{ I'm studying pascal on my own and was given an assignment to determine if a positive number is prime. This was in a chapter where functions were discussed. I've struggled with this problem for a week and have given up. The following code is the best I can come up with. It is not correct. Would someone please evaluate this and tell me what is wrong with it? } PROGRAM PrimeNumbers; { Exercise to determine if a positive number is a prime } VAR x : WORD; FUNCTION prime (p : WORD) : BOOLEAN; BEGIN { Prime } prime := (p MOD 2 <> 0) AND (p MOD 3 <> 0) AND (p MOD 5 <> 0) END; { Prime } BEGIN { Main } REPEAT WRITE ('Enter a positive number. 0 to quit: '); READLN (x); IF prime (x) THEN WRITELN (x, ' is a prime number') ELSE WRITELN (x, ' is NOT prime'); UNTIL x = 0 END. { Main }