{ Updated NUMBERS.SWG on November 2, 1993 } { LOU DUCHEZ Hey everybody! This unit performs calculus operations via basic numerical methods : integrals, derivatives, and extrema. By Lou DuChez. I don't want any money for this; please just leave my name in the source code somewhere, since this is the closest I'll ever get to being famous. All functions return real values. The last parameter in each function is a pointer to a "real" function that takes a single "real" parameter: for example, y(x). See prior message to Timothy C. Novak for sample prog } unit calculus; interface function integral(a, b, h : real; f : pointer) : real; function derivative(x, dx : real; f : pointer) : real; function extremum(x, dx, tolerance : real; f : pointer) : real; implementation type fofx = function(x : real) : real; { needed for function-evaluating } function integral(a, b, h : real; f : pointer) : real; var x, summation : real; y : fofx; begin { Integrates function from a to b, } @y := f; { by approximating function with } summation := 0; { rectangles of width h. } x := a + h/2; while x < b do begin { Answer is sum of rectangle areas, } summation := summation + h*y(x); { each area being h*y(x). X is at } x := x + h; { the middle of the rectangle. } end; integral := summation; end; function derivative(x, dx : real; f : pointer) : real; var y : fofx; begin { Derivative of function at x: delta y over delta x } @y := f; { You supply x & delta x } derivative := (y(x + dx/2) - y(x - dx/2)) / dx; end; function extremum(x, dx, tolerance : real; f : pointer) : real; { This function uses DuChez's Method for finding extrema of a function (yes, I seem to have invented it): taking three points, finding the parabola that connects them, and hoping that an extremum of the function is near the vertex of the parabola. If not, at least you have a new "x" to try... X is the initial value to go extremum-hunting at; dx is how far on either side of x to look. "Tolerance" is a parameter: if two consecutive iterations provide x-values within "tolerance" of each other, the answer is the average of the two. } var y : fofx; gotanswer, increasing, decreasing : boolean; oldx : real; itercnt : word; begin @y := f; gotanswer := false; increasing := false; decreasing := false; itercnt := 1; repeat { repeat until you have answer } oldx := x; x := oldx - dx*(y(x+dx) - y(x-dx)) / { this monster is the new value } (2*(y(x+dx) - 2*y(x) + y(x-dx))); { of "x" based DuChez's Method } if abs(x - oldx) <= tolerance then gotanswer := true { within tolerance: got an answer } else if (x > oldx) then begin if decreasing then begin { If "x" is increasing but it } decreasing := false; { had been decreasing, we're } dx := dx/2; { oscillating around the answer. } end; { Cut "dx" in half to home in on } increasing := true; { the extremum. } end else if (x < oldx) then begin if increasing then begin { same thing here, except "x" } increasing := false; { is now decreasing but had } dx := dx/2; { been increasing } end; decreasing := true; end; until gotanswer; extremum := (x + oldx) / 2; { spit out answer } end; end. { I've put together a unit that does calculus. This unit could be used, for example, to approximate the area under a curve (like a circle). Because of the funny way my offline reader breaks up messages, I'm going to send you a "test" program first -- which just happens to calculate the area under a quarter circle -- then the following message (I hope) will be the unit source code. } program mathtest; uses calculus; var answer : real; {$F+} { WARNING! YOU NEED "FAR" FUNCTIONS! } function y(x : real) : real; begin y := 4 * sqrt(1 - x * x); end; begin writeln('Function: y = (1 - x^2)^(1/2) (i.e., top half of a circle)'); writeln; { Calc operations here are: } { Integrate function from 0 to 1, in increments of 0.001. A quarter circle. } { Get slope of function at 0 by evaluating points 0.01 away from each other. } { Find extremum of function, starting at 0.4, initially looking at points 0.1 on either side of 0.4, and not stopping until we have two x-values within 0.001 of each other. } answer := integral(0, 1, 0.001, @y); writeln('Integ: ', answer:13:9); answer := derivative (0, 0.01, @y); writeln('Deriv: ', answer:13:9); answer := extremum(0.4, 0.1, 0.001, @y); writeln('Extrm: ', answer:13:9); end.