{ Hi Gayle. Got a couple of routines here for you. These are calculation routines to find an accurate percentage between two given numbers. While they are quite simple, perhaps they will help anyone who is just starting out. { the following procedure will calculate the percentage between two given numbers, and report the percentage in a string. } type string10=string[10]; function calc_p1(num1,num2:integer):string10; var z:real; out1:string[10]; begin out1:=' 0'; if num1=0 then exit; if num2=0 then exit; z:=num1/num2; str(z:2:2,out1); if out1='1.00' then begin out1:='100'; calc_p1:=out1; exit; end; delete(out1,1,2); if out1[1]='0' then delete(out1,1,1); while length(out1)<2 do insert(' ',out1,1); if out1='0' then out1:='100'; if out1='' then out1:='0'; calc_p1:=out1; end; { this procedure does the same thing, but breaks the percentage down to a tenth of a percentage (ie. 10.5% 99.98%, etc.) } function calc_p2(num1,num2:integer):string10; var z:real; out1:string[10]; begin out1:=' -0- '; if num1=0 then exit; if num2=0 then exit; z:=num1 / num2; str(z:2:3,out1); delete(out1,1,2); if copy(out1,1,2)='00' then begin delete(out1,1,2); insert('.',out1,1); end else if copy(out1,1,1)='0' then begin delete(out1,1,1); insert('.',out1,2); end else insert('.',out1,3); if out1='.0' then out1:='100.00'; calc_p2:=out1; end; begin writeln('calc_p1: 50 into 100 is ',calc_p1(50,100),'%'); writeln('calc_p2: 67 into 161 is ',calc_p2(67,161),'%'); end.