{ From: Robert Palmqvist > need to know how to display a high intensity background character set in > text mode. I remeber seeing something somewhere about sacrificing the > blink attribute to get it, but I cant for the life of me remember how. This is one way of doing it ... Hope that it will help you out } Uses DOS; Function GotCGA: boolean; var Monitor: byte absolute $0040:$0010; begin GotCGA:= true; if Monitor and 48 = 48 then GotCGA:= false else if Monitor and 32 = 32 then GotCGA:= true; end; Function GotEGA: boolean; var Regs: registers; begin with Regs do begin AX:= $1200; BX:= $0010; CX:= $FFFF; Intr($10, Regs); GotEGA:= (CX <> $FFFF); end; end; Function GotVGA: boolean; var Regs: registers; begin with Regs do begin AX:= $1A00; Intr($10,Regs); GotVGA:= (AL = $1A); end; end; Procedure SetBlink(On : boolean); {Enable text mode attribute blinking if On is True} const PortVal: array[0..4] of byte = ($0C, $08, $0D, $09, $09); var PortNum: word; Index, PVal: byte; Mode: byte absolute $0000:$0449; begin if GotEGA then begin inline( $8A/$5E/