{***************************************************************************** * Function ...... TempFile() * Purpose ....... To create a unique file name for use as a temporary work * file * Parameters .... Path Location to create the file * Returns ....... Name of temporary file * Notes ......... Uses the functions Right, ItoS, Exist, and Empty * Author ........ Martin Richardson * Date .......... May 13, 1992 *****************************************************************************} FUNCTION TempFile( Path: STRING ): STRING; VAR DateStr : DateTime; Trash : WORD; Time : LONGINT; FileName : STRING; BEGIN IF (NOT Empty( Path )) AND (Right( Path, 1 ) <> '\') THEN Path := Path + '\'; REPEAT WITH DateStr DO BEGIN GETDATE( Year, Month, Day, Trash ); GETTIME( Hour, Min, Sec, Trash ); END; PackTime( DateStr, Time ); FileName := Right( ItoS( Time, 0 ), 8 ) + '.$$$'; UNTIL NOT Exist( Path + FileName ); TempFile := Path + FileName; END;