{ avictor@cs.sun.ac.za (Andrew Victor 93-42265) I want this Program to change the hidden attributes of a directory. - Parameter FileName of Type String is the Name of the - subdirectory to hide or un-hide, it can include a path. } Procedure ChangeAttributes(FileName : String); Var AttrFile : File; Attribute : Word; begin Assign(AttrFile, FileName); GetFAttr(AttrFile, Attribute); if not ((Attribute = $10) or (Attribute = $12)) then begin WriteLn; WriteLn('Not a Directory'); WriteLn; Exit; end; if Attribute = $10 then begin SetFAttr(AttrFile, Hidden); WriteLn; WriteLn('Directory ', FileName, ' hidden.'); WriteLn; end else begin SetFAttr(AttrFile, Directory and not Hidden); WriteLn; WriteLn('Directory ', FileName, ' shown.'); WriteLn; end; end;