(* Daniel Doubrovkine - dblock@infomaniak.ch part of the Expression Calculator 2.0 Multithread, destribute freely http://www.infomaniak.ch/~dblock/express.htm (ref. Wanner / Hairer - Analysis by it's History - University of Geneva) calculating a factor of any defined value inclusing negative and positive non integers! using Euler's (another swiss guy) Gamma function: n!=Gamma(n+1) and (n-1)!=Gamma(n)/(n-1) for negative values Gamma(Alpha):=Integral zero->infinity of x^(Alpha-1)*E^-x in GammaIntegral function TOTAL PRECISION (not just approx!) is reached by calculating an integral from 0 to 100 with a step if 0.01 from Gamma(4) *) function Gamma(alpha,step:extended):extended; function GammaIntegral(alpha:extended):extended; (*x^y:=e^(y*ln(x));*) function Power(base, exponent: extended): extended; begin Power:=exp(exponent*ln(base)); end; function IntegralStep(x: extended):extended; begin (*Gamma Integral Step...just to have less mess*) IntegralStep:=power(x,alpha-1)/power(Exp(1),x); end; (*Gamma Integral*) var GammaTempIntegral:extended; l: extended; begin l:=0; GammaTempIntegral:=0; while l<100 do begin l:=l+Step; GammaTempIntegral:=GammaTempIntegral+IntegralStep(l)*step; end; GammaIntegral:=GammaTempIntegral; end; (*Gamma*) var NewGamma: extended; i: integer; begin if (alpha<=0) then begin if (trunc(alpha)=alpha) then begin writeln('factor results to infinite value'); halt; end else begin NewGamma:=GammaIntegral(abs(1+frac(alpha))+1); for i:=0 to trunc(abs(alpha))-1 do begin NewGamma:=NewGamma/(frac(alpha)-i); end; Gamma:=NewGamma; exit; end end else begin (*the following values return trailing decimals, this corrects it*) if alpha=1 then Gamma:=1 else if alpha=2 then Gamma:=1 else if alpha=3 then Gamma:=2 else Gamma:=GammaIntegral(alpha); end end; function Factor(n: extended):extended; begin Factor:=Gamma(n+1,0.01); end; begin writeln(Factor(6):0); end.