Program ThreePoints_TwoPoints; { I Really appreciate ya helping me With this 3 points on a circle problem. The only thing is that I still can't get it to work. I've tried the Program you gave me and it spits out the wrong answers. I don't know if there are parentheses in the wrong place or what. Maybe you can find the error. You'll see that I've inserted True coordinates For this test. Thank you once again...and please, when you get any more information on this me collect person to person or leave it on my BBS. I get the turbo pascal echo from a California BBS and that sure is long distance. Getting a good pascal Procedure For this is important to me because I am using it in a soon to be released math Program called Mr. Machinist! I've been racking my brain about this for 2 weeks now and I've even been dream'in about it! Your help is appreciated!!! + +AL+ (716) 434-7823 Voice (716) 434-1448 BBS ... if none of these, then leave Program on TP echo. } Uses Crt; Const x1 = 4.0642982; y1 = 0.9080732; x2 = 1.6679862; y2 = 2.8485684; x3 = 4.0996421; y3 = 0.4589868; Var Selection : Integer; Procedure ThreePoints; Var Slope1, Slope2, Mid1x, Mid1y, Mid2x, Mid2y, Cx, Cy, Radius : Real; begin ClrScr; Writeln('3 points on a circle'); Writeln('===================='); Writeln; Writeln('X1 -> 4.0642982'); Writeln('Y1 -> 0.9080732'); Writeln; Writeln('X2 -> 1.6679862'); Writeln('Y2 -> 2.8485684'); Writeln('X3 -> 4.0996421'); Writeln('Y3 -> 0.4589868'); Writeln; Slope1 := (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); Slope2 := (y3 - y2) / (x3 - x2); Mid1x := (x1 + x2) / 2; Mid1y := (y1 + y2) / 2; Mid2x := (x2 + x3) / 2; Mid2y := (y2 + y3) / 2; Slope1 := -1 * (1 / Slope1); Slope2 := -1 * (1 / Slope2); Cx := (Slope2 * x2 - y2 - Slope1 * x1 + y1) / (Slope1 - Slope2); Cy := Slope1 * (Cx + x1) - y1; { I believe you missed out on using Cx and Cy in next line, Radius := sqrt(((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2)) + ((y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2))); I think it should be . . . } Radius := Sqrt(Sqr((x1 - Cx) + (y1 - Cy))); Writeln; Writeln('X center line (Program answer) is ', Cx : 4 : 4); Writeln('Y center line (Program answer) is ', Cy : 4 : 4); Writeln('The radius (Program answer) is ', Radius : 4 : 4); Writeln; Writeln('True X center = 1.7500'); Writeln('True Y center = 0.5000'); Writeln('True Radius = 2.3500'); Writeln('Strike any key to continue . . .'); ReadKey; end; Procedure Distance2Points; Var x1, y1, x2, y2, Distance : Real; begin ClrScr; Writeln('Distance between 2 points'); Writeln('========================='); Writeln; Write('X1 -> '); Readln(x1); Write('Y1 -> '); Readln(y1); Writeln; Write('X2 -> '); Readln(x2); Write('Y2 -> '); Readln(y2); Writeln; Writeln; Distance := Sqrt((Sqr(x2 - x1)) + (Sqr(y2 - y1))); Writeln('Distance between point 1 and point 2 = ', Distance : 4 : 4); Writeln; Writeln('Strike any key to continue . . .'); ReadKey; end; begin ClrScr; Writeln; Writeln; Writeln('1) Distance between 2 points'); Writeln('2) 3 points on a circle test Program'); Writeln('0) Quit'); Writeln; Write('Choose a menu number: '); Readln(Selection); Case Selection of 1 : Distance2Points; 2 : ThreePoints; end; ClrScr; end.