Program How_To_Create_YOUR_OWN_Interrupt; (* Author: Salvatore Meschini - E-Mail: - WWW: - Please report bugs and suggestions - Get File Formats Encyclopedia at OR *) uses crt, DOS; var dummy:byte; (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) procedure Main; begin clrscr; textcolor(10); writeln('YOUR PROGRAM IS RUNNING!!! (Press any key)'); readkey; end; (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) procedure Buzzer; begin textcolor(15); writeln('LONG BEEP...'); sound(1000); delay(1000); nosound; end; (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) Procedure PrintResult; begin textcolor(12); writeln('AL=03 * CL=1 = ',dummy); delay(1000); end; (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) procedure MyInt(Flags, CS, IP, AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, DS, ES, BP: Word); interrupt; begin asm cli end; case ax of 0001: Main; 0002: Buzzer; 0003: asm mul cl {Do a silly mul (result -> in AL)} mov dummy,al end; 0004: PrintResult; { can define your own routines...} end; asm sti end; end; (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) begin setintvec($FF, @myint); (* You can freely use interrupts from F1h (241) to FFh (255)*) asm mov ax,0001 int 0FFh {Run a whole PROGRAM with INT instruction! Hint: Hard to trace 4hackers...} mov ax,0002 int 0FFh {Beep} mov ax,0003 mov cl,1 int 0FFh {Multiply with result in AL} mov ax,0004 int 0FFh {Now call PrintResult} end; end.