program MSGNUM; uses dos,crt; const version='v1.5'; var sto, sfrom, daystosave, top, bottom, mtop, mbottom, keep :word; drv :byte; st, path :string; msg, save :array[1..10240] of boolean; date :array[1..10240] of word; Function CurrentDrive:char; var pthstr:pathstr; begin pthstr:=fexpand(''); CurrentDrive:=pthstr[1]; end; function mchr(n:byte;ch:char):string; var a:byte;s:string; begin s:=''; for a:=1 to n do s:=s+ch; mchr:=s; end; function FDayOfYear(l:longint):word; var t:datetime; begin unpacktime(l,t); t.month:=t.month-1; FDayOfYear:=((t.year-1990)*365) + (t.year-1988 div 4) + (t.month*30) + + ( ord(t.month>=1)) - (2*ord(t.month>=2)) + ( ord(t.month>=3)) + ( ord(t.month>=5)) + ( ord(t.month>=7)) + ( ord(t.month>=8)) + ( ord(t.month>=10)); end; Function TodaysDate:word; var y,m,d,temp:word;dt:datetime;l:longint; begin getdate(y,m,d,temp); dt.year:=y; dt.month:=m;; packtime(dt,l); todaysdate:=fdayofyear(l); end; procedure initvars; var a:word; begin sto:=1; sfrom:=1; daystosave:=2; keep:=100; bottom:=1; mbottom:=1; mtop:=1; top:=1; path:=''; for a:=1 to 10240 do begin msg[a]:=FALSE; save[a]:=FALSE; date[a]:=0; end; end; procedure getparams; var a,b,code:word;parama,temp:string;past:boolean; begin If (paramcount<1) or (paramstr(1)='?') then begin writeln; writeln(' MSGNUM ',version,' - A Message base renumbering system for FIDOnet and compatible'); writeln(' message systems. This is a brute force handler that is s-l-o-w. But it'); writeln(' uses file handlers instead of FCBs like RENUM, so is safer. Syntax:'); writeln; writeln(' MSGNUM [switches] [path]'); writeln; writeln(' Switches:'); writeln; writeln(' /Sxx-yy Save messages xx to yy - keeps those messages exactly as'); writeln(' they were before, and does NOT renumber THEM'); writeln(' /Dxx Messages less than xx days old will be saved even if they'); writeln(' exceed the /L paramater'); writeln(' /Kxx Keeps xx messages in the base, even if they are older than the'); writeln(' number of days specified in the /D paramater.'); writeln; writeln(' Path MUST be specified. The path refers to the subdir of the base to be'); writeln(' renumbered.'); writeln; writeln(' Default is: MSGNUM /S1-1 /D2 /K100 [path]'); halt; end else begin for a:=1 to paramcount do begin parama:=paramstr(a); If parama[1]='/' then begin Case upcase(parama[2]) of 'S':begin past:=FALSE; temp:=''; for b:=3 to length(parama) do begin If parama[b]='-' then begin past:=TRUE; val(temp,sfrom,code); temp:=''; end else begin temp:=temp+parama[b]; end; end; val(temp,sto,code); end; 'D':begin temp:=''; for b:=3 to length(parama) do begin temp:=temp+parama[b]; end; val(temp,daystosave,code); end; 'K':begin temp:=''; for b:=3 to length(parama) do begin temp:=temp+parama[b]; end; val(temp,keep,code); end; end; end else begin If path='' then for b:=1 to length(parama) do path:=path+parama[b]; If path[length(path)]<>'\' then path:=path+'\'; path:=fexpand(path); end; end; end; end; procedure readfilesin; var s:searchrec; tempword:word; tempint:integer; begin Findfirst(path+'*.msg',AnyFile,s); While DosError=0 do begin val(copy(,1,length(,tempword,tempint); msg[tempword]:=TRUE; save[tempword]:=(tempword>=sfrom) and (tempword<=sto); date[tempword]:=FDayOfYear(s.time); If tempwordtop then top:=tempword; Findnext(s); end; end; procedure findkeep; var count:word;td:word; begin count:=1; mtop:=top; mbottom:=top+1; td:=todaysdate; repeat dec(mbottom); If (msg[mbottom]) and (not save[mbottom]) and (mbottom>bottom) then inc(count); until ((count>=keep) and (date[mbottom]+daystosave<=td)) or (mbottom<=bottom);end; procedure deleteunwanted; var a, todayyear, y, m, d, temp :word; tempstr :string[12]; f :file; begin Write('Erasing No Files! '); for a:=1 to (mbottom-1) do begin If (msg[a]) and (not save[a]) then begin str(a,tempstr); tempstr:=tempstr+'.MSG'; assign(f,tempstr); Write(mchr(12,#8),mchr(12-length(tempstr),#32)+tempstr); erase(f); msg[a]:=FALSE; end; end; Writeln(mchr(70-wherex,#32),' ...Done.'); end; procedure renameexisting; var a,count:word; tempstr,countstr:string[12]; f:file; begin a:=mbottom; count:=0; Write('Renaming '+mchr(28,#32)); repeat If (msg[a]) and (not save[a]) then begin tempstr:=''; str(a,tempstr); tempstr:=tempstr+'.MSG'; assign(f,tempstr); inc(count); while save[count] do inc(count); str(count,countstr); countstr:=countstr+'.MSG'; Write(mchr(28,#8),tempstr,' to ',countstr,mchr(24-length(tempstr)-length(countstr),#32)); If (countstr<>tempstr) then rename(f,countstr); end; inc(a); until a>top; writeln(mchr(70-wherex,#32),' ...Done.'); end; begin initvars; getparams; getdir(0,st); chdir(copy(path,1,length(path)-1)); writeln(' Renumbering directory '+copy(path,1,length(path)-1)); readfilesin; findkeep; write(' Deleting Unwanted files.... '); deleteunwanted; write(' Renaming Remaining files... '); renameexisting; chdir(st); end.