{ HAGEN LEHMANN This Procedure flushes the SMARTDRV.EXE-cache. } Procedure FlushChache; Assembler; Asm mov ax,$4A10 mov bx,$0002 int $2F end; { MARCO MILTENBURG Flushing SmartDrive: It's written by Max Maischein (2:249/6.17) and Norbert Igl (2:2402/300.3), both from Germany (if I'm not mistaken). } Procedure FlushSD_sys; Far; Var F : File; B : Byte; begin Assign(F, 'SMARTAAR'); Reset(F); B := 0; Asm push ds mov ax, 04403h mov bx, FileRec(F).Handle mov cx, 1 int 21h pop ds end; end; Procedure FlushSD_exe; Far; begin Asm mov ax, 04A10h mov bx, 1 int 2Fh end; end;