{***********************************************************************} {$M 16384,0,0} { Save memory for Calling PKUNZIP. } PROGRAM NMembers; { May 16/94, Greg Estabrooks. } USES DOS; CONST Ver = 'V0.2á'; { Current Version of program. } ProgTitle= 'NMem '+Ver+'- Conference Member Tracking Program. '; Author = 'CopyRight (C) 1994, Greg Estabrooks.'; TYPE Direction = (Left,Right); MsgDHdr = RECORD { Structre of QWK Message Header. } Status :CHAR; MNum :ARRAY[1..7] OF CHAR; Date :ARRAY[1..8] OF CHAR; Time :ARRAY[1..5] OF CHAR; MTo :ARRAY[1..25] OF CHAR; MFrom :ARRAY[1..25] OF CHAR; MSubj :ARRAY[1..25] OF CHAR; Pass :ARRAY[1..12] OF CHAR; MRefer :ARRAY[1..8] OF CHAR; NChunks :ARRAY[1..6] OF CHAR; Active :CHAR; MConf :WORD; Fill :ARRAY[1..3] OF CHAR; END;{MsgDHdr} NDXType = RECORD Offset :LONGINT; Misc :BYTE; END; MessInfType = RECORD Name :STRING[25]; { Name of person message FROM. } Origin:STRING[80]; { Origin line from message. } END; VAR QWKName :STRING[128]; { QWK File to process. } OutFile :STRING[128]; { File to place new member names. } WorkDir :STRING[128]; { Holds the name of our work directory. } OutHan :TEXT; { File handle for output file. } MessDat :FILE; { File handle for MESSAGES.DAT. } NumMess :WORD; { Number of messages in conference. } NewMems :WORD; { Number of new members found. } NumFound:WORD; { Holds number of different names found.} fOfs :ARRAY[1..500] OF LONGINT;{ Holds offset info from NDX file. } FInf :ARRAY[1..500] OF MessInfType; FUNCTION PadStr( Dir :Direction; Str2Pad :STRING; Til :BYTE; Ch :CHAR ) :STRING; { Function to pad a string with 'Ch' until it } { is 'Til' long. } VAR Temp :STRING; { Temporary String info. } BEGIN Temp := Str2Pad; { Initialize 'Temp' to users string. } IF Length(Temp) < Til THEN { If its smaller than 'Til' add padding.} WHILE (Length(Temp) < Til) DO { Loop until proper length reached. } BEGIN CASE Dir OF Right :Temp := Temp + Ch; { If Right then add to end of string. } Left :Temp := Ch + Temp; { If Left then add to begining. } END; END; PadStr := Temp; { Return proper result. } END; PROCEDURE InitVars; { Procedure to initialize program variables. } VAR Temp :STRING[4]; { Temporary String value. } BEGIN FillChar(FInf,SizeOf(FInf),#0); { Clear FInf. } NumMess := 0; { Clear number of messages. } NewMems := 0; { Clear number of new members found. } QWKName := ParamStr(1); { Get QWK Name from command line. } NumFound := 1; { Initialize 'NumFound.' } Temp := ParamStr(2); { Get Conf Number from command line. } OutFile := 'CNF'+PadStr(Left,Temp,5,'0')+'.LST'; { Prepare output file name. } GetDir(0,WorkDir); { Save current directory. } IF WorkDir[Length(WorkDir)] = '\' THEN WorkDir := WorkDir +'NMEM' ELSE WorkDir := WorkDir +'\NMEM'; END;{InitVars} PROCEDURE Syntax_Error; { Display proper command line syntax to user. } BEGIN Writeln; { Skip a line. } Writeln( 'Syntax: NMEM [drive]:[path]PacketName ConfNum'); { Show syntax for user. } Writeln; { Skip a line. } { Show an example usage. } Writeln('EXAMPLE : NMEM C:\QWK\MYBBS.QWK 123'); Writeln(' Scans MYBBS.QWK and generates CNF00123.LST'); Halt(1); { Halt program with and ERRORLEVEL of 1.} END;{Syntax_Error} FUNCTION fExist( FName :STRING ) :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine whether or not 'FName' } { really exists. } BEGIN fExist := (fSearch(FName,'') <> ''); END;{fExist} FUNCTION DirExist( DName :STRING ) :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine whether or not the } { Directory 'DName' exists. } VAR DirInf :SearchRec; { Hold info if dir found. } BEGIN FindFirst(DName,Directory,DirInf); DirExist := (DosError = 0); END;{DirExist} PROCEDURE DelWorkDir; { Routine to delete files in the work directory} { and them remove the directory. } VAR FileInf :SEARCHREC; { Holds file names for erasure. } fVar :FILE; { Handle of file to delete. } BEGIN FindFirst(WorkDir+'\*.*',Archive,FileInf); { Get File Name. } WHILE (DosError = 0) DO { Loop until all file names read. } BEGIN Assign(fVar,WorkDir+'\'+FileInf.Name); { Assign file name to handle. } Erase(fVar); { Erase File. } FindNext(FileInf); { Get next file name. } END; END;{DelWorkDir} PROCEDURE OpenPacket( QName :STRING ); { Routine open mail packets. } VAR PKPath :STRING; { Holds location of PKUNZIP.EXE } BEGIN IF NOT DirExist(WorkDir) THEN { If dir doesn't exist then make it. } BEGIN {$I-} { Turn I/O checking off. } MKDir(WorkDir); { Create our work directory. } {$I+} { Turn I/O checking off. } IF IOResult <>0 THEN { If I/O error then } BEGIN { Display error message. } Writeln('Error creating work directory',^G); Halt(1); { Now halt program. } END; END ELSE DelWorkDir; { If it does exist then clear it. } IF NOT fExist('PKUNZIP.EXE') THEN { If it's not in the current dir } BEGIN { then search the %PATH%. } PKPath := fSearch('PKUNZIP.EXE',GetEnv('PATH')); IF PKPath = '' THEN { If it's nowhere to be found then } BEGIN { Display error message. } Writeln('Cannot find PKUNZIP.EXE!',^G); Writeln('It must be located either in the ', 'current directory or along your %PATH%'); Halt(1); { Now halt program. } END; END; SwapVectors; { Swap to proper Interrupt vectors. } Exec(GetEnv('COMSPEC'),'/C '+PKPath+' '+QWKName+' '+WorkDir+' >NUL'); SwapVectors; { Swap em back. } IF DosError <> 0 THEN { If there was an 'Exec' error then } BEGIN { Display error message. } Writeln('Error #',DosError,' occured executing ',PKPath,^G); Halt(1); { Now Halt program. } END; IF DosExitCode <> 0 THEN { Check for a program error. } Writeln(PKPath,' returned an ERRORLEVEL of ',DosExitCode,^G); END;{OpenPacket} FUNCTION NotNumber( NumStr :STRING ) :BOOLEAN; { Routine to determine whether or not 'NumStr' } { is a valid number. } { Returns TRUE if not a number FALSE if a num. } VAR Result :BOOLEAN; { Holds Function result. } StrPos :BYTE; { Position withing string. } BEGIN Result := FALSE; { Defaults to false. } FOR StrPos := 1 TO Length(NumStr) DO { Loop through entire string. } IF NOT (NumStr[StrPos] IN ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']) THEN Result := TRUE; NotNumber := Result; { Return proper result. } END;{NotNumber} FUNCTION ReadNDX :BOOLEAN; { Routine to read proper NDX file for conference.} VAR Result :BOOLEAN; { Holds Function result. } NDX :FILE; { File handle for NDX file. } Info :NDXType; { Hold info read from NDX file. } NumRead:WORD; { Holds number of bytes read from NDX. } BEGIN Result := TRUE; { Default to success. } Assign(NDX,WorkDir+'\'+PadStr(Left,ParamStr(2),3,'0')+'.NDX'); {$I-} { Turn off I/O checking. } Reset(NDX,1); { Open NDX for reading. } {$I+} { Turn on I/O checking. } WHILE NOT EOF(NDX) DO { Loop until end of file. } BEGIN BlockRead(NDX,Info,SizeOf(Info),NumRead); { Read offset of message.} IF (NumRead = Sizeof(Info)) AND (NumMess <501) THEN { If proper amount read then } BEGIN { Convert it to a proper LONGINT. } INC(NumMess); { Increase message total. } { Now convert offset. } fOfs[NumMess] := ((Info.Offset AND NOT $FF000000) OR $00800000) SHR (24 - ((Info.Offset SHR 24) AND $7F)); fOfs[NumMess] := (fOfs[NumMess]-1) SHL 7; END ELSE Result := FALSE; { Otherwise return FALSE result. } END; Close(NDX); { Close NDX File. } ReadNDX := Result; { Return proper result. } END;{ReadNDX} PROCEDURE RemoveSpaces(VAR Str2Rem :STRING); { Routine to remove any spaces from 'Str2Rem'. } VAR StrPos :WORD; { Position within string. } Temp :STRING; { Temporary string work space. } BEGIN Temp := ''; { Clear string. } FOR StrPos := 1 TO Length(Str2Rem) DO { Loop through all characters. } IF Str2Rem[StrPos] <> #32 THEN { If its not a space then } Temp := Temp + Str2Rem[StrPos]; { add it to our string. } Str2Rem := Temp; { Return newly changed string. } END;{RemoveSpaces} FUNCTION Compare( Str1,Str2 :STRING ) :BOOLEAN; { Routine to compare to strings after removing } { any spaces from it.Case INSENSITIVE. } VAR Result :BOOLEAN; { Result from comparing. } StrPos :BYTE; { Position within 2 strings. } BEGIN Result := TRUE; { Default result to TRUE. } RemoveSpaces(Str1); { Trim spaces from the strings. } RemoveSpaces(Str2); IF Length(Str1) <> Length(Str2) THEN { If different lengths then they } Result := FALSE { must be different. } ELSE BEGIN StrPos := 0; { Initialize 'StrPos' to 0. } REPEAT { Loop until every char checked. } INC(StrPos); { Point to next char. } IF UpCase(Str1[StrPos]) <> UpCase(Str2[StrPos]) THEN BEGIN Result := FALSE; { If there not the same then return } { a FALSE result. } StrPos := Length(Str2); { Now set loop exit condition. } END; UNTIL StrPos = Length(Str2); END; Compare := Result; { Return proper result. } END;{Compare} FUNCTION Arr2String( VAR Arr; Len :BYTE ) :STRING; { Routine to convert 'Len' bytes of the array } { 'Arr' into a string. } VAR Result :STRING; { Holds function result. } BEGIN MOVE(Arr,Result[1],Len); { Move bytes into our result string. } Result[0] := CHR(Len); { Set string length byte. } Arr2String := Result; { Return proper result. } END;{Arr2String} FUNCTION Fmt( Info :WORD ) :STRING; { Routine to create a String with info int the } { format '00'. } VAR Temp :STRING; { Hold temporary string info. } BEGIN Str(Info,Temp); { Convert info to a string. } IF Length(Temp) = 1 THEN { if its only a single digit then add } Fmt := '0'+Temp { leading zero. } ELSE Fmt := Temp; END;{Fmt} FUNCTION TimeStr :STRING; VAR Hour,Min,Sec,Sec100 :WORD; { Holds temporary time info. } Year,Mon,Day,DoWeek :WORD; { Holds temporary date info. } TempTime :STRING; { Holds temporary TimeStr. } BEGIN GetDate(Year,Mon,Day,DoWeek); TempTime := Fmt(Mon)+'-'+Fmt(Day)+'-'+Fmt(Year-1900)+' at '; GetTime(Hour,Min,Sec,Sec100); { Get Current Time. } IF Hour >= 12 THEN TempTime := TempTime+Fmt(Hour-12)+':'+Fmt(Min)+'pm' ELSE IF Hour = 0 THEN TempTime := TempTime+'12:'+Fmt(Min)+'am' ELSE TempTime := TempTime+Fmt(Hour)+':'+Fmt(Min)+'pm'; TimeStr := TempTime; END; FUNCTION GetOrigin( Chunks :WORD ) :STRING; { Routine to get message origin line if any. } VAR Result :STRING; { Holds function result. } CurChnk:WORD; { Holds current chunk being read. } BufPos :WORD; { Position within buffer. } Temp :STRING; NumRead:WORD; { Holds number of bytes read from file. } Buffer :ARRAY[1..128] OF CHAR;{ Buffer for info read from file. } TareLin:BOOLEAN; { Holds whether or not we've past the } { tear line. } BEGIN Result := ''; { Clear result. } Temp := ''; { Clear temporary storage space. } TareLin := FALSE; { Default to FALSE. } FOR CurChnk := 1 TO Chunks-1 DO { Loop through all the 128 byte chunks.} BEGIN BlockRead(MessDat,Buffer,128,NumRead); { Read message info. } FOR BufPos := 1 TO 128 DO BEGIN IF Buffer[BufPos] = #227 THEN BEGIN IF Temp = '---' THEN TareLin := TRUE ELSE IF TareLin AND (Temp <> PadStr(Right,'',Length(Temp),' ')) THEN Result := Temp; Temp := '' END ELSE Temp := Temp + Buffer[BufPos]; END; END; IF (Result = '') OR (Pos('ILink:',Result) = 0) THEN Result := ' þ Origin Line Unavailable þ '; GetOrigin := Result; { Return proper result. } END; PROCEDURE ReadMsgs; { Routine to read Messages and save new members} { to disk. } VAR MessBuf :MsgDHdr; { Holds header info read from file. } InfPos :WORD; { Loop variable for searching 'FileInf'.} CurMess :WORD; { Loop variable for reading messages. } NumRead :WORD; { Holds number of bytes read from file. } Found :BOOLEAN; { Holds whether or not name was already } { read. } FoundPos:WORD; { Holds position in array name was found.} Temp :STRING; { Holds temporary string info. } Chunks :WORD; { Holds number of 128 byte chunks message} { takes up in file. } ErrCode :WORD; { Holds error codes returned from 'Val'.} Create :BOOLEAN; BEGIN Create := NOT fExist(OutFile); IF NumFound = 0 THEN NumFound := 1; Assign(MessDat,WorkDir+'\MESSAGES.DAT');{ Assign handle to message file.} {$I-} { Turn I/O checking off. } Reset(MessDat,1); { Open file for reading. } {$I+} { Turn I/O checking back on. } FOR CurMess := 1 TO NumMess DO { Loop through all the messages. } BEGIN Seek(MessDat,fOfs[CurMess]);{ Move to current message position. } BlockRead(MessDat,MessBuf,SizeOf(MessBuf),NumRead); { Read Header. } FOR InfPos := 1 TO NumFound DO BEGIN Found := Compare(FInf[InfPos].Name,Arr2String(MessBuf.MFrom,25)); IF Found THEN InfPos := NumFound; END; IF NOT Found THEN BEGIN INC(NewMems); { Increase number of new members. } IF Create AND (NumFound = 1) THEN BEGIN NumFound := 0; Create := FALSE; END; INC(NumFound); { Increase number found. } FInf[NumFound].Name := Arr2String(MessBuf.MFrom,25); Temp := Arr2String(MessBuf.NChunks,6); RemoveSpaces(Temp); Val(Temp,Chunks,ErrCode); FInf[NumFound].Origin := GetOrigin(Chunks); END; END; Close(MessDat); { Close message file. } END;{ReadMsgs} PROCEDURE SaveList; { Routine to write our list to the list file. } VAR ListPos :WORD; { Position withing list being written. } BEGIN Assign(OutHan,OutFile); { Assign handle to file name. } {$I-} { I/O off. } Rewrite(OutHan); { Open file for writing. } {$I+} { I/O on. } IF IOResult <> 0 THEN { If there was an error. } Writeln('-Error! Unable to Open ',OutFile,^G) ELSE BEGIN Writeln(OutHan,''); { Write a blank line to file. } Writeln(OutHan,'/*'+PadStr(Right,'',75,'-')+'*/'); Writeln(OutHan,' Conference [',ParamStr(2), '] Members list.'); Writeln(OutHan,PadStr(Right,'',24,' ')+'Last Change '+TimeStr); Writeln(OutHan,'/*'+PadStr(Right,'',75,'-')+'*/'); FOR ListPos := 1 TO NumFound DO BEGIN Writeln(OutHan,''); { Writeln a blank line. } Writeln(OutHan,'User : '+FInf[ListPos].Name); { Writeln user name.} Writeln(OutHan,FInf[ListPos].Origin); { Write users origin line. } END; Close(OutHan); { Close file. } END; END;{SaveList} PROCEDURE ReadList; { Routine to read in the conf members list. } VAR InFile :TEXT; { Text handle for conference list. } Temp :STRING; { Holds string read from file. } BEGIN NumFound := 0; Assign(InFile,OutFile); { Assign handle to file name. } {$I-} { I/O checking off. } Reset(Infile); { Open file for reading. } {$I+} { I/O checking on. } WHILE (NOT EOF(InFile)) AND (NumFound <500) DO BEGIN ReadLn(InFile,Temp); { Read a line from the file. } IF Copy(Temp,1,7) = 'User : ' THEN { If its the user name then. } BEGIN { Save Name to array and read origin. } INC(NumFound); FInf[NumFound].Name := Copy(Temp,8,Length(Temp)); ReadLn(InFile,FInf[NumFound].Origin); END; END; IF NumFound = 0 THEN NumFound := 1; Close(InFile); { Close file. } END;{ReadList} PROCEDURE SortList; { Routine to sort the list of conference } { members using a simple bubble sort. } VAR Temp :MessInfType; { Temporary record for swapping. } Index1,Index2:WORD; { Sort loop variables. } BEGIN FOR Index1 := NumFound DOWNTO 1 DO FOR Index2 := 2 TO Index1 DO IF FInf[Index2-1].Name > FInf[Index2].Name THEN BEGIN Temp := FInf[Index2]; FInf[Index2] := FInf[Index2-1]; FInf[Index2-1] := Temp; END; END;{SortList} BEGIN Writeln(ProgTitle); { Display program title. } IF (ParamCount <> 2) OR NotNumber(ParamStr(2)) THEN { If wrong command argument show proper } Syntax_Error { syntax to use. } ELSE BEGIN InitVars; { Initialize variables. } IF fExist(QWKName) THEN { If it exists begin processing. } BEGIN Writeln('-Opening Packet'); OpenPacket(QWKName); { Open mail packet. } IF fExist(WorkDir+'\'+PadStr(Left,ParamStr(2),3,'0')+'.NDX') THEN BEGIN { IF there are any Messages in conf then} { Attempt to read NDX files. } Writeln('-Reading NDX file'); IF ReadNDX THEN { IF there is no error, read messages. } BEGIN IF fExist(OutFile) THEN{ IF Conf list already exist then read.} BEGIN Writeln('-Reading ',OutFile); ReadList; END; Writeln('-Reading Messages in conference [',ParamStr(2),']'); ReadMsgs; IF NewMems > 0 THEN BEGIN IF fExist(OutFile) THEN BEGIN Writeln('-Renaming ',OutFile,' to ',Copy(OutFile,1,8)+'.BAK'); IF fExist(Copy(OutFile,1,8)+'.BAK') THEN BEGIN Assign(OutHan,Copy(OutFile,1,8)+'.BAK'); Erase(OutHan); END; Assign(OutHan,OutFile); Rename(OutHan,Copy(OutFile,1,8)+'.BAK'); END ELSE BEGIN Writeln('-Creating ',OutFile); Assign(OutHan,OutFile); {$I-} Rewrite(OutHan); {$I+} Close(OutHan); END; Writeln('-Sorting member list'); SortList; Writeln('-Saving ',NewMems, ' new members for a total of ',NumFound,' members'); SaveList; END ELSE Writeln('-No new members found'); END ELSE Writeln('-Error reading NDX file',^G); END ELSE { Other wise let user know its not there.} Writeln('-NDX file for conference [',ParamStr(2), '] does not exist. No new messages?'^G); Writeln('-Deleteing Work Directory'); DelWorkDir; { Delete Work Directory. } {$I-} { Turn I/O checking off. } RMDir(WorkDir); { Remove work Directory. } {$I+} { Turn I/O checking on. } IF IOResult <> 0 THEN { If and error occurs then } Writeln('Error Removing work directory.',^G); END ELSE { .... Otherwise ...... } BEGIN { Show error message and beep. } Writeln(^G,'Cannot find ',QWKName); Writeln('Tracking aborted!!'); END; END; END.{NMembers} {***********************************************************************}