{ > I'm currently working on a small program for a Turbo Pascal class > I am taking. The assignment is to write a program that solves a system > of equations via Cramer's Rule. For example: > > 4x - 3y + 9z = 21 > 5x - 43y - 3z = 45 > 34x - 394y + 32z = 9 > > and then find values for x, y, and z. > > Now this is no problem: I simply get input into a 3 x 4 array, which > would look like this for the sample above: > > 4 -3 9 21 > 5 -43 -3 45 > 34 -394 32 9 > > The problem I am having is getting this input from the user. Now I > have thought of a few ways to accomplish this, namely: > > (1) Ask the user to enter the coefficients and the answer on a line and > hit return, and do this for each equation--this method allows me to put the > data directly into the array. > > (2) Give a rigid example of how and where to enter the equation, for > example #####x(sign)#####y(sign)#####z = ##### > so I know where to read for the values to put into the array. > > (3) Possibly use the Val procedure and ask the user to input all number > as in #1, but separate the numbers with dashes. > > (4) Possibly convert string values to their ascii equivalent, and see if > they are numbers, turning non numbers into spaces. > > But, what I would rather do is to prompt the user for the whole equation > and have him/her type it out naturally and then pick the numbers out of > it to put into the 3x4 array. Example: > > Enter equation #1: > 3x + 4y - 8z = 45 > ... > > This would seem to require storing the input as a string, and as far > as I know, you can't pick values of a string (except in a limited sense > with the Val function as touched upon above). But I think that it has > to be possible for me to process a naturally typed out equation! And I > would appreciate pointers to that effect. The following code, written in Turbo Pascal 6, should do what you want. You may want to test it more thoroughly than I did, and tidy up the code a bit. It checks for validity of input. Values are stored as reals. It reads in the equation, and puts the values into the global array eq_array. } program input_equations(input, output); type eq_string = string[40]; var instr :eq_string; eq_array :array [1..3, 1..4] of real; eq_num :byte; x, y, z, answer :real; eq_ok :boolean; procedure prepare_equation_string (var s :eq_string); { Removes spaces and converts all letter to upper case } var tempstr :eq_string; n :byte; begin tempstr := ''; for n := 1 to length(s) do if s[n] <> ' ' then tempstr := tempstr + upcase(s[n]); s := tempstr end; function get_arguments (s :eq_string; var a1, a2, a3 :eq_string) :boolean; { Splits equation into argument. eg, if s='3X+4Y-Z', then a1='3X', a2='+4Y', a3='-Z'. If any argument is blank, or there are more than 3 arguments, returns FALSE, otherwise returns TRUE } function next_arg (s :eq_string) :eq_string; var n :byte; begin n := 2; while (n <= length(s)) and not (s[n] in ['+', '-']) do inc (n); next_arg := copy (s, 1, n-1); end; begin a1 := next_arg (s); delete (s, 1, length(a1)); a2 := next_arg (s); delete (s, 1, length(a2)); a3 := next_arg (s); delete (s, 1, length(a3)); get_arguments := ((length(a1)*length(a2)*length(a3)) > 0) and (s = '') end; function assign_values (var x, y, z :real; a1, a2, a3 :eq_string) :boolean; var x_assigned, y_assigned, z_assigned, ok_so_far :boolean; function assign_value (s :eq_string) :boolean; var id :char; value :real; resultcode :integer; ok :boolean; begin id := s[length(s)]; delete (s, length(s), 1); if (s = '') or (s = '+') then s := '1'; if s = '-' then s := '-1'; val (s, value, resultcode); ok := (resultcode = 0); case id of 'X' : begin x := value; x_assigned := true end; 'Y' : begin y := value; y_assigned := true end; 'Z' : begin z := value; z_assigned := true end else ok := false end; assign_value := ok end; begin x_assigned := false; y_assigned := false; z_assigned := false; ok_so_far := assign_value (a1); ok_so_far := ok_so_far and assign_value (a2); ok_so_far := ok_so_far and assign_value (a3); assign_values := ok_so_far and x_assigned and y_assigned and z_assigned; end; function extract_values(s : eq_string; var x, y, z, ans : real) : boolean; var ok_so_far : boolean; n : byte; lhs, rhs, a1, a2, a3 : eq_string; resultcode : integer; begin ok_so_far := true; prepare_equation_string(s); n := pos ('=', s); if n = 0 then ok_so_far := false { No = in equation } else begin rhs := copy (s, n+1, length(s)-n); if pos ('=', rhs) > 0 then ok_so_far := false { More than one = in equation } else begin lhs := copy (s, 1, n-1); if (lhs = '') or (rhs = '') then ok_so_far := false { At least one side of equation } else { is blank } begin ok_so_far := get_arguments (lhs, a1, a2, a3); ok_so_far := ok_so_far and assign_values (x, y, z, a1, a2, a3); val (rhs, ans, resultcode); ok_so_far := ok_so_far and (resultcode = 0) end; end; end; extract_values := ok_so_far; end; begin for eq_num := 1 to 3 do begin repeat write ('Equation ', eq_num, ': '); readln (instr); eq_ok := extract_values (instr, x, y, z, answer); if not eq_ok then writeln ('Equation not in suitable format, try again'); until eq_ok; eq_array [eq_num, 1] := x; eq_array [eq_num, 2] := y; eq_array [eq_num, 3] := z; eq_array [eq_num, 4] := answer; end; end.