{=================================================================== Date: 10-19-93 (19:37) From: MAYNARD PHILBROOK Subj: Re: Execwindow graphics ----------------------------------------------------------------------} {$F+,I-,S-,D-} {$m 1024, 0, 3000} Uses Crt, Dos; Var OLD_29H :Pointer; C :Char; { Holds Charactor to Write } {$F+} Procedure Patch1; Interrupt; Begin Write(C); End; Procedure Patch; Assembler; Asm Push DS Push Ax Mov AX, Seg C; Mov DS, AX; Pop AX; Mov C, Al; Pop DS Jmp Patch1; End; Begin Clrscr; GetINtVec($29, OLD_29H); SetIntVec($29, @Patch); Window(14, 10, 40, 22); ClrScr; Exec('C:\Command.com',' /c dir'); Readkey; SetIntVec($29, OLD_29h); End. The Command.com is just an example.. Note: If your using ANSI.SYS in Dos, this will not use Anis.. TP uses its own screen writes, but this code directs all Dos Char Output to the TP window. To Stop echo of Dos functions or what ever, use the > NULL at the end of the parms when executing.. --- MsgToss 2.0b * Origin: Sherwood Forest RBBS 203-455-0646 (1:327/453)