{ From: 9308920@info.umoncton.ca (DEGRACE KEITH) } var c, x, y : byte; procedure setrgb(c, r, g, b : byte); begin port[$3c8] := c; { g'day, this is a probably the most simple version } port[$3c9] := r; { of fire that you will ever see in pascal. i wrote } port[$3c9] := g; { the code in pascal so it's slow and choppy, i have } port[$3c9] := b; { another version in asm. and it's faster. anyways if } end; { you have any critics or question on this code, just } { e-mail me at ekd0840@bosoleil.ci.umoncton.ca. or } begin { 9323767@info.umoncton.ca } randomize; { note : I have code for all kinds of stuff (that I } asm mov ax, 13h { wrote of course), if you want something } int 10h { e-mail me (i never get mail), maybe i have } end; { what you want. } for x := 1 to 32 do{ keith degrƒce } begin { moncton, n.-b. canada } setrgb(x, (x shl 1)-1, 0, 0 ); setrgb(x+32, 63, (x shl 1)-1, 0 ); setrgb(x+64, 63, 63, (x shl 1)-1 ); setrgb(x+96, 63, 63, 63 ); end; repeat for x := 0 to 159 do begin for y := 30 to 101 do begin c := (mem[$a000:(y shl 1)*320+(x shl 1)]+ mem[$a000:(y shl 1)*320+((x+1) shl 1)]+ mem[$a000:(y shl 1)*320+((x-1) shl 1)]+ mem[$a000:((y+1) shl 1)*320+((x+1) shl 1)]) shr 2; if c <> 0 then dec(c); memw[$a000:(((y-1) shl 1)*320+(x shl 1))] := (c shl 8) + c; memw[$a000:(((y shl 1)-1)*320+(x shl 1))] := (c shl 8) + c; end; mem[$a000:(y shl 1)*320+(x shl 1)] := random(2)*160; end; until port[$60] < $80; asm mov ax, 3 int 10h end; end.