{ >Samiel (samiel@fastlane.net) wrote: >: Here's my fast and elegant code... snarf it and add it to SWAG... >: >: {**************************************************************** >: Perfect Numbers... >: >: A Perfect number is a number whose divisors not including the original >: number add up to the original number. An example is 6, 6=3*2*1=3+2+1 >: and 28, 28=14*7*4*2*1=14+7+4+2+1. The definition of a Perfect number >: can also be defined as, >: 2^(p-1)*(2^p-1) where p is prime and 2^p-1 is a Mersenne prime... >: >: A Mersenne prime is defined as, >: 2^p-1 where p is prime and 2^p-1 is prime, so 2^2-1=3 is a Mersenne >: prime where p is 2, and 2^3-1=5 is a Mersenne prime where p is 3. >: >: Mersenne primes under 2^32 (32-bit) are: >: [2] -> 3 >: [3] -> 7 >: [5] -> 31 >: [7] -> 127 >: [13] -> 8191 >: [17] -> 131071 >: [19] -> 524287 >: [31] -> 2147483647 >: >: (Values of p are in braces []) >: >: The Perfect numbers under 2^32 are: >: Perfect numbers... >: [2] 6 >: [3] 28 >: [5] 496 >: [7] 8128 >: [13] 33550336 >: >: (Values of p are in braces []) >: >: Here is my code... >: >: ****************************************************************} PROGRAM Perfect; {Computes Perfect Numbers...} VAR tmp,num:longint; {Long Integer signed 32-bit (31-bit on each side)} j,k:byte; { Slow? Fast? way to find primes, dividing by odd numbers } Function IsPrime(num:longint):boolean; Var tmp:boolean; j:longint; Begin tmp:=true; if num mod 2=0 then tmp:=false; for j:=3 to round(sqrt(num)) do if odd(j) then if num mod j=0 then tmp:=false; if num=2 then tmp:=true; IsPrime:=tmp; End; BEGIN tmp:=2; {2^1} writeln('Perfect numbers...'); for j:=2 to 31 do begin tmp:=tmp*2; {Raise 2 to another power} if IsPrime(j) then begin num:=tmp-1; if IsPrime(num) then begin num:=num*(tmp div 2); writeln(num:1,' is perfect'); {Ignore negatives} end; end; end; END. >: - Samiel >: samiel@fastlane.net >: http://www.fastlane.net/~samiel >: >Considering that 2^859433-1 is prime(and is the largest known prime), there >are obviously better methods. Use the Lucas-Lehmer test. >B(n+1) = B(n)^2 - 2 mod (2^p-1) where B(0)=4 >if B(n-1) = 0 then 2^p-1 is prime. The division is a special case and is >done easily because of the all ONE's when 2^p-1 is written in binary. All >that is necessary is a fast implementation of multiplication and this can >be done with FFT's. >See http://www.utm.edu/research/primes/mersenne.shtml >or for software >http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/justforfun/prime.htm Well, considering we are looking at numbers under 32 bits, your code would probably not get done as fast as mine, though in the long run, (say over 64 bits or so) it would. All the FFT's and rather long multiplication would slow it down considerably. Even if you could get a really fast implementation of FFT's and multiplications, we're talking about a net savings of about .625 seconds or so with numbers under 32 bits on a computer with a Math Processor... so mine's good enough... although a few of multiplications could be taken out... - Samiel samiel@fastlane.net http://www.fastlane.net/~samiel