{ > I was wondering if anywone could tell me how to read > the partition table off of a hard drive directly through the BIOS. This routine should work for any sector. It returns zero if no errors. } FUNCTION ReadSector(drive, head, track, sector : Byte; buff : Pointer): Byte; { drive = 0 for drive A:, 1 = B:, } { 80h = first hard drive. } BEGIN ASM mov [@result], 0 { setup for no error } mov ax, 0201h { read 1 sector } les bx, [buff] { es:bx -> buffer } mov ch, [track] mov cl, [sector] mov dh, [head] mov dl, [drive] int 13h jnc @@NoErr mov [@result], ah @@NoErr: END END; VAR buffer : Array[0..511] OF Byte; BEGIN WriteLn('Result is ', ReadSector($80, 0, 0, 1, @buffer)); ReadLn; END.