{ > All this posting about programming flame and which 3x3 grid thing > gives the best results has got me interested. Can anyone post some > _FAST_ flame code? } {$G+} program flames; uses crt; const palette : array [1..768] of byte = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 0, 0, 24, 0, 0, 28, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 40, 8, 0, 40, 16, 0, 36, 24, 0, 36, 32, 0, 32, 40, 0, 28, 48, 0, 28, 56, 0, 24, 64, 0, 20, 72, 0, 20, 80, 0, 16, 88, 0, 16, 96, 0, 12, 104, 0, 8, 112, 0, 8, 120, 0, 4, 128, 0, 0, 128, 0, 0, 132, 0, 0, 136, 0, 0, 140, 0, 0, 144, 0, 0, 144, 0, 0, 148, 0, 0, 152, 0, 0, 156, 0, 0, 160, 0, 0, 160, 0, 0, 164, 0, 0, 168, 0, 0, 172, 0, 0, 176, 0, 0, 180, 0, 0, 184, 4, 0, 188, 4, 0, 192, 8, 0, 196, 8, 0, 200, 12, 0, 204, 12, 0, 208, 16, 0, 212, 16, 0, 216, 20, 0, 220, 20, 0, 224, 24, 0, 228, 24, 0, 232, 28, 0, 236, 28, 0, 240, 32, 0, 244, 32, 0, 252, 36, 0, 252, 36, 0, 252, 40, 0, 252, 40, 0, 252, 44, 0, 252, 44, 0, 252, 48, 0, 252, 48, 0, 252, 52, 0, 252, 52, 0, 252, 56, 0, 252, 56, 0, 252, 60, 0, 252, 60, 0, 252, 64, 0, 252, 64, 0, 252, 68, 0, 252, 68, 0, 252, 72, 0, 252, 72, 0, 252, 76, 0, 252, 76, 0, 252, 80, 0, 252, 80, 0, 252, 84, 0, 252, 84, 0, 252, 88, 0, 252, 88, 0, 252, 92, 0, 252, 96, 0, 252, 96, 0, 252, 100, 0, 252, 100, 0, 252, 104, 0, 252, 104, 0, 252, 108, 0, 252, 108, 0, 252, 112, 0, 252, 112, 0, 252, 116, 0, 252, 116, 0, 252, 120, 0, 252, 120, 0, 252, 124, 0, 252, 124, 0, 252, 128, 0, 252, 128, 0, 252, 132, 0, 252, 132, 0, 252, 136, 0, 252, 136, 0, 252, 140, 0, 252, 140, 0, 252, 144, 0, 252, 144, 0, 252, 148, 0, 252, 152, 0, 252, 152, 0, 252, 156, 0, 252, 156, 0, 252, 160, 0, 252, 160, 0, 252, 164, 0, 252, 164, 0, 252, 168, 0, 252, 168, 0, 252, 172, 0, 252, 172, 0, 252, 176, 0, 252, 176, 0, 252, 180, 0, 252, 180, 0, 252, 184, 0, 252, 184, 0, 252, 188, 0, 252, 188, 0, 252, 192, 0, 252, 192, 0, 252, 196, 0, 252, 196, 0, 252, 200, 0, 252, 200, 0, 252, 204, 0, 252, 208, 0, 252, 208, 0, 252, 208, 0, 252, 208, 0, 252, 208, 0, 252, 212, 0, 252, 212, 0, 252, 212, 0, 252, 212, 0, 252, 216, 0, 252, 216, 0, 252, 216, 0, 252, 216, 0, 252, 216, 0, 252, 220, 0, 252, 220, 0, 252, 220, 0, 252, 220, 0, 252, 224, 0, 252, 224, 0, 252, 224, 0, 252, 224, 0, 252, 228, 0, 252, 228, 0, 252, 228, 0, 252, 228, 0, 252, 228, 0, 252, 232, 0, 252, 232, 0, 252, 232, 0, 252, 232, 0, 252, 236, 0, 252, 236, 0, 252, 236, 0, 252, 236, 0, 252, 240, 0, 252, 240, 0, 252, 244, 0, 252, 244, 0, 252, 244, 0, 252, 248, 0, 252, 248, 0, 252, 248, 0, 252, 248, 0, 252, 252, 0, 252, 252, 4, 252, 252, 8, 252, 252, 12, 252, 252, 16, 252, 252, 20, 252, 252, 24, 252, 252, 28, 252, 252, 32, 252, 252, 36, 252, 252, 40, 252, 252, 40, 252, 252, 44, 252, 252, 48, 252, 252, 52, 252, 252, 56, 252, 252, 60, 252, 252, 64, 252, 252, 68, 252, 252, 72, 252, 252, 76, 252, 252, 80, 252, 252, 84, 252, 252, 84, 252, 252, 88, 252, 252, 92, 252, 252, 96, 252, 252, 100, 252, 252, 104, 252, 252, 108, 252, 252, 112, 252, 252, 116, 252, 252, 120, 252, 252, 124, 252, 252, 124, 252, 252, 128, 252, 252, 132, 252, 252, 136, 252, 252, 140, 252, 252, 144, 252, 252, 148, 252, 252, 152, 252, 252, 156, 252, 252, 160, 252, 252, 164, 252, 252, 168, 252, 252, 168, 252, 252, 172, 252, 252, 176, 252, 252, 180, 252, 252, 184, 252, 252, 188, 252, 252, 192, 252, 252, 196, 252, 252, 200, 252, 252, 204, 252, 252, 208, 252, 252, 208, 252, 252, 212, 252, 252, 216, 252, 252, 220, 252, 252, 224, 252, 252, 228, 252, 252, 232, 252, 252, 236, 252, 252, 240, 252, 252, 244, 252, 252, 248, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 240, 252, 252, 244, 252, 252, 248, 252, 252, 252); radius = 1.9; frequency = 2; angleinc = 3 * pi / frequency; var count : word; delta : integer; path : array[0..199] of word; buffer : array[0..102,0..159] of integer; procedure buildpath; var count : byte; currangle : real; begin currangle := pi; for count := 0 to 199 do begin path[count] := 320 + round(radius*sin(currangle)); { the sin path _must_ lie on an even number } { otherwise the picture will be garbage } if path[count] mod 2 <> 0 then if path[count] > 320 then dec(path[count]) { round down } else inc(path[count]); { round up } { the path is rounded to the closest even number to 320 } currangle := currangle + angleinc; end; end; begin randomize; buildpath; asm mov ax,13h { ; AX := 13h } int 10h { ; Set Mode 13h (320x200x256) } xor ax,ax { ; AX := 0 } mov cx,768 { ; CX := # of palette entries } mov dx,03C8h { ; DX := VGA Port } mov si,offset palette { ; SI := palette[0] } out dx,al { ; send zero to index port } inc dx { ; inc to write port } @l1: mov bl,[si] { ; set palette entry } shr bl,2 { ; divide by 4 } mov [si],bl { ; save entry } outsb { ; and write to port } dec cx { ; CX := CX - 1 } jnz @l1 { ; if not done then loop } mov ax,seg buffer { ; AX := segment of buffer } mov es,ax { ; ES := AX } mov di,offset buffer { ; DI := buffer[0] } mov cx,8109 { ; CX := sizeof(buffer) div 2 } xor ax,ax { ; AX := 0 } rep stosw { ; clear every element in buffer to zero} end; repeat asm mov bx,1 { ; BX := 1 } mov si,offset path { ; SI := path[0] } mov cx,16160 { ; CX := # of elements to change } mov di,offset buffer { ; DI := buffer[0] } add di,320 { ; DI := buffer[320] (0,1) } @l2: mov ax,ds:[di-2] { ; AX := buffer[DI-2] (x-1,y) } add ax,ds:[di] { ; AX += buffer[DI] (x ,y) } add ax,ds:[di+2] { ; AX += buffer[DI+2] (x+1,y) } add ax,ds:[di+320] { ; AX += buffer[DI+320] (x,y+1) } shr ax,2 { ; AX := AX div 4 (calc average) } jz @l3 { ; if AX = 0 then skip next line } dec ax { ; else AX-- } @l3: push di { ; save DI } sub di,ds:[si] { ; DI := (x + or - sin,y-1) } mov word ptr ds:[di],ax { store AX somewhere one line up } pop di { ; restore DI } inc di { ; DI++ } inc di { ; DI++ (move to next word) } inc bx { ; BX++ } cmp bx,320 { ; if bx <> 320 } jle @l4 { ; then jump to @l4 } mov bx,1 { ; else BX := 1 (we're on a new line) } inc si { ; point SI to next element in path } inc si { ; } @l4: dec cx { ; CX-- } jnz @l2 { ; if CX <> 0 then loop } end; for count := 0 to 159 do {set new bottom line} begin if random < 0.4 then delta := random(2)*255; buffer[101,count] := delta; buffer[102,count] := delta; end; asm mov si,offset buffer { ; SI := buffer[0] } mov ax,0A000h { ; AX := 0A000h (vga segment) } mov es,ax { ; ES := AX } xor di,di { ; DI := 0 } mov dx,100 { ; DX := 100 (# of rows div 2) } @l5: mov bx,2 { ; BX := 2 } @l6: mov cx,160 { ; CX := 160 (# of cols div 2) } @l7: mov al,ds:[si] { ; AL := buffer[si] } mov ah,al { ; AH := AL (replicate byte) } mov es:[di],ax { ; store two bytes into video memory } inc di { ; move to next word in VRAM } inc di { ; } inc si { ; move to next word in buffer } inc si { ; } dec cx { ; CX-- } jnz @l7 { ; repeat until done with column } sub si,320 { ; go back to start of line in buffer } dec bx { ; BX-- } jnz @l6 { ; repeat until two columns filled } add si,320 { ; restore position in buffer } dec dx { ; DX-- } jnz @l5 { ; repeat until 100 rows filled } end; until keypressed; asm mov ax,03h { ; AX := 3h } int 10h { ; restore text mode } end; end.