Program Sig; { Description: This is a little program which I wrote whose sole purpose } { in life is to add signature lines to messages written in } { an offline mail reader. The program scans a text file for} { instances of /SIGx (where x is a number) and replaces them} { with signature number x from a configuration file. } { Requires: USEFULL.PAS written by me. Email me if you don't have it.} { ACOLOR.INC written by me. Email me if you don't have it.} { NOTE : they are Attached at the end of this unit } { Created: March 1995 } { Author: Tobin Fricke ( } { If you use this, I'd appreciate it if you could send me a postcard } { from where you live, or at least send me an email. My email address } { is If that doesn't work, try using } { My postal address is: } { 25001 El Cortijo Ln., Mission Viejo, CA 92691-5236, USA. Thanks! } { ; CyberSig configuration file example: @1 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Light Ray ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ @2 Tobin T. Fricke TobinTech Engineering } Uses CRT, Usefull; Const MyVersion='1.00'; {$I ACOLOR.INC} Procedure Process(Config,Filename:String); Const ConfigF=0; InputF=1; OutputF=2; Var F:Array[0..2] of Text; N,S,W,Q:String; B:Byte; Rep:Boolean; begin Assign(F[ConfigF],Config); Assign(F[InputF],Filename); N:=TempFile(''); Rename(F[InputF],N); Reset(F[InputF]); Assign(F[OutputF],Filename); Rewrite(F[OutputF]); Repeat Readln(F[InputF],S); If Pos('/SIG',UPSTRING(S))=1 then begin Write(' `Bþ`3 Found '+S); Rep:=False; Reset(F[ConfigF]); B:=0; Repeat Readln(F[ConfigF],W); If W[1]<>';' then begin If W[1]='@' then B:=Val(del(W,1,1)) else begin Q:=UpString('/SIG'+Str(B)); if Q=UpString(S) then begin System.Writeln(F[OutputF],W); Rep:=True; end; end; end; Until EOF(F[ConfigF]); If Rep then Writeln(', Replaced with signature') else Writeln(', Signature not found in config file'); Close(F[ConfigF]); end else System.Writeln(F[OutputF],S); Until EOF(F[InputF]); Close(F[InputF]); Close(F[OutputF]); Erase(F[InputF]); Rename(F[OutputF],Filename); end; Begin clrScr; Writeln(' `4Cy`Cbe`FrSig Signature App`Cli`4er`8,`7 Version `F'+MyVersion+'`7'); Writeln(' `9Copyright `1(`9C`1)`9 1995 by Tobin T`1.`9 Fricke`1,`9 All Rights Reserved`1.`7 '); Writeln(' `3Created At the `2Di`AGi`FTAL Fo`ARE`2ST `3(`B714`3)`B 586`3-`B6142 `928800`1bps`7'); If (ParamCount<>2) or (Not FileExists(ParamStr(1))) or (Not FileExists(ParamStr(2))) then begin Writeln(' `EUSAGE: `F'+ParamStr(0)+' `8(`7CONFIG FILE`8) (`7FILENAME`8)`7'); Writeln(' `8(`7CONFIG FILE`8) `3is the complete path and filename of your config file. '); Writeln(' `8(`7FILENAME`8) `3is the complete path and filename of the message file to process. '); If ParamCount=2 then begin If Not FileExists(ParamStr(1)) then Writeln(' `B Cannot find '+paramStr(1)); If Not FileExists(ParamStr(2)) then Writeln(' `B Cannot find '+paramStr(2)); end; end; Process(ParamStr(1),ParamStr(2)); End. { ------------------- ACOLOR.INC ... CUT ---------} { Description: These routines allow one to embed color codes into strings } { and have them print out nicely. The format is ` followed } { by a character from 0 to 9, A to O, X or Y which represents} { the color. } { Filename: ACOLOR.INC } { Date: March 1995 } { Author: Tobin Fricke } { If you use this, I'd appreciate it if you could send me a postcard } { from where you live, or at least send me an email. My email address } { is If that doesn't work, try using } { My postal address is: } { 25001 El Cortijo Ln., Mission Viejo, CA 92691-5236, USA. Thanks! } Procedure Write(S:String); begin Repeat If S[1]='`' then begin S[2]:=UpCase(S[2]); If S[2] IN ['0'..'9','A'..'O','X','Y'] then Begin If S[2] IN ['0'..'9'] then TextColor(Ord(S[2])-48); IF S[2] IN ['A'..'F'] then TextColor(Ord(S[2])-55); IF S[2] IN ['G'..'O'] then TextBackground(Ord(S[2])-71); IF S[2]='X' then if (TextAttr AND 128)=0 then TextAttr:=TextAttr+128; IF S[2]='Y' then if (TextAttr AND 128)=128 then TextAttr:=TextAttr-128; Delete(S,1,2); End; end else begin System.Write(S[1]); Delete(S,1,1); end; Until S=''; end; Procedure Writeln(S:String); begin Write(S+#10+#13); end; Function RandomCase(S:String):String; Var B:Byte; begin For B:=1 to Length(S) do if random>0.5 then S[B]:=LoCase(S[B]) else S[B]:=UpCase(S[B]); RandomCase:=S; end; Function RandomColor(S:String):String; var B:Byte; begin For B:=Length(S) downto 1 do if Random>0.5 then Insert('`3',S,B) else Insert('`B',S,B); RandomColor:=S; end; Function RainBow(S:String;A:Byte):String; Begin If A 0 do begin Remainder := Number mod BaseZ; Number := Number div BaseZ; case Remainder of 0..9: BaseZNumber := Char (Remainder + Ord ('0')) + BaseZNumber; 10..36: BaseZNumber := Char (Remainder - 10 + Ord ('A')) + BaseZNumber; end; end; end; Procedure SwapStr(Var A,B:String); var C:String; begin C:=A; A:=B; B:=C; end; {$IFDEF XXX} Type Registers = record case Integer of 0: (AX,BX,CX,DX,BP,SI,DI,DS,ES,Flags: Word); 1: (AL,AH,BL,BH,CL,CH,DL,DH: Byte); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF OS2} FUNCTION NetworkDrive (Drive:CHAR):BOOLEAN; {$Ifdef windows} var reg:Tregisters; {$else} var Reg:Registers; {$endif} var DosErrorCode:Word; BEGIN Drive := UpCase (Drive); { Drive _must_ be 'A'..'Z' } IF (Drive IN ['A'..'Z']) THEN BEGIN { make sure of 'A'..'Z' } Reg.BL := ORD(Drive) - 64; { 1 = A:, 2 = B:, 3 = C: etc. } Reg.AX := $4409; { Dos fn: check if dev remote } MsDos (Reg); { call Dos' services } IF ODD(Reg.FLAGS) THEN { Dos reports function error? } DosErrorCode := Reg.AX { yes: return Dos' error code } ELSE BEGIN { else ... } DosErrorCode := 0; { 0 = no error was detected } IF ODD(Reg.DX SHR 12) THEN { is Drive remote? } NetworkDrive := TRUE { yes: return TRUE } ELSE NetworkDrive := FALSE; { no: return FALSE } {END IF ODD(Reg.DX...} END; {IF ODD(Reg.FLAGS)} END; {IF Drive} END {NetworkDrive}; {$ENDIF} Function SizeofFile(S:String):LongInt; var F:File; begin Assign(F,S); FileMode:=0; Reset(F,1); SizeOfFile:=FileSize(F); Close(F); end; Function ActualFileSize:LongInt; var F:File; begin ActualFileSize:=SizeOfFile(ParamStr(0)); end; Procedure Lines50; Assembler; ASM MOV AH, 11H MOV AL, 12H MOV BL, 0 INT 10H END; Procedure Lines25; Assembler; ASM MOV AH, 11H MOV AL, 14H MOV BL, 0 INT 10H END; Procedure Lines35; Assembler; ASM MOV AH, 11H MOV AL, 11H MOV BL, 0 INT 10H END; Procedure Lines(S:String); Begin If Val(S)=50 then Lines50; If Val(S)=25 then Lines25; If Val(S)=35 then Lines35; End; Function Strip_(S:String):String; var B:Byte; begin For B:=1 to length(S) do if S[B]='_' then S[B]:=' '; Strip_:=S; end; Function Del(S:String; Index:Integer; Count:Integer):String; begin Delete(S,Index,Count); Del:=S; end; Function WhatDir:String; var s:String; begin GetDir(0,s); whatdir:=s; end; Function Str(X:integer):String; var S:String; Begin System.Str(X,S); Str:=S; End; Function StrL(X:LongInt):String; var S:String; Begin System.Str(X,S); StrL:=S; End; Function StrW(X:word):String; var S:String; Begin System.Str(X,S); StrW:=S; End; Function StrR(X:Real):String; var S:String; Begin System.Str(X,S); StrR:=S; End; Function Val(S:String):Integer; var A,B:Integer; begin System.Val(S,A,B); If B=0 then Val:=A else begin Val:=0; UError:=B; End; end; Function ValW(S:String):Word; var B:Integer; A:Word; begin System.Val(S,A,B); If B=0 then ValW:=A else begin ValW:=0; UError:=B; End; end; Function ValL(S:String):longint; var B:integer; A:longint; begin System.Val(S,A,B); If B=0 then Vall:=A else begin Vall:=0; UError:=B; End; end; Function Upstring(S:String):String; var I:Byte; begin for i := 1 to Length(s) do s[i] := UpCase(s[i]); Upstring:=S; end; Function LoCase(C:Char):Char; begin If (Ord(C)>64) and (Ord(C)<91) then LoCase:=Char(Ord(C)+32) else LoCase:=C; end; Function LoString(S:String):String; var I:Byte; begin for i := 1 to Length(s) do s[i] := LoCase(s[i]); Lostring:=S; end; Function NameCaps(S:String):String; var I:byte; begin S:=LoString(S); S[1]:=UpCase(S[1]); For I:=1 to Length(S) do If S[I]=' ' then if I ''); end; { FileExists } Function Center(S:String; B:Byte):String; var A:Byte; Begin Repeat A:=Length(S) div 2; If A<(B Div 2) then S:=' '+S+' '; Until (Length(S) div 2)>=((B) Div 2); If Length(S)=((B)); While Length(S)>B do Delete(S,Length(S),1); Left:=S; End; Function PadRight(S:String; B:Byte; C:Char):String; var A:Byte; Begin Repeat A:=Length(S); If A=(B)); PadRight:=S; End; Function Right(S:String; B:Byte):String; Begin Right:=PadRight(S,B,' '); End; Function Rep(S:String; C:Word):String; var W:Word; T:String; begin T:=''; For W:=1 to C do T:=T+S; Rep:=T; end; Function StrBool(S:String):Boolean; begin S:=UpString(S); StrBool:=(Pos('T',S)>0); end; FUNCTION TempFile( Path: STRING ): STRING; VAR {$IFDEF WINDOWS} DateStr : TDateTime; {$ELSE} DateStr : DateTime; {$ENDIF} Trash : WORD; Time : LONGINT; FileName : STRING; Begin If (Path<>'') AND (Path[length(Path)]<>'\') Then Path := Path + '\'; Repeat With DateStr Do Begin GETDATE( Year, Month, Day, Trash ); GETTIME( Hour, Min, Sec, Trash ); End; PackTime( DateStr, Time ); {$R-,Q-} System.Str(Time,Filename); FileName := Copy(Filename,1,8); FileName := Filename+'.$$$'; {$R+,Q+} Until Not FileExists(Path + FileName); TempFile := Path + FileName; END; Function WordWrap(S:String; Var Remainder:String; Len:Byte):String; Var W:String; I:Integer; begin If S[1]=' ' then delete(S,1,1); If Length(S)<=Len then begin WordWrap:=S; Remainder:=''; Exit; end; For I:=Len downto 1 do begin If S[I]=' ' then begin WordWrap:=Copy(S,1,I); Remainder:=Copy(S,I,Length(S)-I+1); Exit; end; end; end; Function AN(S:String):String; begin While S[1]=' ' do delete(S,1,1); If UPCASE(S[1]) IN ['A','E','I','O','U'] THEN INSERT('an ',S,1) ELSE INSERT('a ',S,1); AN:=S; end; Function LastDrive: Char; Assembler; Asm mov ah, 19h int 21h push ax { save default drive } mov ah, 0Eh mov dl, 19h int 21h mov cl, al dec cx @@CheckDrive: mov ah, 0Eh { check if drive valid } mov dl, cl int 21h mov ah, 19h int 21h cmp cl, al je @@Valid dec cl { check next lovest drive number } jmp @@CheckDrive @@Valid: pop ax mov dl, al mov ah, 0Eh int 21h { restore default drive } mov al, cl add al, 'A' end; Function LongToHex(L:Longint):String; var S:string; begin ConvertBase(10,StrL(L),16,S); LongToHex:=S; end; End.