{ >Can anyone shed some light on how to add characters to the keyboard >buffers so i can echo commands right after my program exits? } unit kb; interface type string16 = string[16]; { Procedure Name: StuffKBD(); Description : Places a string of 16 chars or less into the keyboard buffer. Returns : Nothing Calls : Int 16h } procedure StuffKBD(sCommand : string16); implementation procedure StuffKBD(sCommand : string16); var iStuff : integer; ucMove : BYTE; begin for iStuff := 1 to length(sCommand) do begin ucMove := byte(sCommand[iStuff]); asm mov ah, $5; mov ch, $0; mov cl, ucMove; int $16; end; end; end; end. program kbstuff; uses kb; begin StuffKBD('kbstuff'); {You can even add StuffKBD(#13);} end.