{ STEVE BOUTILIER } Uses Dos, Crt; Procedure OpenGraphics; Assembler; Asm Mov Ah, 00h Mov Al, 13h Int $10 end; Procedure CloseGraphics; Assembler; Asm Mov Ah, 00h Mov Al, 03h Int $10 end; Procedure PutXY(X, Y : Byte); Assembler; Asm Mov Ah, 02h Mov Dh, Y - 1 Mov Dl, X - 1 Mov Bh, 0 Int $10 end; Procedure OutChar(S : Char; Col : Byte); Assembler; Asm Mov Ah, 0Eh Mov Al, S Mov Bh, 0 Mov Bl, Col Int $10 end; Procedure OutString(S : String; Col : Byte); Var I : Integer; Ch : Char; begin For I := 1 to Length(s) do begin Ch := S[I]; OutChar(Ch, Col); end; end; begin OpenGraphics; OutString('HELLO WORLD!' + #13#10, 14); Repeat Until KeyPressed; CloseGraphics; end. { BTW: This code is Public Domain! Do what you want With it! most of you probably already have routines that are even better than this. }