UNIT KeyIO; { Key I/O Unit, Last Updated Dec 08/93 } { Copyright (C) 1993 Greg Estabrooks } { Requires TP 6.0+ to compile. } INTERFACE {***********************************************************************} CONST { Define some keys to make later detection easy.} Enter = #13; Esc = #27; HomeKey = #0#71; EndKey = #0#79; PgUp = #0#73; PgDn = #0#81; InsKey = #0#82; DelKey = #0#83; BackSpace = #8; Space = #32; UpArrow = #0#72; DnArrow = #0#80; LfArrow = #0#75; RtArrow = #0#77; Alt_A = #0#30; Alt_B = #0#48; Alt_C = #0#46; Alt_D = #0#32; Alt_E = #0#18; Alt_F = #0#33; Alt_G = #0#34; Alt_H = #0#35; Alt_I = #0#23; Alt_J = #0#36; Alt_K = #0#37; Alt_L = #0#38; Alt_M = #0#50; Alt_N = #0#49; Alt_O = #0#24; Alt_P = #0#25; Alt_Q = #0#16; Alt_R = #0#19; Alt_S = #0#31; Alt_T = #0#20; Alt_U = #0#22; Alt_V = #0#47; Alt_W = #0#17; Alt_X = #0#45; Alt_Y = #0#21; Alt_Z = #0#44; Alt_1 = #0#120; Alt_2 = #0#121; Alt_3 = #0#122; Alt_4 = #0#123; Alt_5 = #0#124; Alt_6 = #0#125; Alt_7 = #0#126; Alt_8 = #0#127; Alt_9 = #0#128; Alt_0 = #0#129; Alt_F1 =#0#104; Alt_F2 =#0#105; Alt_F3 =#0#106; Alt_F4 =#0#107; Alt_F5 =#0#108; Alt_F6 =#0#109; Alt_F7 =#0#110; Alt_F8 =#0#111; Alt_F9 =#0#112; Alt_F10=#0#113; Alt_F11=#0#139; Alt_F12=#0#140; F1 = #0#59; F2 = #0#60; F3 = #0#61; F4 = #0#62; F5 = #0#63; F6 = #0#64; F7 = #0#65; F8 = #0#66; F9 = #0#67; F10= #0#68; F11= #0#133; F12= #0#134; Shift_F11 = #0#135; Shift_F12 = #0#136; Ctrl_F11 = #0#137; Ctrl_F12 = #0#138; TYPE Str02 = STRING[2]; VAR KeyHPtr :WORD Absolute $40:$1A; { Ptr to front of key buf. } KeyTPtr :WORD Absolute $40:$1C; { Ptr to end of key buf. } FUNCTION CapsOn :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine if Caps Lock is on. } FUNCTION NumLockOn :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine if Num Lock is on. } FUNCTION InsertOn :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine if Insert is on. } FUNCTION AltPressed :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine if ALT key is being held down. } FUNCTION CtrlPressed :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine if Ctrl key is being held down.} FUNCTION LeftShift :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine if L_Shift is being held down. } FUNCTION RightShift :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine if R_Shift is being held down. } FUNCTION ScrollOn :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine if Scroll Lock is on. } PROCEDURE NumLock( Enable :BOOLEAN ); { Routine to Set/Unset the Numlock key. } PROCEDURE CapsLock( Enable :BOOLEAN ); { Routine to Set/Unset the Capslock key. } PROCEDURE ScrollLock( Enable :BOOLEAN ); { Routine to Set/Unset the Scrolllock key. } FUNCTION EnhancedKeyBoard :BOOLEAN; { Test Bit 4 of byte at 0040:0096 to check for enhanced} { Keyboard. } FUNCTION EKeyPressed :BOOLEAN; { Function to determine if a key was pressed. The } { routine in the CRT Unit to do this didn't detect F11 } { or F12 keys. } FUNCTION GetKey :STR02; { Routine to Read Key Presses. Including F11 and F12. } PROCEDURE ClearKeyBuffer; { Routine to Clear Keyboard buffer. } PROCEDURE PauseKey; { Routine to wait for a keypress and then continue. } IMPLEMENTATION {***********************************************************************} FUNCTION CapsOn :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine if Caps Lock is on. } BEGIN { Test the keyboard status bit for Caps.} CapsOn := (Mem[$0040:$0017] AND $40) <> 0; END;{CapsOn} FUNCTION NumLockOn :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine if Num Lock is on. } BEGIN { Test keyboard status bit for NumLock. } NumLockon := (Mem[$0040:$0017] AND $20) <>0 END;{NumLockOn} FUNCTION InsertOn :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine if Insert is on. } BEGIN { Test keyboard status bit for insert. } InsertOn := (Mem[$0040:$0017] AND $80) <> 0; END;{InsertOn} FUNCTION AltPressed :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine if ALT key is being held down. } BEGIN { Test keyboard status bit for ALT. } AltPressed := (Mem[$0040:$0017] AND $08) <> 0; END;{AltPressed} FUNCTION CtrlPressed :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine if Ctrl key is being held down.} BEGIN { Test keyboard status bit for Ctrl. } CtrlPressed := (Mem[$0040:$0017] AND $04) <> 0; END;{CtrlPressed} FUNCTION LeftShift :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine if L_Shift is being held down. } BEGIN { Test keyboard status bit for L_Shift. } LeftShift := (Mem[$0040:$0017] AND $02) <> 0; END;{LeftShift} FUNCTION RightShift :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine if R_Shift is being held down. } BEGIN { Test keyboard status bit for R_Shift. } RightShift := (Mem[$0040:$0017] AND $1) <> 0; END;{RightShift} FUNCTION ScrollOn :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine if Scroll Lock is on. } BEGIN { Test keyboard status bit for S_Lock. } ScrollOn := (Mem[$0040:$0017] AND $10) <> 0; END;{ScrollOn} PROCEDURE NumLock( Enable :BOOLEAN ); { Routine to Set/Unset the Numlock key. } BEGIN IF Enable THEN { Turn on Bit 5 } Mem[$40:$17] := Mem[$40:$17] OR $20 ELSE { Turn it Off 5 } Mem[$40:$17] := Mem[$40:$17] AND $DF; END;{NumLock} PROCEDURE CapsLock( Enable :BOOLEAN ); { Routine to Set/Unset the Capslock key. } BEGIN IF Enable THEN { Turn on Bit } Mem[$40:$17] := Mem[$40:$17] OR $40 ELSE { Turn it Off } Mem[$40:$17] := Mem[$40:$17] AND $BF; END;{CapsLock} PROCEDURE ScrollLock( Enable :BOOLEAN ); { Routine to Set/Unset the Scrolllock key. } BEGIN IF Enable THEN { Turn on Bit } Mem[$40:$17] := Mem[$40:$17] OR $10 ELSE { Turn it Off } Mem[$40:$17] := Mem[$40:$17] AND $EF; END;{ScrollLock} FUNCTION EnhancedKeyBoard :BOOLEAN; { Test Bit 4 of byte at 0040:0096 to check for enhanced} { Keyboard. } BEGIN EnhancedKeyBoard := (Mem[$40:$96] AND $10) = $10; END;{EnhancedKeyBoard} FUNCTION EKeyPressed :BOOLEAN; ASSEMBLER; { Function to determine if a key was pressed. The } { routine in the CRT Unit to do this didn't detect F11 } { or F12 keys. } ASM Mov AH,$11 { Function to check for Enhanced key. } Int $16 { Call keyboard INT. } Jz @NoKey { If ZF not set then nothing pressed. } Mov AL,1 { Otherwise return TRUE. } Jmp @Exit { Now goto Exit. } @NoKey: Mov AL,0 { Return a FALSE result. } @Exit: END;{EKeyPressed} FUNCTION GetKey :STR02; { Routine to Read Key Presses. Including F11 and F12 } VAR TKey :STR02; { Hold key press info. } BEGIN ASM Call EnhancedKeyBoard { Test for an Enhanced keyboard. } Cmp AL,1 { If AL=1 THEN Enhanced Keyboard= TRUE. } Je @Enhanced { If it was TRUE then Get Enhanced key. } Mov AH,0 { If not TRUE get normal key. } Jmp @ReadKeyb @Enhanced: Mov AH,$10 { Function to get key from enhanced board.} @ReadKeyb: Int $16 { Call Int keyboard INT. } Mov TKey[1].BYTE,AL { Load both Ascii code and scan code } Mov TKey[2].BYTE,AH { into TKey. } END; IF (TKey[1] = #224) AND EnhancedKeyBoard THEN BEGIN IF KeyHPtr = $1E THEN TKey := #0 + CHR(Mem[$40:$3D]) ELSE TKey := #0 + CHR(Mem[$40:KeyHPtr-1]); END; IF TKey[1] <> #0 THEN { If it wasn't an extended key then } TKey := TKey[1]; { return only Ascii code. } GeTKey := TKey; { Return proper key result to user. } END;{GetKey} PROCEDURE ClearKeyBuffer; { Routine to Clear Keyboard buffer. } VAR DKey :Str02; { Hold unwanted keystrokes. } BEGIN WHILE EKeyPressed DO DKey := GetKey; { Read in unwanted key press. } END;{ClearKeyBuffer} PROCEDURE PauseKey; { Routine to wait for a keypress and then continue. } VAR Ch :STR02; { Holds dummy key press. } BEGIN ClearKeyBuffer; { Clear buffer of any previous keys. } Ch := GetKey; { Call for a key. } END;{PauseKey} BEGIN END. {***********************************************************************}