LARRY HADLEY Errata: include an "info" Pointer field in the SYMTAB_NODE structure in the previous post. USING THE SYMBOL TABLE - A CROSS REFERENCER A cross-reference is a listing of a Programs identifiers in alphabetical order: Page 1 hello.pas April 08 1993 19:03 1 0: Program hello (output); 2 0: Var i:Integer; 3 0: begin 4 0: For i := 1 to 10 do 5 0: begin 6 0: WriteLn('Hello world.'); 7 0: end; 8 0: end. Cross Reference --------------- hello 1 i 2 4 Integer 2 ouput 1 Writeln 6 As shown above, alongside each identifier's name are the source line numbers that contain the identifier. (This is useful for tracking where they're used) A cross-referencer reads the source File and looks for identifiers, using the scanner you've built previously. The first time a particular identifier is found, it is inserted in the symbol tree along With it's line number. Subsequent appearances of the same identifier update the symbol tree With an additional line number appended to the list of line numbers. As soon as the Program is completely scanned, all the identifier names and their line numbers are printed. Use the INFO field of SYMTAB_NODE to point to a LINKED LIST of line numbers. The main loop should scan For tokens Until it finds a period, or Exits With an "Unexpected end of File" error. For each identifier, search the symbol table to see if their were any previous instances of the identifier. If it is not found, then this must be the first time it is used so we can call the "enter" Function to create a new node. Then, whether a new node was actually created or not, we call a Function to add the line number to the queue of line numbers attached to the node's "info" field. Finally, when the scanner loop terminates, we call a printing Function which traverses the tree from left to right to print the sorted tree - and all the line numbers in the linked list attached to each node. Note that a recursive call to itself is probably the easiest way to do this, since _all_ the nodes of the tree are being accessed, not just one. Types you will need: Type pLINENUMS = ^LINENUM_NODE; LINENUM_NODE = Record next :pLINENUMS; line :Integer; end; pLINE_HEADER = ^LINENUM_HDR; LINENUM_HDR = Record first, last :pLINENUMS; end; EXCERCISE #1 Write a cross referencer, as above. Text it With an assortment of pascal sourceFiles. ADVANCED EXCERCISE Note that the symbol table above converts all identifier names to lower case. What would be needed to reWrite the scanner/xref Program to preserve case? ReWrite the xref Program to do so. (note that Pascal compilers are Case insensitive, so the symbol table - For compatibility - must compare lower case) "BRAIN TEASERS" 1. What would be necessary to reWrite the symbol table as a hash table? 2. If an identifier appears more than once in a line, line numbers will appear more than once in the listing. Fix xref to recognize duplicate occurences of line numbers in node-lists. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Next: Pascal source cruncher.