{ Here is a little routine for those of you wanting to check if the VGA is in graphics mode or textmode - quite handy for screensavers and DOS pop-ups. } Var t1, t2 : Boolean; Function InGraphMode : Boolean; Assembler; Asm CLI Mov Dx,3DAh In Al,Dx {Reset addr/data flipflop} Mov Dx,3C0h {Index register} Mov Al,30h {10h + keep screen output enabled} Out Dx,Al {Set index} Inc Dx {Read address} {Accesses to the attribute controller must be separated by at least 250ns} Nop {Small delay, try Jmp @Lab; @Lab: if it doesn't work} In Al,Dx {Get mode control register} And Al,1 {Isolate graphics bit} STI end {InGraphMode}; Procedure SetMode(m : word); Assembler; Asm Mov ax,m int 10h end; Begin SetMode($13); t1 := InGraphMode; SetMode(3); t2 := InGraphMode; Writeln(t1, ' ', t2); end.