BB>procedure ShiftStatus(var Ins, > CapsLock, > NumLock, > ScrollLock, > Alt, > Ctrl, > LeftShift, > RightShift: Boolean); I thought this was a little tedious because it is a pain to have all those I made something like this: Unit KeyStats; Interface Function RightShift: Boolean; Function LeftShift: Boolean; Function Control: Boolean; Function Alt: Boolean; Function ScrollLock: Boolean; Function NumLock: Boolean; Function CapsLock: Boolean; Function Insert: Boolean; Implementation Uses Dos; Function ShiftState: Byte; Var Regs: Registers; Begin Regs.Ah:=2; Intr($16, Regs); ShiftState:=Regs.Al; End; Function RightShift: Boolean; Begin RightShift:=(ShiftState and 1)<>0; End; Function LeftShift: Boolean; Begin LeftShift:=(ShiftState and 2)<>0; End; Function Control: Boolean; Begin Control:=(ShiftState and 4)<>0; End; Function Alt: Boolean; Begin Alt:=(ShiftState and 8)<>0; End; Function ScrollLock: Boolean; Begin ScrollLock:=(ShiftState and 16)<>0; End; Function NumLock: Boolean; Begin NumLock:=(ShiftState and 32)<>0; End; Function CapsLock: Boolean; Begin CapsLock:=(ShiftState and 64)<>0; End; Function Insert: Boolean; Begin Insert:=(ShiftState and 128)<>0; End; End. Here is a little something that will turn on the light for you. The state of the keys below is at addrees $40 and offset $17 in memory, by changing the values at that location, you can turn on the CAPS, the NUM etc.. Type Toggles = (RShift, LShift, Ctrl, Alt, ScrollLock, NumLock, CapsLock, Insert); Status = Set of Toggles; Var KeyStatus : Status Absolute $40:$17; Example : to turn on the caps lock, do this : KeyStatus := KeyStatus + [CapsLock];