{ I am posting these because I feel they have been "optimized' beyond my abilities. If you find a way to further optimize it, by speed, memory requirements, and other things, please SEND ME THE VERSION! I have a favour to ask all pascalians. These routines seem to lock up sometimes during the Retrieve_Function when I'm in a tight memory situation. I say tight as I have less then 500k free in one of my programs. If someone could rewrite the part which copies (ie. BufSize parts), I would gladly appreciate it. Thanks! } UNIT DATAIO; { DATA Input/Output Routines Given to the People as FreeWare Includable into SWAG and made expecialy for SWAG :) AUTHOR: BOJAN LANDEKIC SUBJECT: FILE DATA STORAGE (DATAIO) These routines allow you to take any number of files (max 255 as I used BYTE but you can change the limit to 65535 by using WORD instead). As I said, it allows you to take that many files (or less) and include them into a single file (ie. ALLFILES.DAT). Then you can retrieve/add/delete/view this file. I am testing out DATAIO v2.0 with encryption and compression routines, and that will be released into the Freeware as well. The three sub-units I use are STRIO (string handlers), FILEIO (file in/out routines) and VARS (a global declaration unit that is included everywhere). Each routine is a FUNCTION and returns an error code (0 if okay). The error codes are examplained under the name of each of the functions. Even though this is made freeware I BEG everybody not to make changes and distribute them as their own work . If you make changes, LET ME KNOW as I plan to make a compression program competitive to ZIP/ARJ and others. The routines which use the constant BufSize are taken from either FILES.SWG, COPYMOVE.SWG, or DOS.SWG from SWAG archives. I cannot remember who the original author is, but I will check and when I find out, you will be credited. } INTERFACE Uses Vars, StrIo, FileIO, Crt, Dos; FUNCTION Retrieve_File(DataFilename, Filename: String; Display: Boolean): Byte; FUNCTION Add_File(DataFilename, Filename: String; Display: Boolean): Byte; FUNCTION Remove_File(DataFilename, Filename: String; Display: Boolean): Byte; FUNCTION Show_File(DataFilename, Filename: String): Byte; IMPLEMENTATION FUNCTION Retrieve_File(DataFilename, Filename: String; Display: Boolean): Byte; { This function returns the following: 0 - [filename] has been retrieved successfully from [DataFilename] 1 - [DataFilename] was not found/does not exist/was not specified 2 - Header is incorrect (wrong file maybe?) 3 - [Filename] was not found in [datafilename] 4 - Not enough memory for FileBuf (decrese FileBuf) 5 - Not enough disk space for the to-be-extracted file Datafile is formed like this XXXXXXXXXX - The header ---------- - Individual file header #1 (information) CCCCCCCCCC - File #1 itself (data/code segment) CCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCC ---------- - Individual file header #2 (information) CCCCCCCCCC - file #2 itself (data/code segment) CCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCC ... - ... you get the general idea } Const BufSize = 16384; {for the copy part} Type FBuf = array[1..BufSize] Of Char; Fbf = ^FBuf; Var y, {date function} m, d, dow, h, {time function} min, s, hund : Word; CurrentFile : Byte; {for searching through files} DataFile, ExtractFile : File; {file that's to be extracted} Difference : Longint; {could be a WORD: diff betwen now-real} OldPos, {used for updating the ORIGINAL header} ExtractPos : LongInt; {current size of extractfile} Bread, {for fast/error-free copying} Bwrite : word; FileBuf : ^fbf; OldX, OldY : Byte; {for display purposes only} Begin {Check for enough available memory} If (MemAvail > BufSize) then New(FileBuf) Else begin Retrieve_File := 4; Exit; End; {check if file exists, or if a filename has been specified} If (DataFilename = '') OR (Filename = '') OR NOT FileExists(DataFilename) Then Begin Retrieve_File := 1; Dispose(FileBuf); Exit; End; {open the file} Assign(DataFile, DataFilename); Filemode := 2; Reset(DataFile, 1); {open the file to be extracted/made} Assign(ExtractFile, Filename); Filemode := 2; Rewrite(ExtractFile, 1); {check for the header id} BlockRead(DataFile, Header, SizeOf(Header)); If NOT (Header.Identification = Id_Check) Then Begin {if the header not the same then it's not one of ours} Retrieve_File := 2; Dispose(FileBuf); Exit; End; {Go to the beginning of the first individual file header} Seek(DataFile, SizeOf(Header)); If Display Then Begin Write('Searching...'); End; {loop through all the entries until [filename] is found} For CurrentFile := 1 To Header.NumberOfFiles Do Begin {read the header} FillChar(FileHeader, SizeOf(FileHeader), #0); BlockRead(DataFile, FileHeader, SizeOf(FileHeader)); {so the user doesn't think we're lazy :)} {Writeln('Processing...'); Writeln('Filename : ', FileHeader.Filename); Writeln('Size : ', FileHeader.RealSize);} {compare this file to the one the user wants} If (FileHeader.Filename = Filename) Then Begin {A-Ha, it is the file, extract it!} {check for disk space} If (DiskFree(0) < FileHeader.RealSize) Then Begin Retrieve_File := 5; Dispose(FileBuf); Close(DataFile); Close(ExtractFile); Exit; End; ExtractPos := 0; If Display Then Begin TextBackground(0); TextColor(7); GotoXY(1, WhereY); ClrEol; Write('Extracting ' + Filename + ': '); OldX := WhereY; OldY := WhereY; End; {make sure we update the header, since the file is being "updated" as you might see} OldPos := FilePos(DataFile); GetDate(y, m, d, dow); GetTime(h, min, s, hund); Header.UpdatedOn := Leading_Zero(ITOA(m), 2) + '-' + Leading_Zero(ITOA(d), 2) + '-' + Leading_Zero(ITOA(y), 4) + Leading_Zero(ITOA(h), 2) + ':' + Leading_Zero(ITOA(min), 2); Seek(DataFile, 0); BlockWrite(DataFile, Header, SizeOf(Header)); Seek(DataFile, OldPos); Repeat BlockRead(DataFile, FileBuf^, BufSize, Bread); BlockWrite(ExtractFile, FileBuf^, Bread, Bwrite); Inc(ExtractPos, Bread); If Display Then Begin GotoXY(OldX, OldY); If (ExtractPos <= FileHeader.RealSize) Then Write(StatusBar(FileHeader.RealSize, ExtractPos, 42)) Else Write(StatusBar(1, 1, 42)); {100% effect :)} End; Until (Bread = 0) OR (Bread <> Bwrite) OR (ExtractPos > FileHeader.RealSize); {To compensate for the over-write} If (ExtractPos > FileHeader.RealSize) Then Begin Difference := (ExtractPos - FileHeader.RealSize); {Seek to the part where THIS file is supposed to end} Seek(ExtractFile, FilePos(ExtractFile) - Difference); {Erase the extra garbage} Truncate(Extractfile); {Unneccesery, but just to be sure for multiple extractions} Seek(DataFile, FilePos(DataFile) - Difference); End; {extracted, now we quit} Retrieve_File := 0; Dispose(FileBuf); Close(DataFile); Close(ExtractFile); If Display Then Begin GotoXY(OldX, OldY); ClrEol; Writeln('Done!'); End; Exit; End Else Begin {Go to next record, right} Seek(DataFile, FilePos(DataFile) + FileHeader.RealSize); End; End; {If we get to here, means the file was not in the datafile} Retrieve_File := 3; Dispose(FileBuf); Close(DataFile); Close(ExtractFile); End; FUNCTION Add_File(DataFilename, Filename: String; Display: Boolean): Byte; { - The part that "copyies" the file was gotten from SWAG, the original author of the "copying" part was Floor A.C. Naaijkens } { This function can possibly return the following values: 0 - [filename] has been successfully added to [datafilename] 1 - [datafilename] and/or [filename] have not be specified/don't exist 2 - Could not create/open [datafilename] 3 - [datafilename] is not one of our files, wrong file type maybe?? 4 - [filename] opening error 5 - Not enough memory (on the stack, 16386 needed).. Decrease BufSize 6 - Error during copy 7 - No more files allowed (254 file limit reached } {for the copy part} Const BufSize = 16384; {for the copy part} Type FBuf = array[1..BufSize] Of Char; Fbf = ^FBuf; Var y, m, d, dow, {for the date} h, min, s, hund : Word; {for the time} DataFile, AddFile : File; {file to be added} NewFile : Boolean; {specifies wheter [datafile] is new} Bread, {for fast/error-free copying} Bwrite : word; FileBuf : ^fbf; OldX, OldY : Byte; StartAt : LongInt; {for display purposes only} DirInfo : SearchRec; Begin {Check for enough available memory} If (MemAvail > BufSize) then New(FileBuf) else begin Add_File := 5; Exit End; {check if file exists, or if a filename has been specified} If (DataFilename = '') OR (Filename = '') Then Begin Add_File := 1; Exit; End; {check if the datafile exists} Assign(DataFile, DataFilename); IF NOT FileExists(Datafilename) Then Begin {$I-} FileMode := 2; Rewrite(DataFile, 1); IF (IOResult <> 0) Then Begin Add_File := 2; Dispose(FileBuf); Exit; End; {$I+} NewFile := True; End Else Begin FileMode := 2; {$I-} Reset(DataFile, 1); {$I+} IF (IOResult <> 0) Then Begin Add_File := 2; Dispose(FileBuf); Exit; End; NewFile := False; End; If NewFile Then {New file initialization} Begin Getdate(y, m, d, dow); GetTime(h, min, s, hund); FillChar(Header, SizeOf(Header), #0); Header.Identification := Id_Check; Header.CreatedOn := Leading_Zero(ITOA(m), 2) + '-' + Leading_Zero(ITOA(d), 2) + '-' + Leading_Zero(ITOA(y), 4) + Leading_Zero(ITOA(h), 2) + ':' + Leading_Zero(ITOA(min), 2); Header.UpdatedOn := Header.CreatedOn; Header.NumberOfFiles := 0; BlockWrite(DataFile, Header, SizeOf(Header)); Seek(DataFile, 0); End; {Already existing file initialization} BlockRead(Datafile, Header, SizeOf(Header)); {check for the ID string} If NOT (Header.Identification = Id_Check) Then Begin Add_File := 3; Dispose(FileBuf); Close(DataFile); Exit; End; {Go to the appropriate place in the datafile where the writing will start} Filename := Strip_Path(UCase(Filename)); FindFirst(Filename, Archive, DirInfo); While (DosError = 0) Do Begin Assign(AddFile, DirInfo.Name); Filemode := 2; {$I-} Reset(AddFile, 1); {$I+} IF (IOResult <> 0) Then Begin Add_File := 4; Close(DataFile); Dispose(FileBuf); Exit; End; If (Header.NumberOffiles > 254) Then Begin Add_File := 8; Dispose(FileBuf); Close(DataFile); Exit; End Else Inc(Header.NumberOfFiles); Header.UpdatedOn := Leading_Zero(ITOA(m), 2) + '-' + Leading_Zero(ITOA(d), 2) + '-' + Leading_Zero(ITOA(y), 4) + Leading_Zero(ITOA(h), 2) + ':' + Leading_Zero(ITOA(min), 2); Seek(DataFile, 0); BlockWrite(DataFile, Header, SizeOf(Header)); Seek(DataFile, FileSize(DataFile)); {Here we set the individual file header to the appropriate information} FillChar(FileHeader, SizeOf(FileHeader), #0); FileHeader.Attribute := 0; FileHeader.Filename := Dirinfo.Name; FileHeader.CompType := 0; FileHeader.RealSize := FileSize(AddFile); FileHeader.CompSize := FileHeader.RealSize; FileHeader.Crc := 0; {check for disk space} If (DiskFree(0) < FileHeader.RealSize) Then Begin Add_File := 5; Dispose(FileBuf); Close(DataFile); Exit; End; BlockWrite(DataFile, FileHeader, SizeOf(FileHeader)); {copy the file} If Display Then Begin TextBackground(0); TextColor(7); Write('Adding ' + Dirinfo.Name + ': '); OldX := WhereX; OldY := WhereY; End; StartAt := FilePos(DataFile); Repeat BlockRead(AddFile, FileBuf^, BufSize, Bread); BlockWrite(DataFile, FileBuf^, Bread, Bwrite); If Display Then Begin GotoXY(OldX, OldY); Write(StatusBar(FileHeader.RealSize, (FilePos(DataFile) - StartAt), 50)); End; Until (Bread = 0) OR (Bread <> Bwrite); Close(AddFile); If Display Then Begin GotoXY(OldX, Oldy); ClrEol; End; If (Bread <> Bwrite) then Begin If Display Then Writeln('Error occured while adding!'); Add_File := 6 End Else Begin If Display Then Writeln('Done!'); Add_File := 0; End; FindNext(DirInfo); End; {while loop} Dispose(FileBuf); Close(DataFile); End; FUNCTION Remove_File(DataFilename, Filename: String; Display: Boolean): Byte; { This function returns the following: 0 - [filename] has been succcessfully deleted from Datafilename 1 - [filename] or [datafilename] are empty or [datafilename] does not exist 2 - Not enough disk space (minimum = file size of [datafilename]) 3 - [datafilename] is not of our type. Maybe not the right format? Hmm..:) } Const tFilename : String[12] = 'DATA.!!!'; {temporary file} Var OldX, OldY, {for display} TotalFiles, {just for the heck of it} CurrentFile : Byte; {the for-end loop} eFileHeader : tFileHeader; {Empty file header} tDataFile, {only used by the Rename function} DataFile : File; {file being worked on} OldPos : Longint; {to be sure pointer is always there} Cur_File, {for multiple file additions} Search_File : String[8]; Cur_Ext, Search_Ext : String[3]; Begin Assign(DataFile, DataFilename); Assign(tDataFile, tFilename); {check if file exists, or if a filename has been specified} If (DataFilename = '') OR (Filename = '') OR (NOT FileExists(DataFilename)) Then Begin Remove_File := 1; Exit; End Else Reset(DataFile, 1); {check for disk space} If (DiskFree(0) < FileSize(DataFile)) Then Begin Remove_File := 2; Close(DataFile); Exit; End; {check for the header id} BlockRead(DataFile, Header, SizeOf(Header)); If NOT (Header.Identification = Id_Check) Then Begin {if the header is not the same then it's not one of ours} Remove_File := 3; Exit; End; {Go to the beginning of the first individual file header} Seek(DataFile, SizeOf(Header)); Filename := UCase(Filename); TotalFiles := Header.NumberOfFiles; If Display Then Begin Writeln; Write('Removing: ' + Filename); OldX := WhereX + 1; OldY := WhereY; End; {loop through all the entries until [filename] is found} {BUG! Header.NumberOfFiles seems to change for some reason here!!} Search_File := Copy(Filename, 1, Pos('.', Filename) - 1); Search_Ext := Copy(Filename, Pos('.', Filename) + 1, Length(Filename)); For CurrentFile := 1 To TotalFiles Do Begin {read the header} FillChar(eFileHeader, SizeOf(eFileHeader), #0); BlockRead(DataFile, eFileHeader, SizeOf(eFileHeader)); OldPos := FilePos(DataFile); If Display Then Begin GotoXy(OldX, OldY); Write(StatusBar(TotalFiles, CurrentFile, 48)); End; {compare this file to the one the user wants} Cur_File := Copy(eFileHeader.Filename, 1, Pos('.', eFileHeader.Filename) - 1); Cur_Ext:=Copy(eFileHeader.Filename, Pos('.', eFileHeader.Filename) + 1, Length(eFileHeader.Filename)); If (NOT Compare_Filenames(Search_File, Cur_File)) OR (NOT Compare_Filenames(Search_Ext, Cur_Ext)) Then Begin {remove it from the original archive} Retrieve_File(DataFilename, eFileHeader.Filename, False); {add it to the temporary archive} Add_File(tFilename, eFileHeader.Filename, False); {go to the next file} End; Seek(DataFile, OldPos + eFileHeader.RealSize); End; Close(DataFile); Erase(DataFile); Rename(tDataFile, DataFilename); End; FUNCTION Show_File(DataFilename, Filename: String): Byte; { This functions returns the following: 0 - Displayed 1 - [datafilename] is blank or does not exist! 2 - File is of wrong type, meaning it's not one made by this program. } Var OldY : Byte; DataFile : File; CurrentFile : Byte; Cur_File, {current file name without extension} Search_File : String[8]; {file name without the extension} Cur_Ext, {current file extension only, no name} Search_Ext : String[3]; {file extension only, no name} TotalFiles : Byte; {counter for displayed files} TotalBytes : Longint; {counter for displayed bytes} Begin {check if file exists, or if a filename has been specified} If (DataFilename = '') OR {(Filename = '') OR} {not implemented yet} NOT FileExists(DataFilename) Then Begin Show_File := 1; Exit; End; {open the file} Assign(DataFile, DataFilename); Reset(DataFile, 1); {check for the header id} BlockRead(DataFile, Header, SizeOf(Header)); If NOT (Header.Identification = Id_Check) Then Begin {if the header is not the same then it's not one of ours} Show_File := 2; Exit; End; {Go to the beginning of the first individual file header! This is done already by BlockRead, but just to be on the safe side :)} Seek(DataFile, SizeOf(Header)); {loop through all the entries until [filename] is found} Writeln; Writeln; Write('Listing of ' + DataFilename); GotoXY(26, WhereY); Write(FileSize(DataFile)); Write(' ('); Write(FileSize(DataFile) DIV 1024); Write('k)'); Writeln; GotoXY(1, WhereY); Write('Created On: '); Write(Copy(Header.CreatedOn, 1, 10)); Write(' at '); Write(Copy(Header.CreatedOn, 11, 5)); GotoXY(35, WhereY); Write('Last updated On: '); Write(Copy(Header.UpdatedOn, 1, 10)); Write(' at '); Write(Copy(Header.UpdatedOn, 11, 5)); GotoXY(71, WhereY); Write(' Files: '); Write(Header.NumberOffiles); Writeln; Writeln; Writeln('FILENAME.EXT SIZE '); Writeln('------------ --------------------'); TotalBytes := 0; TotalFiles := 0; Search_File := Copy(Filename, 1, Pos('.', Filename) - 1); Search_Ext := Copy(Filename, Pos('.', Filename) + 1, Length(Filename)); For CurrentFile := 1 To Header.NumberOfFiles Do Begin {read the header} FillChar(FileHeader, SizeOf(FileHeader), #0); BlockRead(DataFile, FileHeader, SizeOf(FileHeader)); {so the user doesn't think we're lazy :)} Cur_File := Copy(FileHeader.Filename, 1, Pos('.', FileHeader.Filename) - 1); Cur_Ext := Copy(FileHeader.Filename, Pos('.', FileHeader.Filename) + 1, Length(FileHeader.Filename)); If Compare_Filenames(Search_File, Cur_File) Then If Compare_Filenames(Search_Ext, Cur_Ext) Then Begin OldY := WhereY; Write(FileHeader.Filename); GotoXY(24, OldY); Write(' ' :(11 - Length(ITOA(FileHeader.RealSize)))); Write(FileHeader.RealSize); Writeln; Inc(TotalBytes, FileHeader.RealSize); Inc(TotalFiles); End; {go to the next record} Seek(DataFile, FilePos(DataFile) + FileHeader.RealSize); End; Writeln('------------ --------------------'); OldY := WhereY; If (TotalBytes = 0) Then Writeln('No files') Else If (TotalFiles = 1) Then Write('1 file') Else Write(ITOA(TotalFiles), ' files'); GotoXY(24, OldY); Write(' ' :(11 - Length(ITOA(TotalBytes)))); Write(TotalBytes); Writeln; {If we get to here, means everything's cool} Close(DataFile); Show_File := 0; End; BEGIN END. { **************************************************************************** **** UNIT: VARS.PAS ******************************************************** **************************************************************************** } UNIT VARS; INTERFACE TYPE {You can always use these :)} St20 = String[20]; St40 = String[40]; St60 = String[60]; St80 = String[80]; tHeader = Record Identification: String[20]; {The id string, See ID_Check} {CreatedOn/UpdatedOn are like this MM-DD-YYYYHH:MM} CreatedOn : String[15]; {creation date, shouldn't change} UpdatedOn : String[15]; {last modification date} NumberOfFiles : Byte; {number of files in this file} End; tFileHeader = Record Attribute : Byte; {Attributes: 0 - None 1 - Hidden (N/A) 2 - System (N/A) 3 - Read Only (N/A) 4 - Archive (N/A) 5 - Directory (N/A) 6 - Label (N/A) } Filename : String[12]; {Filename as: FILENAME.EXT} CompType : Byte; {compression type: 0 - None/Store 1 - LZH (N/A) } EncrType : Byte; {encryption type: 0 - None/Store 1 - XOR (N/A) 2 - RSA (N/A) } RealSize : Longint; {actual size} CompSize : Longint; {compressed size} {N/A} Crc : Longint; {Circular Redundancy Check} {N/A} End; VAR Header : tHeader; {the MAIN header} FileHeader : tFileHeader; {each file's header} CONST {Please modify the ID_Check to a unique value used in your programs! I use the below one, as there's virtually no chance of anyone using the one below. It just makes sure that incase a .DAT file loses the ID it can't be read! Sometimes I lower the String[20] to String[2] and make it 'PK', } Id_Check : String[20] = #5#255'DATAIO File'; {for checking!} IMPLEMENTATION BEGIN END. { **************************************************************************** **** UNIT: FILEIO.PAS ****************************************************** **************************************************************************** } UNIT FILEIO; INTERFACE Uses Vars, Dos; {This is from the Borland Pascal's HELP files. I'm not sure if it's legel to post this one, but if it's not, people in SWAG, please replace FileExists function with anyone of the ones you guys have in FILES.SWG :)} FUNCTION FileExists(FileName: String): Boolean; {Author is from SWAG archives' FILES.SWG, whoever you are, let me know and I will credit you} FUNCTION Compare_FileNames(SearchStr,NameStr:string): boolean; {Author is from SWAG archives' FILES.SWG, whoever you are, let me know and I will credit you} PROCEDURE WipeFile(fn: string); IMPLEMENTATION FUNCTION FileExists(FileName: String): Boolean; { *** Boolean function that returns True if the file exists;otherwise, it returns False. Closes the file if it exists. *** } Var F: file; Begin {$I-} Assign(F, FileName); FileMode := 0; { Set file access to read only } Reset(F); Close(F); {$I+} FileExists := (IOResult = 0) and (FileName <> ''); End; { FileExists } FUNCTION Compare_FileNames(SearchStr,NameStr:string): boolean; assembler; { Compare SearchStr with NameStr, and allow wildcards in SearchStr. The following wildcards are allowed: *ABC* matches everything which contains ABC [A-C]* matches everything that starts with either A,B or C [ADEF-JW-Z] matches A,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,W,V,X,Y or Z ABC? matches ABC, ABC1, ABC2, ABCA, ABCB etc. ABC[?] matches ABC1, ABC2, ABCA, ABCB etc. (but not ABC) ABC* matches everything starting with ABC (for using with DOS filenames like DOS (and 4DOS), you must split the filename in the extention and the filename, and compare them seperately) } var LastW:word; asm cld push ds lds si,SearchStr les di,NameStr xor ah,ah lodsb mov cx,ax mov al,es:[di] inc di mov bx,ax or cx,cx jnz @ChkChr or bx,bx jz @ChrAOk jmp @ChrNOk xor dh,dh @ChkChr: lodsb cmp al,'*' jne @ChkQues dec cx jz @ChrAOk mov dh,1 mov LastW,cx jmp @ChkChr @ChkQues: cmp al,'?' jnz @NormChr inc di or bx,bx je @ChrOk dec bx jmp @ChrOk @NormChr: or bx,bx je @ChrNOk {From here to @No4DosChr is used for [0-9]/[?]/[!0-9] 4DOS wildcards...} cmp al,'[' jne @No4DosChr cmp word ptr [si],']?' je @SkipRange mov ah,byte ptr es:[di] xor dl,dl cmp byte ptr [si],'!' jnz @ChkRange inc si dec cx jz @ChrNOk inc dx @ChkRange: lodsb dec cx jz @ChrNOk cmp al,']' je @NChrNOk cmp ah,al je @NChrOk cmp byte ptr [si],'-' jne @ChkRange inc si dec cx jz @ChrNOk cmp ah,al jae @ChkR2 inc si {Throw a-Z < away} dec cx jz @ChrNOk jmp @ChkRange @ChkR2: lodsb dec cx jz @ChrNOk cmp ah,al ja @ChkRange {= jbe @NChrOk; jmp @ChkRange} @NChrOk: or dl,dl jnz @ChrNOk inc dx @NChrNOk: or dl,dl jz @ChrNOk @NNChrOk: cmp al,']' je @NNNChrOk @SkipRange: lodsb cmp al,']' loopne @SkipRange jne @ChrNOk @NNNChrOk: dec bx inc di jmp @ChrOk @No4DosChr: cmp es:[di],al jne @ChrNOk inc di dec bx @ChrOk: xor dh,dh dec cx jnz @ChkChr { Can't use loop, distance >128 bytes } or bx,bx jnz @ChrNOk @ChrAOk: mov al,1 jmp @EndR @ChrNOk: or dh,dh jz @IChrNOk jcxz @IChrNOk or bx,bx jz @IChrNOk inc di dec bx jz @IChrNOk mov ax,[LastW] sub ax,cx add cx,ax sub si,ax dec si jmp @ChkChr @IChrNOk: mov al,0 @EndR: pop ds end; PROCEDURE WipeFile(fn: string); Var size, total: longint; loop, towrite, numwritten: word; f: file; buffer: array[1..1024] of byte; begin assign(f,fn); filemode := 2; setfattr(f,0); if doserror = 0 then begin rename(f,'~~~~~~~~.~~~'); rename(f,'~'); for loop := 1 to sizeof(buffer) do buffer[loop] := random(256); reset(f,1); size := filesize(f); total := 0; repeat {Figure out how much to write } towrite := sizeof(buffer); if towrite+total > size then towrite := size - total; blockwrite(f,buffer,towrite,numwritten); inc(total,numwritten); until (total = size); Seek(f,0); Truncate(f); close(f); erase(f); end; end; BEGIN END. { **************************************************************************** **** UNIT: STRIO.PAS ******************************************************* **************************************************************************** } { *** Handles string in/output and various conversion routines *** } Unit StrIO; INTERFACE Uses Vars; {From SWAG's CRT, modified to allow for Barlength} FUNCTION StatusBar(total, amt, barlength: longint): St80; FUNCTION ITOA(i: longint): St40; FUNCTION ATOI(s: St40): LongInt; {From SWAG} FUNCTION UpCase(c: Char): Char; FUNCTION UCase(s: String): String; FUNCTION RepStr(Times: Byte; Which: Char): String; FUNCTION Strip_Path(Fullfilename: String): String; FUNCTION Leading_Zero(Number: String; Digits: Byte): String; FUNCTION Read_Str(StrLen : Byte; InputFg, InputBg : Integer; Hidden, Spaces : Char; SpinWanted, Display, Upper, OnlyNumbers, AutoReturn : Boolean; Default : String): String; PROCEDURE Flush_Keyboard_Buffer; FUNCTION Right_Pad(s: String; MaxLength: Word): String; FUNCTION Right_Strip(s: String): String; FUNCTION Right_Justify(s: String; sl: Byte): String; IMPLEMENTATION Uses Crt; FUNCTION CharStr(HowMuch: Byte; WithWhatChar: Char): String; { *** fills charStr with withwhatchar to the howmuch *** } Var j : Integer; TempStr : St80; Begin TempStr := ''; For J := 1 To HowMuch Do Insert(WithWhatChar, TempStr, J); CharStr := TempStr; End; FUNCTION StatusBar(total, amt, barlength: longint): St80; { Const BarLength = 30;} Var a, b, c, d : longint; sD : String; {for conversion} percent : real; st : string; Begin If (total = 0) OR (amt = 0) Then Begin StatusBar := ''; Exit; End; If (Amt > Total) Then amt := total; Percent := Amt / Total * (Barlength * 10); a := trunc(percent); b := a div 10; c := 1; percent := amt / total * 100; d := trunc(percent); Str(d, sD); st := ' (' + sD + '%)'; StatusBar := CharStr(b * c, #219) + CharStr(Barlength - (b * c), #176) + st; End; FUNCTION ITOA(i: longint): St40; { *** Converts integers into alphanumericals or strings *** } Var stTemp: St20; Begin Str(i, stTemp); ITOA := stTemp; End; FUNCTION ATOI(s: St40): LongInt; { *** Converts a string into a integer/real *** } Var Code: Integer; lTemp: LongInt; rTemp: Real; Begin Val(s, rTemp, Code); If (Code <> 0) Then rTemp := 0; lTemp := Trunc(rTemp); ATOI := lTemp; End; FUNCTION UpCase(C: Char): Char; Assembler; { will replace TP's built-in upcase } ASM MOV DL, C MOV AX, $6520 INT $21 MOV AL, DL { function result in AL } END; FUNCTION UCase(s: String): String; { *** Converts any string(s) into upper case letters *** } Var J : Integer; Begin For J := 1 to Length(s) Do s[J] := StrIo.UpCase(s[J]); UCase := S; End; FUNCTION RepStr(Times: Byte; Which: Char): String; Var J : Byte; tString : String; Begin tString := ''; For J := 1 To Times Do tString := tString + Which; RepStr := tString; End; FUNCTION Strip_Path(Fullfilename: String): String; Var tString: String; Begin tString := FullFilename; While (Pos('\', tString) <> 0) Do Delete(tString, 1, Pos('\', tString)); Strip_Path := tString; End; { Makes sure that NUMBER is DIGITS digits. Ie if DIGITS = 10 and NUMBER = 29 the result is 0000000029, 10 DIGITS :) Simple hugh? } FUNCTION Leading_Zero(Number: String; Digits: Byte): String; Var tString : String; {temporary zero holding spot} NeedZeros : Integer; {Number of zeros needed} J : Byte; {for the FOR-LOOP} Begin tString := ''; NeedZeros := Digits - Length(Number); If (NeedZeros > 0) Then Begin for J := 1 TO NeedZeros Do tString := tString + '0'; tString := tString + Number; End Else tString := Number; Leading_Zero := tString; End; FUNCTION Read_Str(StrLen : Byte; InputFg, InputBg : Integer; Hidden, Spaces : Char; SpinWanted, Display, Upper, OnlyNumbers, AutoReturn : Boolean; Default : String): String; { *** Gets string from local/remote StrLen - String length InputFg - Foreground for input InputBg - Background for input Hidden - character to display instead of entered characters or #0 Spaces - Character to display where nothing is written. Display - Display output Upper - force upper case OnlyNumbers - Characters between 0-9 are allowed, nothing else AutoReturn - Wheter to hig enter automatically after STRLENth character SpinWanted - Wheter or not to spin a character Default - Text displayed as if user/modem typed it in. *** } Var ChIn : Char; {character read in} StrCount: Integer; {current location in string} J : Integer; {used in For-loop combo} TempStr : String; {temporary string} OldX, OldY, OldFg, OldBg : Word; {save coordinates} SpinCount: Byte; Const Spin : Array [1..4] Of Char = ('|', '/', '-', '\'); Begin TempStr := ''; ChIn := #0; StrCount := 0; SpinCount := 0; if Default <> #0 Then Begin TempStr := Default; StrCount := Length(TempStr); End; If Display Then Begin OldX := WhereX; OldY := WhereY; OldFg := TextAttr MOD 16; OldBg := TextAttr SHR 4; TextColor(InputFg); TextBackground(InputBg); if (Spaces < #32) Then Spaces := #32; For J := 1 to StrLen Do Write(Spaces); GotoXY(OldX, OldY); If (Default <> #0) Then Begin For J := 1 to Length(Default) Do If (Hidden <> #0) Then Write(Hidden) Else Write(Default[J]); End End; Repeat Repeat If SpinWanted Then Begin Inc(SpinCount); If (SpinCount > 4) Then SpinCount := 1; Write(Spin[SpinCount]); GotoXY(WhereX - 1, WhereY); Delay(30); Write(' '); GotoXY(WhereX - 1, WhereY); End; Until Keypressed; ChIn := Readkey; If (ChIn = #0) Then Exit; If Upper then ChIn := Upcase(ChIn); Case UpCase(ChIn) Of #19: Begin {left arrow} If (StrCount > 1) Then Begin Dec(StrCount, 1); If Display Then GotoXY(WhereX - 1, WhereY); End; End; #4: Begin {right arrow} If (StrCount < StrLen) Then Begin Inc(StrCount, 1); Insert(#32, TempStr, StrCount); If Display Then GotoXY(WhereX + 1, WhereY); End; End; #8: Begin If (StrCount > 0) Then Begin Dec(StrCount, 1); If Display Then Begin GotoXY(WhereX - 1, WhereY); Write(Spaces); GotoXY(WhereX - 1, WhereY); End; Delete(TempStr, Length(TempStr), 1); End; ChIn := #0; End; #13: Begin If Display Then GotoXY(1, WhereY + 1); End; #32..#255: Begin If (StrCount < StrLen) Then Begin If OnlyNumbers Then Begin Case ChIn Of '0'..'9', '.': Begin Inc(StrCount); Insert(ChIn, TempStr, StrCount); End; Else {anything except numbers} ChIn := #0; End; End {if onlynumbers then} Else Begin Inc(StrCount); Insert(ChIn, TempStr, StrCount); End; End Else ChIn := #0; End; Else ChIn := #0; End; {case} If (StrCount = StrLen) Then Begin If AutoReturn Then Begin ChIn := #13; GotoXY(1, WhereY + 1); End; End; If Display AND (ChIn <> #0) Then if (Hidden > #32) Then {space or no pw} Write(Hidden) Else Write(ChIn); Until (ChIn = #13) OR (ChIn = #27); If Display Then Begin TextColor(OldFg); TextBackground(OldBg); End; Read_Str := TempStr; End; PROCEDURE Flush_Keyboard_Buffer; Var ChIn : Char; {for clearing the keyboard buffer} Begin While Keypressed Do ChIn := ReadKey; End; FUNCTION Right_Pad(s: String; MaxLength: Word): String; Const tString : String = ''; HowMany : Byte = 0; J : Byte = 0; Begin J := 0; HowMany := 0; tString := ''; {check for greater then number strings} If (Length(s) > MaxLength) Then Begin tString := Copy(s, 1, MaxLength); Exit; End Else Begin HowMany := (MaxLength - Length(s)); Repeat Inc(J); tString := tString + #32; Until J >= HowMany; tString := s + tString; End; Right_Pad := tString; End; FUNCTION Right_Strip(s: String): String; Var StrLen, Count : Byte; Begin StrLen := Length(s); Count := StrLen + 1; Repeat Dec(Count); Until (s[Count] <> #32); Delete(s, Count + 1, StrLen - Count); Right_Strip := S; End; FUNCTION Right_Justify(s: String; sl: Byte): String; Var tString2, tString: String; Where, HowMuch: Byte; Begin tString := ''; tString2 := ''; tString := s; If Length(tString) > Sl Then Begin tString2 := Copy(tString, 1, Sl); Right_Justify := tString2; Exit; End; Where := 1; Where := sl - Length(tString); FillChar(tString2, Where, #32); Insert(tString, tString2, Where); Delete(tString2, Where + Length(tString), Length(tString2) - (Where + Length(tString)) + 1); Right_Justify := tString2; End; BEGIN END. { PLEASE! Anybody who can optimize this so it doesn't require as much stack/heap space as it does now, I'd really appreciate it. Also, if you find a way to replace ANYTHING in here with ASM (or in any of the sub-units) PLEASE MAIL ME THE MODIFICATIONS! Mail to miki.landekic@canrem.com or leave mail in the pascal echo you saw this in to Miki Landekic. Thanks in advance (written by Bojan Landekic) }