{ Any navigators out there? I need formulas or source code to calculate the distance between two points given the latitude and longitude of each point. I'm trying to write some support software for my Sony Pyxis GPS (global positioning system). } Procedure Dist( Var xlat1,xlon1,xlat2,xlon2,xdist,ydist,distance : Real); { Returns the distance ( in km ) between two points on a tangent plane on the earth. } Const Km = 111.19; C1 = 0.017453292; Var Xmlat, cosm, Adist : Real; Begin { Dist } { Calculate cos of mean latitude } Xmlat := (xlat1+xlat2)/2; cosm := cos(xmlat*C1); { Calculate Y (N-S) distance } ydist := (xlat2-xlat1)*km; { Calculate X (E-W) distance } xdist := (xlon2-xlon1)*km*cosm; { Calculate total distance } adist := xdist*xdist + ydist*ydist; If adist >= 0 then distance := sqrt(adist) Else distance := 0; End; { Dist } This is one I use in some wind calculations for an aircraft fitted with GPS and LORAN-C. Note that all Latitude And Longitudes are in Degrees with minutes and seconds converted to decimal degrees.