unit Eval; interface function ExpValue (ExpLine : string; var Error : boolean) : real; implementation function ExpValue (ExpLine : string; var Error : boolean) : real; var Index : integer; Ltr : char; NextLtr : char; Token : char; TokenValue : real; procedure GetLtr; begin {GetLtr} Ltr := NextLtr; if Index < length (ExpLine) then begin Index := succ (Index); NextLtr := ExpLine [Index]; end else begin NextLtr := '%'; end; end; procedure GetToken; procedure GetNum; var Str : string; E : integer; begin Str := '0'+Ltr; {Avoids problems if first char is '.'} while NextLtr in ['0'..'9'] do begin GetLtr; Str := Str + Ltr; end; {while} if NextLtr = '.' then begin GetLtr; Str := Str + Ltr; while NextLtr in ['0'..'9'] do begin GetLtr; Str := Str + Ltr; end; {while} Str := Str + '0'; {Avoids problems if last char is '.'} end; val (Str,TokenValue,E); Error := E <> 0; end; begin {GetToken} GetLtr; while Ltr = ' ' do GetLtr; if Ltr in ['0'..'9','.'] then begin GetNum; Token := '#'; end else begin Token := Ltr; end; end; function Expression : real; var IExp : real; function Term : real; var ITerm : real; TFact : real; function Factor : real; var IFact : real; begin {Factor} case Token of '(' : begin GetToken; IFact := Expression; if Token <> ')' then Error := true; end; '#' : begin IFact := TokenValue; end; else Error := true; end; Factor := IFact; GetToken; end; begin {Term} if Token = '-' then begin GetToken; ITerm := -Factor; end else begin if Token = '+' then begin GetToken; end; ITerm := Factor; end; if not Error then begin while Token in ['*','/'] do begin case Token of '*' : begin GetToken; ITerm := ITerm * Factor; end; '/' : begin GetToken; TFact := Factor; if TFact <> 0 then begin ITerm := ITerm / TFact; end else begin Error := true; end; end; end; {case} end; {while} end; {if} Term := ITerm; end; {Term} begin {Expression} IExp := Term; if not Error then begin while Token in ['+','-'] do begin case Token of '+' : begin GetToken; IExp := IExp + Term; end; '-' : begin GetToken; IExp := IExp - Term; end; end; {case} end; {while} end; {if} Expression := IExp; end; {Expression} begin {ExpValue}; Error := false; Index := 0; NextLtr := ' '; GetLtr; GetToken; if Token = '%' then begin ExpValue := 0.0; end else begin ExpValue := Expression; if Token <> '%' then Error := true; end; end; end. { -------------------------------- DEMO --------------------- } Program Evaluate; (* 10/1189 *) (* Uploaded by Pat Dant *) (* Based on the Pascal Unit Eval that allows you to take a string and perform a recurssive math function on the string resulting in a real answer. This Exe version allows the command line argument to be the string and will print the answer on the screen at the current cursor position.*) (* ExpValue unit is designed by Don McIver in his very well written program SCB Checkbook Program. Currently version 4.2.*) Uses Dos, Crt, Eval; const EvalStrPos = 1; var EvalString : string; Answer : real; EvalError : Boolean; begin ClrScr; Answer := 0; EvalError := False; Answer := ExpValue(ParamStr(EvalStrPos),EvalError ); if EvalError then begin Writeln('Error in Command Line Format : ',Answer:8:2); Halt; end; Write(Answer:8:2); end.