{ I finally got ready my contribution to SWAG. I hope it will be included in the August release :) It consists of some software / hardware detection (pci boards, vesa compliant cards, fpu, game port, xms, emm, 4dos, etc.) Put it in the section that you think it's more appropiate. I think HARDWARE would be nice (although it has some software routines) or maybe MISC. I don't know. It's up to you :) Anyway, I suppose you will include the appropiate keywords, won't you? Well, here it is. Maybe I have time to send you some other contributions for the August release. -------- cut ----------- cut ---------- cut ---------- cut ---------- } program test_system; uses crt; { *************************************************************** This program detects some cool hardware and software stuff By Pedro Eisman, CRAMP / Dark Ritual, 1996 Use it, modify it, etc. Please give credit when necessary ;-) Contribute to SWAG, so it will always be so cool! *************************************************************** } procedure biosdate; {Returns the bios date} var l:byte; begin write('Bios date: '); for l:=1 to 8 do begin write(chr(mem[$f000:$fff4+l])) end; writeln; end; function pci:boolean; {Tells if there is a PCI board Returns TRUE if found} function ispci:byte;assembler;asm mov ax,0b101h int 01ah mov al,ah end; begin if ispci=0 then pci:=true else pci:=false; end; function detectfpu:boolean; {Detects a coprocessor, not 100% reliable Returns true if found, false if not found} var val: byte; begin val:= mem[$0000:$0410]; if val and 2=2 then detectfpu:=true {Check bit 2} else detectfpu:=false; end; function detectgame:boolean; {Tells if there is a game card or joystick port Returns TRUE if found} var val: byte; begin val:= mem[$0000:$0411]; if val and 6=6 then detectgame:=true {Check bit 6} else detectgame:=false; end; function xms:boolean; {Tells if there is an extended memory manager Returns true if found} function checkxmm:byte;assembler;asm mov ax,4300h int 2fh end; begin if checkxmm=$80 then xms:=true else xms:=false; end; function emm:boolean; {Tells if there is an expanded memory manager, EMM386 Returns TRUE if found (not tested with QEMM) } var l: byte; e: boolean; const name:string[8]='EMMXXXX0'; {We have to look in memory for this string} function addressemm:word;assembler;asm {It returns the segment where the memory manager resides} mov ax,3567h int 21h mov ax,es end; begin e:=true; for l:=10 to 17 do begin {This is where the string starts} if chr(mem[addressemm:l])<>name[l-9] then e:=false; {Compare it} end; emm:=e; end; procedure svga; {Checks for a VESA compliant card} var infoptr: pointer; {Pointer where the cards gives us its info} infoseg: word; s,d: word; i : byte; fabric: string; {Card's manufacturer name} function isvesa:byte;assembler;asm {Checks if there's a VESA compliant card and finds where to get allits info} mov ax,infoseg mov es,ax xor di,di mov ax,4f00h int 10h xchg ah,al end; begin getmem(infoptr,257); {Reserve memory for card's info} infoseg:=seg(infoptr^); if isvesa<>0 then writeln ('No VESA card found') else begin writeln('VESA card found'); writeln('Version: ',mem[infoseg:5],'.',mem[infoseg:4]); d:=memw[infoseg:6]; s:=memw[infoseg:8]; i:=0; repeat i:=i+1; fabric[i]:=chr(mem[s:d+i-1]); {The manufacturer's string is in} until (mem[s:d+i-1]=0); {ASCIIZ so this ends when 0 found} fabric[0]:=chr(i); writeln('Manufacturer: ',fabric); end; freemem(infoptr,257); {Free the info area} end; function cdrom:boolean;{Tells if MSCDEX is loaded (and consequently if there is a CD-ROM drive. Returns TRUE if found} function check:byte;assembler;asm mov ax,1100h int 2fh end; begin if check=255 then cdrom:=true else cdrom:=false; end; procedure _4dos; {Tells us if 4DOS.COM is loaded and its version} function _4check:word;assembler;asm {This checks that is loaded} mov ax,0d44dh xor bh,bh int 2fh end; function major:byte;assembler;asm mov ax,0d44dh xor bh,bh int 2fh mov al,bl end; function minor:byte;assembler;asm mov ax,0d44dh xor bh,bh int 2fh mov al,bh end; begin if _4check=$44dd then writeln('4DOS detected. Version: ',major,'.',minor) else writeln('4DOS not present'); end; {Sample program using all functions and procedures} begin clrscr; {No comments ;-) } biosdate; {Bios date} if pci then writeln ('PCI board found') {PCI Board} else writeln ('No PCI board found'); if detectfpu then writeln ('Coprocessor found') {Coprocessor} else writeln ('No coprocessor found'); if detectgame then writeln ('Joystick port found') {Joystick} else writeln ('No joystick port found'); if xms then writeln ('Extended memory manager found') {XMM} else writeln ('No extended memory manager found'); if emm then writeln ('Expanded memory manager found') {EMM} else writeln ('No expanded memory manager found'); svga; {VESA card} if cdrom then writeln ('MSCDEX loaded, CD-ROM drive found') {CD-ROM} else writeln ('MSCDEX not loaded or there is no CD-ROM'); _4dos; {4DOS.COM} end. { Well, that's all for today ;-). I have some other routines but I didn't include them because they were so messy. I am also interested on seing your routines :). A lot of this things can be easily taken out from the famous Ralph Brown Interrupt List. Feel free to contact me for commentaries, questions, enhancements or whatever. Pedro Eisman, Cramp / Dark Ritual Demo Group Fidonet: 2:341/70.108 Internet: peisman@emporium.subred.org WWW: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/1216 }