{ Someone once posted a message with the header formats for Fido-style *.MSGs. I took that original message and added to it to get the following program. This program reads *.MSG files sequentially in your *.MSG directory. You can alter the program to do whatever you want. } uses dos,crt; Type FidoHeader=record {structure of the Message Header} WhoTheMessageIsFrom, WhoTheMessageItTo : Array[1..36] of Char; {ASCIIZ Strings} MessageSubject : Array[1..72] of Char; MessageDate : Array[1..20] of Char; {The Message Date is an ASCIIZ string following this format: DD MMM YY HH:MM:SS-20 Characters Total Example: 01 Jun 94 20:00:00 is June 1st 1994 at 8:00PM But SeaDog uses a slightly different version and you might want to account for that, unfortunately I can't remember the exact format, also SLMAIL for SearchLight BBS only puts one space between the year and the hour even though it's supposed to be 2, I'm surprised this hasn't thrown mailers of other BBS programs} TimesTheMessageWasRead, DestinationNode, OriginalNode, CostofTheMessage, OriginalNet, DestinationNet : Integer; {Note: TimesTheMessageWasRead & CostofTheMessage are usually ignored when being exported from the BBS and can be ignored when importing into a BBS} DateWritten, DateArrived : LongInt; {I'm not sure how the dates are stored in here, but they're usually ignored} MessageToWhichThisRepliesTo: Integer;{Irrevelant over a network} Arrtibutes : Word; {Bit Field: Bit 0 Private Message 1 Crashmail 2 Message Was Read 3 Message Was Sent 4 File Attatched, Filename in subject 5 Forwarded Message 6 Orphan Message ??? 7 Kill After Its Sent (I think) 8 Message Originated Here (local) 9 Hold 10 Reserved 11 File Request, Filenames in Subject 12 Return Receipt Requested 13 This message is a Return Receipt 14 Audit Trail Requested 15 Update Request } UnReply : Integer; {I have No Idea} End; Type FidoMsg=record msgchar : char; end; {The Message Text follows terminated by either a Null (#0) or to Cr's #13#13. Also all paragraphs are supposed to end with a Hard CR (#141) and you can ignore any #13 and reformat the text for your own program, also any lines starting with ^A (#1) should not be imported into the BBS, they are control lines... the contents of these lines varies so you'll have to find out that on your own } var header : fidoheader; headerf: file of fidoheader; MsgTxt : FidoMsg; MsgTxtf: file of FidoMsg; DirInfo: SearchRec; ch : char; cr,count : shortint; l : string; howlong : byte; begin FindFirst('*.MSG', Archive, DirInfo); while DosError = 0 do begin window(1,1,80,25); clrscr; textcolor(lightgreen); WriteLn(DirInfo.Name); textcolor(green); assign(headerf,DirInfo.Name); reset(headerf); read(headerf,header); with header do begin Writeln('From: ',WhoTheMessageIsFrom); Writeln('To : ',WhoTheMessageItTo); Writeln('Subj: ',MessageSubject); Writeln('Date: ',MessageDate); end; textcolor(white); Writeln('ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ'); window(1,wherey,80,25); textcolor(cyan); close(headerf); assign(MsgTxtF,DirInfo.Name); reset(MsgTxtF); seek(MsgTxtF,sizeof(header)); cr := 0; count := 0; l := ''; repeat read(MsgTxtF,MsgTxt); ch := MsgTxt.msgchar; if not (ch in [#10,#13]) then begin l := l + ch; howlong := length(l); end; if length(l) > 78 then begin count := length(l); while (count > 60) and (l[count] <> ' ') do dec(count); writeln(l,copy(l,1,count)); delete(l,count,length(l)); end; if ch = #13 then begin writeln(l); l := ''; howlong := 0; end; if pos('these things?',l) > 0 then begin write end; (* if wherey > 15 then begin textcolor(12); writeln; { write('Press enter: '); readln; } clrscr; textcolor(cyan); end; *) until eof(MsgTxtF) or (ioresult > 0); if l > '' then begin writeln(l); l := ''; end; textcolor(11); write('End of Msg: '); textcolor(7); readln; clrscr; FindNext(DirInfo); end; textcolor(7); end. end.