Program PYTHAGOREAN_TRIPLES; {written by Mark Lewis, April 1, 1990} {developed and written in Turbo Pascal v3.0} Const hicnt = 100; ZERO = 0; Type PythagPtr = ^PythagRec; {Pointer to find the Record} PythagRec = Record {the Record we are storing} A : Real; B : Real; C : Real; total : Real; next : PythagPtr {Pointer to next Record in line} end; Var Root : PythagPtr; {the starting point} QUIT : Boolean; ch : Char; Procedure listdispose(Var root : pythagptr); Var holder : pythagptr; begin if root <> nil then {if we have Records in the list} Repeat {...} holder := root^.next; {save location of next Record} dispose(root); {remove this Record} root := holder; {go to next Record} Until root = nil; {Until they are all gone} end; Procedure findpythag(Var root : pythagptr); Var x,y,z,stored : Integer; xy,zz,xx,yy : Real; abandon : Boolean; workrec : pythagrec; last,current : pythagptr; begin stored := zero; {init count at ZERO} For z := 1 to hicnt do {start loop 3} begin zz := sqr(z); {square loop counter} if zz < zero then zz := 65536.0 + zz; {twiddle For negatives} For y := 1 to hicnt do {start loop 2} begin yy := sqr(y); {square loop counter} if yy < zero then yy := 65536.0 + yy; {twiddle For negatives} For x := 1 to hicnt do {start loop 1} begin abandon := False; {keep this one} xx := sqr(x); {square loop counter} xy := xx + yy; {add sqr(loop2) and sqr(loop1)} if not ((xy <> zz) or ((xy = zz) and (xy = 1.0))) then begin With workrec do begin a := x; {put them into our storage Record} b := y; c := z; total := zz; end; if root = nil then {is this the first Record?} begin new(root); {allocate space} := nil; {anchor the Record} root^ := workrec; {store it} stored := succ(stored); {how many found?} end else {this is not the first Record} begin current := root; {save where we are now} Repeat {walk Records looking For dups} if (current^.total = then abandon := True; {is this one a dup?}{abandon it} last := current; {save where we are} current := current^.next {go to next Record} Until (current = nil) or abandon; if not abandon then {save this one?} begin {we're going to INSERT this Record into the} {line between the ones greater than and less} {than the A Var in the Record} {ie: 5,12,13 goes between 3,4,5 and 6,8,10} if root^.a > workrec.a then begin new(root); {allocate mem For this one} := last; {point to next rec} root^ := workrec; {save this one} stored := succ(stored); {how many found?} end else {insert between last^.next and current} begin new(last^.next); {allocate memory} := current; {point to current} last^.next^ := workrec; {save this one} stored := succ(stored); {how many found?} end; end; end; end; end; end; end; Writeln('I have found and stored ',stored,' Pythagorean Triples.'); end; Procedure showRecord(workrec : pythagrec); begin With workrec do begin Writeln('A = ',a:6:0,' ',sqr(a):6:0); Writeln('B = ',b:6:0,' ',sqr(b):6:0,' ',sqr(a)+sqr(b):6:0); Writeln('C = ',c:6:0,' ',sqr(c):6:0,' <-^'); end end; Procedure viewlist(root : pythagptr); Var i : Integer; current : pythagptr; begin if root = nil then begin Writeln('<< Your list is empty! >>'); Write('>> Press (CR) to continue: '); readln; end else begin Writeln('Viewing Records'); current := root; While current <> nil do begin showRecord(current^); Write('Press (CR) to view next Record. . . '); readln; current := current^.next end; end end; begin Writeln('PYTHAGOREAN TRIPLES'); Writeln('-------------------'); Writeln; Writeln('Remember the formula For a Right Triangle?'); Writeln('A squared + B squared = C squared'); Writeln; Writeln('I call the set of numbers that fits this formula'); Writeln(' Pythagorean Triples'); Writeln; Writeln('This Program Uses a "brute force" method of finding all'); Writeln('the Pythagorean Triples between 1 and 100'); Writeln; root := nil; quit := False; Repeat Writeln('Command -> [F]ind, [V]iew, [D]ispose, [Q]uit '); readln(ch); Case ch of 'q','Q' : quit := True; 'f','F' : findpythag(root); 'v','V' : viewlist(root); 'd','D' : listdispose(root); end; Until quit; if root <> nil then listdispose(root); Writeln('Normal Program Termination'); end.