{ From: SEAN PALMER Subj: RIP Bezier Curve --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO> Does anyone have any code for constructing a RIP Bezier curve that is NO> exactly the same as the one used by Telegrafix developers. I have some NO> code that comes close, but close isn't good enough. I need this to be NO> dead on accurate. NO> PS. I'm willing to share my code with others that are interested in NO> RIP. {Public domain by Sean Palmer} {converted from Steve Enns' original Basic subroutines by Sean Palmer} var color:byte; procedure plot(x,y:word);begin mem[$A000:y*320+x]:=color; end; type coord=record x,y:integer; end; CurveDataRec=array[0..65521 div sizeof(coord)]of coord; procedure drawBSpline(var d0:coord;nPoints,nSteps:word); const nsa=1/6; nsb=2/3; var i,i2,xx,yy:integer; t,ta,t2,t2a,t3,t3a,nc1,nc2,nc3,nc4,step:real; d:curveDataRec absolute d0; begin step:=1/nSteps; for i:=0 to nPoints-4 do begin color:=i+32+2; t:=0.0; for i2:=pred(nSteps)downto 0 do begin t:=t+step; ta:=t*0.5; t2:=t*t; t2A:=t2*0.5; t3:=t2*t; t3A:=t3*0.5; nc1:=-nsa*t3+t2A-ta+nsa; nc2:=t3a-t2+nsb; nc3:=-t3a+t2a+ta+nsa; nc4:=nsa*t3; xx:=round(nc1*d[i].x+nc2*d[succ(i)].x+nc3*d[i+2].x+nc4*d[i+3].x); yy:=round(nc1*d[i].y+nc2*d[succ(i)].y+nc3*d[i+2].y+nc4*d[i+3].y); plot(xx,yy); end; end; end; procedure drawBezier(var d0:coord;nPoints,nSteps:word); const nsa=1/6; nsb=2/3; var i,i2,i3,xx,yy:integer; t,tm3,t2,t2m3,t3,t3m3,nc1,nc2,nc3,nc4,step:real; d:curveDataRec absolute d0; begin step:=1/nSteps; for i2:=0 to pred(nPoints) div 4 do begin i:=i2*4; t:=0.0; for i3:=pred(nSteps) downto 0 do begin t:=t+step; tm3:=t*3.0; t2:=t*t; t2m3:=t2*3.0; t3:=t2*t; t3m3:=t3*3.0; nc1:=1-tm3+t2m3-t3; nc2:=t3m3-2.0*t2m3+tm3; nc3:=t2m3-t3m3; nc4:=t3; xx:=round(nc1*d[i].x+nc2*d[succ(i)].x+nc3*d[i+2].x+nc4*d[i+3].x); yy:=round(nc1*d[i].y+nc2*d[succ(i)].y+nc3*d[i+2].y+nc4*d[i+3].y); plot(xx,yy); end; end; end; const numpoints=40; var c:array[-1..2+numPoints]of coord; var i:integer; begin asm mov ax,$13; int $10; end; {init vga/mcga graphics} randomize; for i:=1 to numPoints do with c[i] do begin x:=i*(319 div numPoints); {for precision demo} {x:=random(320);} {for fun demo} y:=random(200); end; for i:=1 to numPoints div 2 do c[i*2+1].y:=c[i*2].y; {fit closer} for i:=1 to numPoints do with c[i] do begin color:=i+32; plot(x,y); end; c[-1]:=c[1]; c[0]:=c[1]; {replicate end points so curves fit to input} c[numPoints+1]:=c[numPoints]; c[numPoints+2]:=c[numPoints]; drawBSpline(c[-1],numPoints+4,256); {set third parm to 256 for precision, 64 f} readln; asm mov ax,3; int $10; end; {text mode again} end.