{ DELM - Multiple delete (C) 1996 Scott Tunstall. Without entering any crap utils like CO, DR etc you can do this straight from the command line.. nice 'n' easy !! :) } Uses Dos; Procedure Usage; Begin Writeln; Writeln; Writeln('DELM - Delete Multiple Files quickly via command line.'); Writeln('(C) 1996 Scott Tunstall. All rights reserved.'); Writeln; Writeln('Usage :'); Writeln; Writeln('DELM [FileSpec2] [FileSpec3..]'); Writeln; Writeln; End; Procedure RemoveFiles(FirstParmToUse, EndParm: byte); Var Fails: byte; { No of missed files } Count: byte; Rec: SearchRec; FileToErase: file; Begin Fails:=0; For Count:=FirstParmToUse To EndParm do Begin FindFirst(ParamStr(Count), $2F, Rec); If DosError <>0 Then Begin Writeln('No file matches the pattern ', ParamStr(Count), '!'); Inc(Fails); End Else while DosError = 0 do Begin Writeln('Deleting ', Rec.Name, '.'); Assign(FileToErase, Rec.Name); {$i-} Erase(FileToErase); {$i+} FindNext(Rec); End; End; Halt(Fails); End; Begin If ParamCount = 0 Then Usage Else RemoveFiles(1, ParamCount); End.