{ ER> Anyway, Does anyone knows who to make the num/caps/scroll leds on the ER> keyboard 'flicker' or just light up? } PROGRAM FlashLED; USES DOS, Crt; CONST LOCKSOFF = $8F; { Mask off all LEDs } SCRLOCK = 16; NUMLOCK = 32; CAPLOCK = 64; VAR KeyLocks : BYTE ABSOLUTE $0040:$0017; { LED bits at this FAR address } SaveLock : BYTE; { Used to save LED status bits } { To make DOS cause LED update } PROCEDURE DummyDosCall; ASSEMBLER; asm mov ah, 11 int $21 End; VAR Shift : BYTE; { Used in bit shifting of LEDs } BEGIN { Store current state } SaveLock := KeyLocks; Shift := 1; Repeat { Turn on the LED bit according to Shift } KeyLocks := (SCRLOCK SHL Shift); { Set Shift to indicate the LED to the right } Shift := (Shift + 1) MOD 3; { Allow DOS to update the LEDs } DummyDosCall; { Simple pause } Delay( 200 ); Until KeyPressed; { Restore original keyboard state } KeyLocks := SaveLock; END.