{ BOB SWART Here it is, all new and much faster. I used an internal binary tree to manage the taglines. You can store up to the available RAM in taglines: } {$A+,B-,D-,E-,F-,G-,I-,L-,N-,O-,P-,Q-,R-,S+,T-,V-,X-} {$M 16384,0,655360} Uses Crt; Type TBuffer = Array[0..$4000] of Char; Const Title = 'TagLines 0.2 by Bob Swart For Travis Griggs'#13#10; Usage = 'Usage: TagLines inFile outFile'#13#10#13#10+ ' Taglines will remove dupicate lines from inFile.'#13#10+ ' Resulting Text is placed in outFile.'#13#10; NumLines: LongInt = 0; { total number of lines in InFile } NmLdiv80: LongInt = 0; { NumLines div 80, For 'progress' } CurrentL: LongInt = 0; { current lineno read from InFile } Type String80 = String[80]; PBinTree = ^TBinTree; TBinTree = Record Info: String80; left,right: PBinTree end; Var InBuf, OutBuf : TBuffer; InFile, OutFile : Text; TagLine : String80; Root, Current, Prev : PBinTree; i : Integer; SaveExit : Pointer; Function CompStr(Var Name1,Name2: String): Integer; Assembler; { Author: drs. Robert E. Swart } Asm push DS lds SI,Name1 { ds:si pts to Name1 } les DI,Name2 { es:di pts to Name2 } cld lodsb { get String1 length in AL } mov AH,ES:[DI] { get String2 length in AH } inc DI mov BX,AX { save both lengths in BX } xor CX,CX { clear cx } mov CL,AL { get String1 length in CX } cmp CL,AH { equal to String2 length? } jb @Len { CX stores minimum length } mov CL,AH { of String1 and String2 } @Len: jcxz @Exit { quit if null } @Loop: lodsb { String1[i] in AL } mov AH,ES:[DI] { String2[i] in AH } cmp AL,AH { compare Str1 to Str2 } jne @Not { loop if equal } inc DI loop @Loop { go do next Char } jmp @Exit { Strings OK, Length also? } @Not: mov BX,AX { BL = AL = String1[i], BH = AH = String2[i] } @Exit: xor AX,AX cmp BL,BH { length or contents comp } je @Equal { 1 = 2: return 0 } jb @Lower { 1 < 2: return -1 } inc AX { 1 > 2: return 1 } inc AX @Lower: dec AX @Equal: pop DS end {CompStr}; Procedure Stop; Far; begin ExitProc := SaveExit; Close(InFile); Close(OutFile); end {Stop}; begin Writeln(Title); if Paramcount <> 2 then begin Writeln(Usage); Halt end; Assign(InFile,ParamStr(1)); SetTextBuf(InFile,InBuf); Reset(InFile); if IOResult <> 0 then begin WriteLn('Error: could not open ', ParamStr(1)); Halt(1) end; Assign(OutFile,ParamStr(2)); SetTextBuf(OutFile,OutBuf); Reset(OutFile); if IOResult = 0 then begin WriteLn('Error: File ', ParamStr(2),' already exists'); Halt(2) end; ReWrite(OutFile); if IOResult <> 0 then begin WriteLn('Error: could not create ', ParamStr(2)); Halt(3) end; SaveExit := ExitProc; ExitProc := @Stop; While not eof(InFile) do begin readln(InFile); Inc(NumLines); end; Writeln('There are ',NumLines,' lines in this File.'#13#10); Writeln('Press any key to stop the search For duplicate lines'); NmLdiv80 := NumLines div 80; Root := nil; reset(InFile); While CurrentL <> NumLines do begin if KeyPressed then Halt { calls Stop }; Inc(CurrentL); if (CurrentL and NmLdiv80) = 0 then Write('#'); readln(InFile,TagLine); if root = nil then { first TagLine } begin New(Root); Root^.left := nil; Root^.right := nil; Root^.Info := TagLine; Writeln(OutFile,tagLine) end else { binary search For TagLine } begin Current := Root; Repeat Prev := Current; i := CompStr(Current^.Info,TagLine); if i > 0 then Current := Current^.left else if i < 0 then Current := Current^.right Until (i = 0) or (Current = nil); if i <> 0 then { TagLine not found } begin New(Current); Current^.left := nil; Current^.right := nil; Current^.Info := TagLine; if i > 0 then Prev^.left := Current { Current before Prev } else Prev^.right := Current { Current after Prev }; Writeln(OutFile,TagLine) end end end; Writeln(#13#10'100% Completed, result is in File ',ParamStr(2)) { close is done by Stop } end. { > I also tried DJ's idea of the buffer of 65535 but it said the structure > was too large. So I used 64512. Always try to use a multiple of 4K, because the hard disk 'eats' space in these chunks. Reading/Writing in these chunks goes a lot faster that way. }