{ IAN LIN Add junk to file to increase size. v.2.2. } {$I-,G+,R-,D-,L-} Uses dos; Type buf = array [1..$ffff] of byte; Var c, k, size : longint; s, v : word; f : file; b : ^buf; Begin writeln('JUNK v2.2'); if paramcount = 0 then begin writeln('Help screen. Syntax:'); writeln(paramstr(0),' '); writeln(': source file -- : bytes to add to source file'); writeln('Error level codes'); writeln('0: Normal execution or show help screen (no parameters)'); writeln('1: Not enough parameters. Must have specify a file and size.'); writeln('2: Invalid size specified for '); halt(0); End; if paramcount = 1 then begin writeln('Not enough parameters.'); halt(1); End; assign(f, paramstr(1)); val(paramstr(2), size, v); if (v <> 0) or (size < 0) then begin writeln('Invalid number in . Run ', paramstr(0), ' alone for help.'); halt(2); end; reset(f, 1); if ioresult = 0 then seek(f, filesize(f)) else rewrite(f, 1); k := size div sizeof(buf); s := size mod sizeof(buf); randomize; new(b); for c := 1 to sizeof(buf) do b^[c] := random(128) + 128; while k > 0 do begin blockwrite(f, b^, sizeof(buf)); dec(k); end; if s > 0 then blockwrite(f, b^, s); writeln('Wrote ', size, ' bytes to ', fexpand(paramstr(1))); writeln('Total size of ', fexpand(paramstr(1)), ' is ', filesize(f)); close(f); dispose(b); end.