{ JOE DICKSON > I was wondering if someone could tell me how to change the Time and Date > and maybe the Attribute of a File? Lets say I want to Change: > FileNAME.EXT 1024 01-24-93 12:33p A to: > FileNAME.EXT 1024 01-01-93 01:00a AR } Program change_sample_Files_attribs; Uses Dos; Var f : File; attr : Word; time : LongInt; DT : datetime; begin assign(f, 'FileNAME.EXT'); DT.year := 93; DT.month := 1; DT.day := 1; dt.hour := 1; dt.min := 0; dt.sec := 0; packtime(dt, time); attr := ReadOnly; setftime(f, time); setfattr(f, attr); end.