{ OK. Maybe this isn't exactly what you were asking for, but I've seen quite a number of variations on this peeka-boo-into-the-exe-file, so I felt I just had to write a comment to this matter. Using some kind of a magic constant, which is then searched for in the exe file, probably is the most common approach to this kind of problem. But there's really no need to do a search. You can calculate exactly where any const is (or should be) located. The trick is to use a couple of simple facts: 1/ The size of the exe header, in paragraphs, is located at byte 8 in the header (actually it's a word made up by bytes 8 and 9 but I still haven't seen an exe header of more than 4k, so I make it simple for myself using only the byte). 2/ After the exe header comes the code segment and then directly the data segment. Thus the size of the code segment can be calculated by a simple dseg- cseg. Still talking paragraphs. 3/ Now we've reached the data segment in the exe file. The location in the data segment can be found with ofs. Here we're talking bytes. Using these facts, here's a simple sample that let's you change a const string to whatever paramstr(1) you supply. Hope you'll be able to pick out the stuff you may find any need for. Since this code was extracted from a pretty small program I once wrote, it uses the rather crude method to read the entire exe file into a buffer, and then creating a new file blockwriting the entire buffer. If your program is larger than 64k you obviously need to use some other method. } program SelfModifier; (* Looks for a const and alters it *) (* Puts paramstr(1) into Name *) const Name : string = 'Fix me up'; {get 256 bytes to play with} type Buffer = array[0..$3fff] of byte; var ExeFile : file; P : ^Buffer; N,I,O : word; NStr : string; begin begin new(P); {get mem for our buffer} assign(ExeFile,paramstr(0)); {get myself} reset(ExeFile,1); blockread(ExeFile,P^,sizeof(Buffer),N); close(ExeFile); {got it into Buf, now close it} O:=(dseg-cseg+word(P^[8])) shl 4; {start of data seg in exe file} writeln('Name: ',Name); NStr := paramstr(1); {new string to put in Name} inc(O,ofs(Name)); {where Name is located} move(NStr[0],P^[O],length(NStr)+1); {move string incl. length byte} rewrite(ExeFile,1); {create new version} blockwrite(ExeFile,P^,N); {write it} close(ExeFile); {close it...} dispose(P) {...and release mem} end end.