{ From: Norman.User@telos.org (Norman User) Here is the revised NewSquishList function you need. } Function NewSquishList(Urec,Arec:MaxRecPtr;NewOnly,ToYouOnly:Boolean):pointer; Var Sq : SqiColPtr; f : PDosStream; fb : PBufStream; sql: sqlType; sqi: sqiType; Sqp: SqiPtr; tempN : longint; lhn : LongInt; lhs : string; sqz : Longint; Begin NewSquishList := nil; sq := nil; sql := 0; tempN := 0; if NewOnly then Begin (***** last read message number from the SQL file *****) New(F,init(StrPas(@MaxAreaRec(Arec^.rec^).mpath) + '.SQL',StOpenRead or StDenyNone)); if f^.status = StOk then begin f^.seek(MaxUserRec(Urec^.rec^).LastRead*SizeOf(sqlType)); if f^.status = stok then f^.read(sql,sizeof(sql)); if f^.status <> Stok then sql := -1; end; dispose(f,done); if sql < 0 then exit; End; lhn := sql; sqz := sql; fillchar(sqi,sizeof(sqi),0); New(fb,init(StrPas(@MaxAreaRec(Arec^.rec^).mpath) + '.SQI',StOpenRead or StDenyNone,2048)); if fb^.status = StOk then fb^.read(sqi,sizeof(sqitype)); while (fb^.status = StOk) and (sqi.msgnum <= sql) do begin inc(tempN); fillchar(sqi,sizeof(sqitype),0); fb^.read(sqi,sizeof(sqitype)); end; while (fb^.status = StOk) do begin if Sqi.msgnum > SQZ then begin sqz := sqi.MsgNum; inc(tempN); if Sqi.MsgNum > lhn then lhn := Sqi.MsgNum; sqi.msgnum := TempN; if (Not ToYouOnly) or (SqHashName(StrPas(@MaxUserRec(Urec^.rec^).name)) = Sqi.Hashname) then begin new(sqp); sqp^ := sqi; if sq = nil then new(sq,init(20,5)); sq^.insert(sqp); end end else inc(tempN); fb^.read(sqi,sizeof(sqitype)); end; dispose(fb,done); if lhn > sql then begin if LRMCollection = Nil then New(LRMCollection,init(10,5)); lhs := StrPas(@MaxAreaRec(Arec^.rec^).mpath) + '.SQL'; LRMCollection^.Insert(New(P0Base,init(newstr(lhs), LongInt((MaxUserRec(Urec^.rec^).lastread)), lhn,true))); end; NewSquishList := sq; End;