20; NumPts := 5; BSpline(NumPts, Res, LightGreen); CatMull_Rom_Spline(NumPts, Res, LightRed); SetColor(Yellow); For I := 1 To NumPts Do Begin Line(Round(CtrlPt[I].X-3), Round(CtrlPt[I].Y), Round(CtrlPt[I].X+3), Round(CtrlPt[I].Y)); Line(Round(CtrlPt[I].X), Round(CtrlPt[I].Y-3), Round(CtrlPt[I].X), Round(CtrlPt[I].Y+3)); End; ReadLn; CloseGraph; END.