Program SinCosFilter; {Salvatore Meschini E-Mail: - Check this:} {Original idea: Dirty Abe (Albert Veli)} {The following program ins't optimized (lookup tables,assembler...) because it only show how to write a filter with sin/cos. Just an idea :) } {Press ESC to quit - OTHER keys to browse filters} {Useful routines: Keypressed/GetPixel/SetPixel/GetKey/CyclePal/Get&SetPal/ vretrace} const kx=2*pi/320; ky=2*pi/200; var x,y:word; i,counter:byte; ch:char; function KeyPressed: Boolean; Assembler; {FASTEST keypressed replacement! No interrupts} asm mov ax, 40h mov es, ax mov dx, es:[1ah] mov bx, es:[1ch] xor ax, ax cmp dx, bx je @fine mov al, 1 @fine: end; procedure Putpixel(X, Y: word; Col: Byte); assembler; {Draw a point at x,y} asm mov ax,$A000 { 8 Cycles} mov es,ax { 2 } mov bx,[X] { 8 } mov dx,[Y] { 8 } mov di,bx { 2 } mov bx, dx { 2 } shl dx, 8 { 8 } shl bx, 6 { 8 } add dx, bx { 3 } add di, dx { 3 } mov al, [Col] { 8 } stosb { 11 } end; Function GetPixel(x,y:word):byte;Assembler; {Get color of pixel at x,y} asm mov ax,0a000h mov es,ax mov bx,y mov di,bx xchg bh,bl shl di,6 add di,bx add di,x mov al,[es:di] end; procedure Setmode(mode: byte); assembler; {Set graphical/text mode} asm xor ah,ah mov al,mode int 10h end; procedure Vretrace; assembler; {Wait for vertical retrace} label l1, l2; asm mov dx,3DAh l1: in al,dx and al,08h jnz l1 l2: in al,dx and al,08h jz l2 end; function GetKey: Char; {Get last keypressed} var AsciiK: byte; begin asm xor ah,ah int 16h mov asciik,al end; getkey := chr(asciik); end; Procedure SinCos; var col:byte; begin for x:=1 to 320 do for y:=1 to 200 do begin col:=round((sin(x*KX*0.5)*sin(y*KY*0.5))*(127-20)+128); putpixel(x,y,col); end; end; Procedure ApplyFilter; var col:byte; begin sincos; for x:=1 to 320 do for y:=1 to 200 do begin col:=getpixel(x,y); case counter of 0:col:=col + y - x ; 1:col:=col + round((sin(x*KX*10)*sin(y*KY*10))*20); 2:col:=col xor x xor y; 3:col:=col - round((cos(x*Ky*10)*cos(y*Kx*10))*2); 4:counter:=0; end; if col=0 then inc(col); putpixel(x,y,col); end; end; Procedure SetPal(ColorNo: Byte; R, G, B: Byte); begin Port[$3c8] := ColorNo; Port[$3c9] := R; Port[$3c9] := G; Port[$3c9] := B; end; procedure GetPal(ColorNo: Byte; var R, G, B: Byte); begin Port[$3c7] := ColorNo; R := Port[$3c9]; G := Port[$3c9]; B := Port[$3c9]; end; Procedure CyclePal(startc,endc:byte); var j,r,g,b,r1,g1,b1:byte; begin getpal(startc,r1,b1,g1); for j:=startc to endc do begin getpal(j+1,r,g,b); setpal(j,r,g,b); end; setpal(endc,r1,b1,g1); end; begin setmode($13); {GoTo mode $13} for i:=1 to 170 do setpal(i,i,i or 32,i); {Set colors} for i:=171 to 255 do setpal(i,i or 32,i,i); applyfilter;{Apply custom filter to screen} repeat cyclepal(1,255); vretrace; if keypressed then begin ch:=getkey; if ch <> #27 then begin inc(counter); applyfilter; end; end; until ch=#27; {Press ESC to quit!} setmode(3); end.