{ > Is there somebody who can give me an example of > how to write an JAM Base message (RemoteAccess) ? > I already have JAMAPI and MKMSG I'll need just an simple unit how to > write fast and simple an message to the JAM base.. Try this... It should work with the standard JAMAPI (I think, at least I can't remember changing anything in it). It's a little piece of testcode I wrote to play around with JAM : } Program JAMTest; Uses JAM, JAMmb, JAMcrc32; Var JAMMsg : JAMAPIPTR; ToUsername : String[100]; Position : LongInt; S : String; MsgNo : LongInt; Error : Boolean; Function FileLength (Handle:INTEGER) : LongInt; Var Position : LongInt; Begin Position := JAMMsg^.SeekFile (Handle, 1, 0); FileLength := JAMMsg^.SeekFile (Handle, 2, 0); JAMMsg^.SeekFile (Handle, 0, Position); End; { FileLength } Begin New (JAMMsg, Init); New (JAMMsg^.WorkBuf); With JAMMsg^ Do Begin If (WorkBuf <> NIL) Then Begin WorkLen := SizeOf(JAMBUF); BaseName := 'ANOTHER'; Error := Not OpenMB; If Error Then Error := Not CreateMB; If Not Error Then Begin If LockMB(True) Then Begin MsgNo := (FileLength(IdxHandle) Div SizeOf(JAMIDXREC)) + HdrInfo.BaseMsgNum; Hdr.MsgNum := MsgNo; (* Add an index record *) ToUsername := 'Marco Miltenburg'; With Idx Do Begin S := ToUsername; LowCaseBuf (S[1], Length(S)); UserCRC := crc32(S[1], Length(S), -1); HdrOffset := FileLength (JAMMsg^.HdrHandle); End; StoreMsgIdx(MsgNo); Position := 1; FillChar (Workbuf^, SizeOf(WorkLen), #0); S := 'This is a test in JAM.'#13#10; AddField (0, FALSE, Length(S), Position, S[1]); S := '--- WhatEver/386 v0.0'#13#10; AddField (0, FALSE, Length(S), Position, S[1]); Hdr.TxtLen := Position - 1; Hdr.TxtOffset := FileLength(TxtHandle); StoreMsgTxt; FillChar (Workbuf^, SizeOf(WorkLen), #0); S := 'WhatEven/386 v0.0'; Position := 1; AddField (2, TRUE, Length(S), Position, S[1]); S := ToUserName; AddField (3, TRUE, Length(S), Position, S[1]); S := 'Just a message'; AddField (6, TRUE, Length(S), Position, S[1]); S := 'WhatEver/386 v0.0'; AddField (7, TRUE, Length(S), Position, S[1]); With Hdr Do Begin ReservedWord := 0; SubfieldLen := Position; TimesRead := 0; MsgIdCRC := -1; ReplyCRC := -1; ReplyTo := 0; Reply1st := 0; ReplyNext := 0; DateWritten := 0; DateReceived := 0; DateProcessed:= 0; Attribute := MSG_LOCAL Or MSG_PRIVATE Or MSG_TYPEECHO; Attribute2 := 0; PasswordCRC := -1; Cost := 0; End; { With } StoreMsgHdr(MsgNo); WriteFile(HdrHandle, WorkBuf^, Position); Inc(HdrInfo.ActiveMsgs); UpdHdrInfo(True); End { If } Else WriteLn ('Unable to lock JAM base ''', BaseName,''''); End { If } Else WriteLn ('Unable to open JAM base ''', BaseName,''''); Dispose (WorkBuf); Dispose (JAMMsg); End { If } Else WriteLn ('Unable to allocate Work Buffer memory'); End; { With } End.