Procedure Power(Var Num,Togo,Sofar:LongInt); Begin If Togo = 0 then Exit; If Sofar = 0 then Sofar := num Else Sofar := Sofar*Num; Togo := Togo-1; Power(Num,Togo,Sofar) End; { While this is programatically elegant, an iterative routine would be more efficient: } function power(base,exponent:longint):longint; var absexp,temp,loop:longint; begin power := 0; { error } if exponent > 0 then exit; temp := 1; for loop := 1 to exponent do temp := temp * base; power := temp; end; { Well it all looks nice, but this is problably the easiest way } function Power(base,p : real): real; { compute base^p, with base>0 } begin power := exp(p*log(base)) end;