{ A bit wordy - but easy to include in an application - three "hooks" in } { the form of the first three internal procedures to customize the code. } { NOTE! MaxHeap must be limited to allow the EXEC procedure to function. } { By Carl York with code by Neil J. Rubenking and Richard S. Sandowsky. } UNIT DOSShell; INTERFACE procedure ShellToDOS; IMPLEMENTATION USES CRT, DOS; procedure ShellToDOS; const SmallestAllowableRam = 5; { Set } Normal = 7; { to } Reverse = 112; { your } ApplicationName = 'MY OWN PROGRAM'; { specs } var ProgramName, CmdLineParam, NewDirect, HoldDirect : PathStr; HoldAttr : byte; HoldMin, HoldMax : word; SlashSpot, BlankSpot : byte; {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} procedure PrintMessage; begin { Clever message to make your end user feel foolish } end; {-------------------------------} {++++++++++++++++++++++} procedure SwapScreenOut; begin { Whatever routine you want to use to } { save the contents on the active screen } end; {---------} {++++++++++++++++++++++} procedure SwapScreenIn; begin { Whatever routine you want to use to } { restore the contents on the screen } end; {---------} {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} function GetProgramToRun : PathStr; { Courtesy of Neil Rubenking, this code duplicates the way DOS normally } { searches the path for a file name typed in at the DOS level using the } { TP5 routines FSearch and FExpand (code published PC Magazine 1/17/89) } var Name : PathStr; begin Name := FSearch(ProgramName + '.COM',''); { Search } If Name = '' then { the } Name := FSearch(ProgramName + '.EXE',''); { active } If Name = '' then { drive/ } Name := FSearch(ProgramName + '.BAT',''); { directory } If Name = '' then Name := FSearch(ProgramName + '.COM',GetEnv('PATH')); If Name = '' then { Search } Name := FSearch(ProgramName + '.EXE',GetEnv('PATH')); { the } If Name = '' then { path } Name := FSearch(ProgramName + '.BAT',GetEnv('PATH')); If Name <> '' then Name := FExpand(Name); GetProgramToRun := Name; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------} {++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} function RAMFreeInK : Word; { A tidy little chunk of Inline code from Rich Sandowsky } Inline( $B8/$00/$48/ { mov AX,$4800 ; set for DOS function 48h} $BB/$FF/$FF/ { mov BX,$FFFF ; try to allocate more RAM} { ; than is possible} $CD/$21/ { int $21 ; execute the DOS call} $B1/$06/ { mov CL,6 ;} $D3/$EB/ { shr BX,CL ; convert to 1K blocks} $89/$D8); { mov AX,BX ; return number of 1K blocks} { ; RAM free as function result} {------------------------------------------------------------------------} {++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} procedure WritePrompt; { Create a DOS prompt for the user } begin TextAttr := Normal; Write('Temporarily in DOS (',RAMFreeInK,'K available) ... Type '); TextAttr := Reverse; Write('EXIT'); TextAttr := Normal; WriteLn(' to return to ',ApplicationName); Write(NewDirect,'>'); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------} {++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} procedure RunTheShell; { The actual use of the EXEC procedure } var Index : integer; begin GetDir(0,NewDirect); WritePrompt; CmdLineParam := ''; ReadLn(ProgramName); For Index := 1 to length(ProgramName) do ProgramName[index] := Upcase(ProgramName[Index]); While ProgramName[length(ProgramName)] = #32 do Dec(ProgramName[0]); While (length(ProgramName) > 0) and (ProgramName[1] = #32) do Delete(ProgramName,1,1); If (ProgramName <> 'EXIT') then begin EXEC(GetEnv('COMSPEC'),'/C '+ ProgramName + CmdLineParam); { Brute force to see if we need to pursue any further } If Lo(DOSExitCode) <> 0 then begin BlankSpot := pos(' ',ProgramName); SlashSpot := pos('/',ProgramName); If SlashSpot > 0 then If (SlashSpot < BlankSpot) or (BlankSpot = 0) then BlankSpot := SlashSpot; If BlankSpot > 0 then begin CmdLineParam := copy(ProgramName,BlankSpot,Length(ProgramName)); ProgramName[0] := Chr(pred(BlankSpot)); end; ProgramName := GetProgramToRun; If ProgramName <> '' then If pos('.BAT',ProgramName) > 0 then EXEC(GetEnv('COMSPEC'),'/C '+ ProgramName + CmdLineParam) else EXEC(ProgramName,CmdLineParam); end; end; WriteLn; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------} {=================================} begin If RamFreeInK <= SmallestAllowableRam then begin PrintMessage; EXIT; end; HoldAttr := TextAttr; { Grab the current video attribute } GetDir(0,HoldDirect); { Grab the current drive/path } HoldMin := WindMin; HoldMax := WindMax; { And the current window } TextAttr := Normal; SwapScreenOut; Window(1,1,80,25); ClrScr; SwapVectors; Repeat RunTheShell; Until ProgramName = 'EXIT'; SwapVectors; { Restore all the original set up } ChDir(HoldDirect); TextAttr := HoldAttr; Window(Lo(HoldMin),Hi(HoldMin),Lo(HoldMax),Hi(HoldMax)); ClrScr; SwapScreenIn; end; END.