{ >If this cannot be done, then hhow can one include a pcx directly inside >the compiled File??? There's a trick to do that : Suppose your Program is called PROG.EXE and your PCX File IMAGE.PCX After each compile of PROG.EXE, do : COPY /B PROG.EXE+IMAGE.PCX Then, when you want to display the PCX, open the EXE File, read it's header : } Function GetExeSize(ExeName:String; Var TotSize,Expect:LongInt):Boolean; { returns True if EXE is already bind } Type ExeHeaderRec = Record {Information describing EXE File} Signature : Word; {EXE File signature} LengthRem : Word; {Number of Bytes in last page of EXE image } LengthPages : Word; {Number of 512 Byte pages in EXE image} NumReloc : Word; {Number of relocation items} HeaderSize : Word; {Number of paraGraphs in EXE header} MinHeap,MaxHeap : Word; {ParaGraphs to keep beyond end of image} StackSeg,StackPtr : Word; {Initial SS:SP, StackSeg relative to image } CheckSum : Word; {EXE File check sum, not used} IpInit, CodeSeg : Word; {Initial CS:IP, CodeSeg relative to image} RelocOfs : Word; {Bytes into EXE For first relocation item} OverlayNum : Word; {Overlay number, not used here} end; Var ExeF : File; ExeHeader : ExeHeaderRec; ExeValue : LongInt; count : Word; begin TotSize:=0; Expect:=0; Assign(ExeF,ExeName); Reset(ExeF,1); if IoResult=0 then begin TotSize:=FileSize(ExeF); BlockRead(ExeF,ExeHeader,SizeOf(ExeHeaderRec),Count); With ExeHeader do IF Signature = $5A4D THEN BEGIN IF LengthRem = 0 THEN ExeValue := LONGINT(LengthPages) SHL 9 ELSE ExeValue := (LONGINT(PRED(LengthPages)) SHL 9); {-LengthRem clears the bug} Expect := ExeValue + LengthRem; END; end; Close(ExeF); GetExeSize:=(TotSize<>Expect); end; { If GetExeSize returns True, your PCX has been placed at the end of the EXE (you did not forget :)) and all you have to do next is skip the Program itself : Seek(ExeF,Expect); Then starts your PCX. If you know in advance the sizes of the PCX File, you can place any data you want (including lots of PCX) at the end of your EXE. This example is taken from a Unit I wrote a long time ago (was called Caravane) and it worked very well. I accessed the end of my exe File like a normal Typed File. Quite funny but I do not use this anymore. Note that you can LzExe or Pklite the EXE part (not the PCX one). You can DIET both parts With the resident version. I hope the Function GetExeSize is not copyrighted since it is much too commented to be one of my work :)