UNIT FILEIO; { Low Level File handling routines. Jan 18/94 } { Copyright (C) 1993,1994 Greg Estabrooks } { NOTE: Requires TP 6.0+ to compile. } INTERFACE {***********************************************************************} USES DOS; { IMPORT FSearch. } CONST { Handles PreDefined by DOS. } fStdIn = $00; { STD Input Device, (Keyboard). } fStdOut = $01; { STD Output Device,(CRT). } fStdErr = $02; { STD Error Device, (CRT). } fStdCom = $03; { STD Comm. } fStdPrn = $04; { STD Printer. } oRead = $00; { Opens a file for read only. } oWrite = $01; { Opens a file for writing only. } oReadWrite = $02; { Opens a file for reading and writing. } oDenyAll = $10; { Deny access to other processes. } oDenyWrite = $20; { Deny write access to other processes. } oDenyRead = $30; { Deny read access to other processes. } oDenyNone = $40; { Allow free access to other processes. } { Possible file attribs,can be combined.} aNormal = $00; aSystem = $04; aArchive = $20; aReadOnly = $01; aVolume = $08; aHidden = $02; aDir = $10; TYPE LockType = (Lock,UnLock); { Ordinal Type for use with 'fLock'. } VAR fError :WORD; { Holds any error codes from routines. } PROCEDURE ASCIIZ( VAR fName :STRING ); { Routine to add a NULL to a string to make it } { ASCIIZ compatible. } { File routines automatically call this routine} { usage : } { ASCIIZ(fName); } FUNCTION fCreate( fName :STRING; Attr :BYTE ) :WORD; { Routine to Create 'fName' with an attribute } { of 'Attr'. If the file already exists then it} { will be truncated to a zero length file. } { Returns a WORD value containing the handle. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=3Ch. } { usage : } { handle := fCreate('Temp.Dat',aNormal); } FUNCTION fOpen( fName :STRING; Mode :BYTE ) :WORD; { Routine to open already existing file defined} { in 'fName' with an opening mode of 'Mode'. } { Returns a WORD value containing the handle. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=3Dh. } { usage : } { handle := fOpen('Temp.Dat',oRead); } PROCEDURE fRead( fHandle :WORD; VAR Buff; NTRead:WORD; VAR ARead :WORD ); { Reads 'NTRead' bytes of data from 'fHandle' } { and puts it in 'Buff'. The actually amount } { of bytes read is returned in 'ARead'. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=3Fh. } { usage : } { fRead(handle,Buffer,SizeOf(Buffer),ARead); } PROCEDURE fWrite( fHandle :WORD; VAR Buff; NTWrite:WORD; VAR AWrite :WORD ); { Writes 'NTWrite' bytes of info from 'Buff' } { to 'fHandle'. The actually amount written is } { returned in 'AWrite'. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=40h. } { usage : } { fWrite(handle,Buffer,SizeOf(Buffer),AWrite);} PROCEDURE fClose( fHandle :WORD ); { Routine to close file 'fHandle'. This updates} { the directory time and size enteries. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=3Eh. } { usage : } { fClose(handle); } PROCEDURE fReset( fHandle :WORD ); { Routine to reset file position pointer to the} { beginning of 'fHandle'. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=42h. } { usage : } { fReset(handle); } PROCEDURE fAppend( fHandle :WORD ); { Routine to move the File position pointer of } { 'fHandle' to the end of the file. Any further} { writing is added to the end of the file. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=42h. } { usage : } { fAppend(handle); } PROCEDURE fSeek( fHandle :WORD; fOfs :LONGINT ); { Routine to move the file position pointer for} { 'fHandle' to 'fOfs'. 'fOfs' is the actual } { byte position in the file to move to. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=42h. } { usage : } { fSeek(handle,1023); } PROCEDURE fErase( fName :STRING ); { Routine to erase 'fName'. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=41h. } { usage : } { fErase('Temp.Dat'); } FUNCTION fPos( fHandle :WORD ) :LONGINT; { Routine to return the current position within} { 'fHandle'. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=42. } { usage : } { CurPos := fPos(handle); } FUNCTION fEof( fHandle :WORD ) :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine whether or not we're } { currently at the end of file 'fHandle'. } { usage : } { IsEnd := fEof(handle); } FUNCTION fExist( fName :STRING ) :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine whether or not 'fName' } { exists. } { usage : } { Exist := fExist('Temp.Dat'); } FUNCTION fGetAttr( fName :STRING ) :BYTE; { Routine to return the current file attribute } { of 'fName'. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=43h,AL=00h. } { usage : } { CurAttr := fGetAttr('Temp.Dat'); } PROCEDURE fSetAttr( fName :STRING; NAttr :BYTE ); { Routine to set file attribute of 'fName' to } { 'NAttr'. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=43h,AL=01h. } { usage : } { fSetAttr('Temp.Dat',aArchive OR aReadOnly); } PROCEDURE fSetVerify( On_Off :BOOLEAN ); { Routine to set the DOS verify flag ON or OFF.} { depending on 'On_Off'. } { TRUE = ON, FALSE = OFF. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=2Eh. } { usage : } { fSetVerify( TRUE ); } FUNCTION fGetVerify :BOOLEAN; { Routine to return the current state of the } { DOS verify flag. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=54h. } { usage : } { IsVerify := fGetVerify; } FUNCTION fSize( fHandle :WORD ) :LONGINT; { Routine to determine the size in bytes of } { 'fHandle'. } { usage : } { CurSize := fSize(handle); } PROCEDURE fFlush( fHandle :WORD ); { Flushes any File buffers for 'fHandle' } { immediately and updates the directory entry. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=68h. } { usage : } { fFlush(handle); } PROCEDURE fLock( fHandle :WORD; LockInf :LockType; StartOfs,Len :LONGINT ); { Routine to lock/unlock parts of a open file. } { Locking or unlock is determined by 'LockInf'. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=5Ch. } { usage : } { fLock(handle,Lock,1000,500); } {***********************************************************************} IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE ASCIIZ( VAR fName :STRING ); ASSEMBLER; { Routine to add a NULL to a string to make it } { ASCIIZ compatible. } { File routines automatically call this routine} ASM Push DS { Push DS onto the stack. } LDS DI,fname { Point DS:DI ---> fName. } Xor BX,BX { Clear BX. } Mov BL,BYTE PTR DS:[DI] { Load length of string into BL. } Inc BL { Point to char after last one in name. } Mov BYTE PTR DS:[DI+BX],0 { Now make it a ASCIIZ string. } Pop DS { Pop DS off the stack. } END;{ASCIIZ} FUNCTION fCreate( fName :STRING; Attr :BYTE ) :WORD; { Routine to Create 'fName' with an attribute } { of 'Attr'. If the file already exists then it} { will be truncated to a zero length file. } { Returns a WORD value containing the handle. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=3Ch. } BEGIN ASCIIZ(fName); { Convert fName to an ASCIIZ string. } ASM Push DS { Push DS Onto stack. } Mov fError,0 { Clear Error Flag. } Mov AX,SS { Load AX with SS. } Mov DS,AX { Now load that value into DS. } Lea DX,fName { Now load DX with the offset of DX. } Inc DX { Move past length byte. } Xor CH,CH { Clear High byte of CX. } Mov CL,Attr { Load attribute to give new file. } Mov AH,$3C { Function to create a file. } Int $21 { Call dos to create file. } Jnc @Exit { If no error exit. } Mov fError,AX { If there was an error save it. } @Exit: Mov @Result,AX { Return proper result to user. } Pop DS { Pop DS Off the Stack. } END; END;{fCreate} FUNCTION fOpen( fName :STRING; Mode :BYTE ) :WORD; { Routine to open already existing file defined} { in 'fName' with an opening mode of 'Mode'. } { Returns a WORD value containing the handle. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=3Dh. } BEGIN ASCIIZ(fName); { Convert fName to an ASCIIZ string. } ASM Push DS { Push DS onto stack. } Mov fError,0 { Clear Error Flag. } Mov AX,SS { Load AX with SS. } Mov DS,AX { Now load that value into DS. } Lea DX,fName { Now load DX with the offset of DX. } Inc DX { Move past length byte. } Mov AL,Mode { File Opening mode. } Mov AH,$3D { Function to open a file. } Int $21 { Call dos to open file. } Jnc @Exit { If no error exit. } Mov fError,AX { If there was an error save it. } @Exit: Mov @Result,AX { Return proper result to user. } Pop DS { Restore DS from stack. } END; END;{fOpen} PROCEDURE fRead( fHandle :WORD; VAR Buff; NTRead:WORD; VAR ARead :WORD ); ASSEMBLER; { Reads 'NTRead' bytes of data from 'fHandle' } { and puts it in 'Buff'. The actually amount } { of bytes read is returned in 'ARead'. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=3Fh. } ASM Push DS { Push DS onto the stack. } Mov fError,0 { Clear Error flag. } Mov AH,$3F { Function to read from a file. } Mov BX,fHandle { load handle of file to read. } Mov CX,NTRead { # of bytes to read. } LDS DX,Buff { Point DS:DX to buffer. } Int $21 { Call Dos to read file. } LDS DI,ARead { Point to amount read. } Mov WORD PTR DS:[DI],AX { Save amount actually read. } Jnc @Exit { if there was no error exit. } Mov fError,AX { If there was Save error code. } @Exit: Pop DS { Pop DS off the stack. } END;{fRead} PROCEDURE fWrite( fHandle :WORD; VAR Buff; NTWrite:WORD; VAR AWrite :WORD ); ASSEMBLER; { Writes 'NTWrite' bytes of info from 'Buff' } { to 'fHandle'. The actually amount written is } { returned in 'AWrite'. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=40h. } ASM Push DS { Push DS onto the stack. } Mov fError,0 { Clear Error flag. } Mov AH,$40 { Function to write to file. } Mov BX,fHandle { Handle of file to write to. } Mov CX,NTWrite { # of bytes to read. } LDS DX,Buff { Point DS:DX -> Buffer. } Int $21 { Call Dos to write to file. } LDS DI,AWrite { Point to amount write. } Mov WORD PTR DS:[DI],AX { Save amount actually written. } Jnc @Exit { If there was no error exit. } Mov fError,AX { if there was save error code. } @Exit: Pop DS { Pop DS off the stack. } END;{fWrite} PROCEDURE fClose( fHandle :WORD ); ASSEMBLER; { Routine to close file 'fHandle'. This updates} { the directory time and size enteries. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=3Eh. } ASM Mov fError,0 { Clear Error flag } Mov AH,$3E { Function to close file } Mov BX,fHandle { load handle of file to close } Int $21 { call Dos to close file } Jnc @Exit { If there was no error exit } Mov fError,AX { if there was save error code } @Exit: END;{fClose} PROCEDURE fReset( fHandle :WORD ); ASSEMBLER; { Routine to reset file position pointer to the} { beginning of 'fHandle'. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=42h. } ASM Mov fError,0 { Clear error flag. } Mov AH,$42 { Function to move file pointer. } Mov BX,fHandle { Handle of file. } Mov AL,0 { Offset relative to begining. } Mov CX,0 { CX:DX = offset from begining of file } Mov DX,0 { to move to. } Int $21 { Call dos to change file pointer. } Jnc @Exit { If there was no error exit. } Mov fError,AX { If there was save error code. } @Exit: END;{fReset} PROCEDURE fAppend( fHandle :WORD); ASSEMBLER; { Routine to move the File position pointer of } { 'fHandle' to the end of the file. Any further} { writing is added to the end of the file. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=42h. } ASM Mov fError,0 { Clear error flag. } Mov AH,$42 { Function to change file ptr position. } Mov BX,fHandle { handle of file to change. } Mov AL,$02 { Change relative to end of file. } Mov CX,0 { CX:DX = offset from end of file } Mov DX,0 { to move to. } Int $21 { Call dos to move file ptr. } Jnc @Exit { If there was no error exit. } Mov fError,AX { If there was save error code. } @Exit: END;{fAppend} PROCEDURE fSeek( fHandle :WORD; fOfs :LONGINT ); ASSEMBLER; { Routine to move the file position pointer for} { 'fHandle' to 'fOfs'. 'fOfs' is the actual } { byte position in the file to move to. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=42h. } ASM Mov fError,0 { Clear error flag. } Mov AH,$42 { Function to change file ptr position. } Mov BX,fHandle { handle of file to change. } Mov AL,$00 { Change relative to start of file. } Mov CX,fOfs[2].WORD { CX:DX = offset from start of file } Mov DX,fOfs.WORD { to move to. } Int $21 { Call dos to move file ptr. } Jnc @Exit { If there was no error exit. } Mov fError,AX { If there was save error code. } @Exit: END;{fSeek} PROCEDURE fErase( fName :STRING ); { Routine to erase 'fName'. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=41h. } BEGIN ASCIIZ(fName); { Convert fName to an ASCIIZ string. } ASM Push DS { Push DS onto the stack. } Mov fError,0 { Clear error flag. } Mov AX,SS { Load AX with SS. } Mov DS,AX { Now load that value into DS. } Lea DX,fName { Now load DX with the offset of DX. } Inc DX Mov AH,$41 { Function to erase a file. } Int $21 { Call dos to erase file. } Jnc @Exit { If no error exit. } Mov fError,AX { if there was error save error code. } @Exit: Pop DS { Pop DS off the stack. } END; END;{fErase} FUNCTION fPos( fHandle :WORD ) :LONGINT; ASSEMBLER; { Routine to return the current position within} { 'fHandle'. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=42. } ASM Mov fError,0 { Clear error flag. } Mov AH,$42 { Function to move file pointer. } Mov BX,fHandle { Handle of file. } Mov AL,1 { Offset relative to current pos. } Mov CX,0 { CX:DX = offset from current position } Mov DX,0 { to move to. } Int $21 { Call dos to change file pointer. } Jnc @Exit { If there was no error return result. } Mov fError,AX { If there was save error code. } @Exit: { Int already returns DX:AX as file pos.} END;{fPos} FUNCTION fEof( fHandle :WORD ) :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine whether or not we're } { currently at the end of file 'fHandle'. } VAR CurOfs :LONGINT; { current file offset. } BEGIN CurOfs := fPos(fHandle); { Save Current Pos. } fAppend(fHandle); { Move to the end of the file. } fEof := (CurOfs = fPos(fHandle)); { was current pos = end pos?. } fSeek(fHandle,CurOfs); { Restore to original file position. } END;{fEof} FUNCTION fExist( fName :STRING ) :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine whether or not 'fName' } { exists. } BEGIN fExist := ( FSearch(fName,'') <> ''); END;{fExist} FUNCTION fGetAttr( fName :STRING ) :BYTE; { Routine to return the current file attribute } { of 'fName'. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=43h,AL=00h. } BEGIN ASCIIZ(fName); { Convert fName to an ASCIIZ string. } ASM Push DS { Push DS onto the stack. } Mov fError,0 { Clear error flag. } Mov AX,SS { Load AX with SS. } Mov DS,AX { Now load that value into DS. } Lea DX,fName { Now load DX with the offset of DX. } Inc DX Mov AX,$4300 { Function to Get file Attrib. } Int $21 { Call dos to get attr. } Jnc @Success { If no error return proper info. } Mov fError,AX { if there was error save error code. } @Success: Mov AX,CX Mov @Result,AL { Return proper result to user. } Pop DS { Pop DS off the stack. } END; END;{fGetAttr} PROCEDURE fSetAttr( fName :STRING; NAttr :BYTE ); { Routine to set file attribute of 'fName' to } { 'NAttr'. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=43h,AL=01h. } BEGIN ASCIIZ(fName); { Convert fName to an ASCIIZ string. } ASM Push DS { Push DS onto the stack. } Mov fError,0 { Clear error flag. } Mov AX,SS { Load AX with SS. } Mov DS,AX { Now load that value into DS. } Lea DX,fName { Now load DX with the offset of DX. } Inc DX { Point to first char after length byte.} Xor CX,CX { Clear CX. } Mov CL,NAttr { Load New attribute byte. } Mov AX,$4301 { Function to Set file Attrib. } Int $21 { Call dos to set attrib. } Jnc @Exit { If no error exit. } Mov fError,AX { if there was error save error code. } @Exit: Pop DS { Pop DS off the stack. } END; END;{fSetAttr} PROCEDURE fSetVerify( On_Off :BOOLEAN ); ASSEMBLER; { Routine to set the DOS verify flag ON or OFF.} { depending on 'On_Off'. } { TRUE = ON, FALSE = OFF. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=2Eh. } ASM Mov AH,$2E { Interrupt Subfunction. } Mov DL,0 { Clear DL. } Mov AL,On_Off { 0(FALSE) = off, 1(TRUE) = on. } Int $21 { Call Dos. } END;{fSetVerify} FUNCTION fGetVerify :BOOLEAN; ASSEMBLER; { Routine to return the current state of the } { DOS verify flag. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=54h. } ASM Mov AH,$54 { Interrupt Subfunction } Int $21 { Call Dos } END;{fGetVerify} FUNCTION fSize( fHandle :WORD ) :LONGINT; { Routine to determine the size in bytes of } { 'fHandle'. } VAR CurOfs :LONGINT; { Holds original file pointer. } BEGIN CurOfs := fPos(fHandle); { Save current file pointer. } fAppend(fHandle); { Move to end of file. } fSize := fPos(fHandle); { Save current pos which equals size. } fSeek(fHandle,CurOfs); { Restore original file pos. } END;{fSize} PROCEDURE fFlush( fHandle :WORD ); ASSEMBLER; { Flushes any File buffers for 'fHandle' } { immediately and updates the directory entry. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=68h. } ASM Mov fError,0 { Clear error flag. } Mov AH,$68 { Function to Commit file to disk. } Mov BX,fHandle { Load handle of file to Commit. } Int $21 { Call dos to flush file. } Jnc @Exit { If no error exit. } Mov fError,AX { if there was error save error code. } @Exit: END;{fSetAttr} PROCEDURE fLock( fHandle :WORD; LockInf :LockType; StartOfs,Len :LONGINT ); { Routine to lock/unlock parts of a open file. } ASSEMBLER; { Locking or unlock is determined by 'LockInf'. } { Uses Int 21h/AH=5Ch. } ASM Mov fError,0 { Clear Error Flag. } Mov AH,$5C { Function to lock/unlock part of a file.} Mov AL,LockInf { Load whether to lock/unlock file area.} Mov BX,fHandle { Handle of file to lock. } Mov CX,StartOfs.WORD[0] { Load StartOfs Into CX:DX. } Mov DX,StartOfs.WORD[2] Mov SI,Len.WORD[0] { Load Len Into SI:DI. } Mov DI,Len.WORD[2] Int $21 { Call dos to lock area. } Jnc @Exit { If no error exit. } Mov fError,AX { If there was an error save it. } @Exit: END;{fLock} BEGIN END.{FileIO}