{ From: SCOTT BRADSHAW Subj: RIP BEZIER CURVES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I had a whole RIP unit I made for Turbo Pascal over the modem, but it got lost in a HD crash. I am really not that interested in RIP anymore, but I will give you mu source to the Bezier Curve. It should be pretty close to what your looking for... } program bezier; uses graph,crt; procedure Bezier_2D_Curve( x, y, cx,cy,a,b,ca,cb:integer;incr:real); var qx, qy :real; q1, q2, q3, q4:real; plotx, ploty:integer; t:real; begin t := 0; while (t <= 1) do begin q1 := t*t*t*-1 + t*t*3 + t*-3 + 1; q2 := t*t*t*3 + t*t*-6 + t*3; q3 := t*t*t*-3 + t*t*3; q4 := t*t*t; qx := q1*x + q2*cx + q3*a + q4*ca; qy := q1*y + q2*cy + q3*b + q4*cb; plotx := round(qx); ploty := round(qy); putpixel( plotx, ploty, 15); t := t + incr; end; end; var gd,gm:integer; c:char; begin gd := VGA; gm := VGAHI; initgraph(gd,gm,'\turbo\tp'); setcolor( BLUE ); Bezier_2D_Curve( 100, 400, 25, 450, 120, 275, 300, 455,0.003 ); c:=readkey; Bezier_2D_Curve( 310, 200, 360, 150, 510, 200, 460, 250,0.003 ); c:=readkey; end.