SECTION 18 - Turbo Vision -------------------------------- This document contains information that is most often provided to users of this section. There is a listing (when available) of common Technical Information Documents and example files that can be downloaded from the libraries, and a listing of the most frequently asked questions and their answers. TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENTS AND EXAMPLE FILES ------------------------------------------------- TI1721 Determining input focus on Turbo Vision TI1725 Local Menus in Turbo Vision TI1729 Simultaneous Dialogs in Turbo Vision TI1779 Adding and Removing items from a Turbo Vision Listbox TI469 Turbo Vision program to go into 132 column mode TI991 Multiple variations of TInputLine for Turbo Vision TI993 Use different color combinations in Turbo Vision TVG110.ZIP Graphics Mode Version of Turbo Vision FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS -------------------------------------- Q: "Can Turbo Vision be run in graphics mode?" A: Turbo Vision was not designed to support graphics. However, there is a file in this library 1 (TVG110.ZIP), which gives you a graphics-mode version of Turbo Vision. There may be others uploaded periodically, it's best to search the libraries. Q: "Are there any books that cover Turbo Vision?" A: Books that cover Turbo Vision are: "A Programmer Guide to Turbo Vision" by Freddy Etrl, Ralph Machholz and Andi Golgath Addison-Wesley ISBN 0-201-62401-X "Turbo Pascal 6.0 Techniques and Utilities" by Neil J. Rubenking Ziff Davis Press ISBN 1-56276-010-6 "Clean Coding in Turbo Pascal 6" by Amrik Dhillon M&T Books ISBN 1-55851-228-4 Q: "I don't seem to be getting all the memory used by collections after disposing them. What could be going wrong?" A: If you don't seem to be getting back all your memory when disposing of a collection, then there are several things you may be doing wrong: * You are allocating the collection with MyColl := New(PMyColl, init(...)) but are only destroying it with MyColl^.Done instead of Dispose(MyColl, Done). * You have a memory leak in your TObject descendant that you are placing in the collection (check your allocations in the Init constructor and the deallocs in your Done destructor). * You are not putting TObject descendants in the collection at all (this generally creates program crashes. * If you call the delete method, the delete method just removes the object from the collection but does NOT destroy the object, Free removes the object from the collection and then destroys it by calling FreeItem (which normally calls Dispose(Item, Done)). Q: "What is the proper way to switch from TVision to graphics and back?" A: For an example you can ook at the DosShell code in APP.PAS (or in TVDEMO, if you're using TP6). Follow the same steps, but replace the Exec statement with your graphics stuff. If you're using TP7/BP7, you may find that you need to replace the DoneDosMem/InitDosMem with DoneMemory/InitMemory. Q: "How do you make change the default background of a TVision application?" A: The TBackground object is designed to use only 1 ascii character. You could create a new type of background object. Type PMyBackground = ^TMyBackground; TMyBackground = Object(TView) { Variables go here to support your box or text or whatever } Procedure Draw; virtual; Function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual; { You override this } { Other methods here like Load and Store } End; Procedure TMyBackground.Draw; Begin { Your drawing routine which draws over the whole view } End; Also, you will have to override TDesktop. Type PMyDesktop = TMyDesktop; TMyDesktop = Object(TDesktop) Procedure InitBackground; virtual; End; Procedure TMyDesktop.InitBackground; Var P: PView; R: TRect; Begin GetExtent(R); P := New(PMyBackground, Init(R)); If ValidView(P) Then Insert(P); End; You must also override InitDesktop in your main TApplication. Type PMyApp = ^TMyApp; TMyApp = Object(TApplication) Procedure InitDesktop; virtual; End; Procedure TMyApp.InitDesktop; Var P: PView; Begin GetExtent(R); Inc(R.A.Y); Dec(R.B.Y); P := New(PDesktop, Init(R)); If ValidView(P) Then Insert(P); End;